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姓名 陳世強(Shih-Chiang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 以流程導向分析電動車電池供應鏈風陪
(Process-oriented Analysis of the Risk of Electric Vehicle Battery Supply Chain)
★ 應用MFM 與PPM 監控協同設計之執行流程★ 應用DSM與DRFT於汽車電子之協同開發流程
★ 一協同設計專案團隊組成方法- 以安全監視器產品為例★ 應用認知工程開發全球化光纖通訊系統
★ 羽絨產業策略規劃-應用品質機能展開分析法★ 重電業協同專案管理績效之研究-以變電所統包工程為例
★ 以屬性導向新產品開發之流程塑模與分析– 以醫療器材產業為案例★ 以品質機能展開法應用於主管管理職能之建構
★ 應用參考模型以及流程建模改善供應鏈績效-以投影機產業為例★ 協同產品開發之流程管理 - 以汽車零件為例
★ 配電系統之高壓電纜接頭供應商評選★ 應用品質機能展開於產品開發之流程分析-以刀鋒式伺服器為例
★ 實施精實六標準差改進製程良率-以機頂盒表面黏著技術為例★ 太陽能模組產業之決策營運研究
★ 新產品開發階段導入替代料之流程建模及潛在風險分析★ 應用實驗設計研發PET複合膜及改善厚膜翹曲問題
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摘要(中) 近年環保意識抬頭,面對歐美日等主要國家相繼宣布禁售燃油車目標期程,國際能源署IEA表示自2010年以來,電動汽車市場規模日益擴大,傳統汽柴油汽車的市占率有開始出現下降的趨勢,全球汽車產業正面臨革命性轉型,智能化與電動化的電動汽車將取代傳統燃油車,新能源車的成長,導致電池材料所需之金屬原料如鈷、鋰、銅、鎳等需求提升,因而衍生電動車原料供給不足或價格上漲之議題。電動車能否普及化的關鍵,除了造價之外,最主要的還是充電的問題,電池系統占整車成本的1/3,全球應正視電動車電池供應問題。
供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)是任何企業或組織不可或缺的一部分,對企業成功與顧客滿意度至關重要。供應鏈管理是對商品或服務相關流程的過程管理,將其轉化為最終產品並交付給最終客戶,以實現客戶價值最大化,獲得可持續的競爭優勢。隨著工業革命和互聯網信息的進步,企業開始全球化,全球化供應鏈管理應運而生。然而,供應鏈危機可能導致產品、服務、資金與企業聲譽出現巨大損失。因此,提前預測並規避存在的風險,制定相對應的應變措施,尋找降低供應鏈風險的途徑,是各大企業的首要任務。
本研究利用了業務流程模型標記法(Business Process Modeling Notation, BPMN)建立供應鏈風險管理流程建模。透過失效模式效應與關鍵性分析法(Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis, FMECA)對電動汽車電池供應鏈中的風險進行評估及衡量,再透過風險優先指數(RPN)來進行採取措施的優先順序,來達到控制供應鏈風險。
摘要(英) In recent years, environmental awareness has been rising, and major countries such as Europe, the United States, and Japan have successively announced targets for banning fuel-powered vehicles. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has stated that the market size of electric vehicles has been expanding since 2010, leading to a declining market share for traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles. The global automotive industry is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, with intelligent and electric vehicles replacing conventional fuel-powered cars. The growth of new energy vehicles has resulted in increased demand for metal raw materials such as cobalt, lithium, copper, and nickel, leading to concerns about insufficient supply or price increases of electric vehicle materials. The key to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, apart from cost, is primarily the issue of charging infrastructure. The battery system accounts for one-third of the vehicle′s cost, and the global community should address the issue of electric vehicle battery supply.
Supply chain management is an indispensable part of any enterprise or organization and crucial for business success and customer satisfaction. Supply chain management involves the process management of goods or services-related flows, transforming them into final products, and delivering them to end customers to maximize customer value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. With the progress of the industrial revolution and internet information, companies have begun to globalize, leading to the emergence of global supply chain management. However, supply chain crises can result in significant losses in products, services, funds, and corporate reputation.Therefore,anticipating and mitigating existing risks, implementing corresponding contingency measures, and finding ways to reduce supply chain risks are the top priorities for major enterprises.
This study utilizes the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) to establish a supply chain risk management process model. Through Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and criticality analysis, risks in the electric vehicle battery supply chain are assessed and measured. The Risk Priority Number (RPN) is then used to prioritize the implementation of measures in order to control supply chain risks.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電動車電池
★ 供應鏈管理
★ 風險管理
★ 失效模式與效應分析
關鍵字(英) ★ electric vehicle battery
★ supply chain management
★ risk management
★ failure mode and effects analysis
論文目次 摘要......................................................................................................................... i
Abstract .................................................................................................................. ii
目錄....................................................................................................................... iv
圖目錄................................................................................................................... vi
表目錄.................................................................................................................. vii
第一章 緒論.......................................................................................................... 1
1-1研究背景與動機 ..................................................................................... 1
1-2研究目的 ................................................................................................. 2
1-3章節架構 ................................................................................................. 3
第二章 文獻探討.................................................................................................. 4
2-1電動汽車探討 ......................................................................................... 4
2-1-1電動汽車BEV介紹 ............................................................................ 5
2-1-2電動汽車電池概況 .............................................................................. 6
2-1-3電動汽車電池供應鏈 .......................................................................... 7
2-2供應鏈風險管理 ..................................................................................... 9
2-2-1 供應鏈管理介紹 ................................................................................. 9
2-2-2 供應鏈管理策略 ............................................................................... 10
2-2-3 供應鏈風險識別、評估與緩解 ....................................................... 11
第三章 研究方法................................................................................................ 12
3-1 BPMN業務流程模型和標記法 ........................................................... 12
3-1-1 BPMN主要功能及目標.................................................................... 12
3-1-2 BPMN之主要組件與圖示................................................................ 14
3-1-3 BPMN之優勢.................................................................................... 19
3-2 失效模式效應與關鍵分析法 .............................................................. 20
3-2-1 失效模式效應與關鍵分析法介紹 ................................................... 20
3-2-2 失效模式效應與關鍵分析法說明 ................................................... 22
3-2-3失效模式效應與關鍵分析法優勢與缺點 ........................................ 25
第四章 方法應用................................................................................................ 27
4-1 流程架構描述 ...................................................................................... 27
4-2 導入BPMN業務流程模型和標記法 ................................................. 28
4-2-1 建構電動車供應鏈 ........................................................................... 28
4-2-2 建構電動車電池系統供應鏈 ........................................................... 30
4-2-3 建構電動車電池模組裝配 ............................................................... 32
4-2-4 建構鋰電池製造系統 ....................................................................... 34
4-2-5 建構電池原材料供應系統 ............................................................... 36
4-3導入失效模式效應與關鍵分析法 ....................................................... 38
4-3-1 識別失效模式並找出影響及原因 ................................................... 38
4-3-2 評估風險等級並計算風險優先級數 ............................................... 42
4-4 結果分析討論 ...................................................................................... 46
第五章 研究結論與建議.................................................................................... 47
5-1 研究結論 .............................................................................................. 47
5-2 未來研究建議 ...................................................................................... 48
參考文獻.............................................................................................................. 49
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指導教授 高信培(Hsing-Pei Kao) 審核日期 2023-6-27
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