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姓名 陳宥妤(You-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
(Job Insecurity and Attitudinal Work Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Guanxi)
★ Pay Transparency and Employee Engagement: the Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice★ Employee Value Proposition and Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Employee Engagement
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摘要(中) 受到科技蓬勃發展及疫情肆虐的影響,今日組織及員工面臨快速變動且充斥著不確

摘要(英) In today′s world, organizations and employees are dealing with a constantly changing and uncertain environment caused by technological progress and the pandemic. It is imperative for organizations to adjust to the external environment to maintain their competitiveness. However, such changes may cause employees to experience uncertainty regarding their job security. Furthermore, organizations are now recognizing the significance of employee retention by focusing on attitudinal work outcomes such as job satisfaction (JS) and turnover intention (TI). Utilizing social exchange theory (SET), this study examined the relationship between job insecurity (JI) and attitudinal work outcomes. Additionally, the moderating effect of Guanxi was explored. Data from 336 employees in Taiwan’s service sector were analyzed using hierarchical regression. The findings revealed that JI has a negative effect on JS but a positive effect on TI. Furthermore, CG was found to moderate the relationship between JI and TI. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications were
then discussed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工作不安全感
★ 工作滿意度
★ 離職傾向
★ 主管部屬關係
★ 同事關係
關鍵字(英) ★ Job insecurity
★ Job satisfaction
★ Turnover intention
★ Supervisor-subordinate Guanxi
★ Coworker Guanxi
論文目次 Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE AND HYPOTHESES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1 SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY (SET) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.2 JOB INSECURITY (JI) AND ATTITUDINAL WORK OUTCOMES --------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.2.1 JOB INSECURITY AND JOB SATISFACTION (JS)-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.2.2 JOB INSECURITY AND TURNOVER INTENTION (TI) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.3.1 SUPERVISOR-SUBORDINATE GUANXI (SSG) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.3.2 COWORKER GUANXI (CG) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
CHAPTER 3 METHODS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
3.1 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
3.2 SAMPLE AND PROCEDURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
3.3 MEASUREMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
3.3.1 INDEPENDENT VARIABLE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
JOB INSECURITY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
3.3.2 DEPENDENT VARIABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
JOB SATISFACTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
TURNOVER INTENTION-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
3.3.3 MODERATOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
SUPERVISOR-SUBORDINATE GUANXI -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
COWORKER GUANXI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
3.3.4 CONTROL VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
3.4 DATA ANALYSIS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
4.1 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
4.2 CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
4.3 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ANALYSIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
4.4 CORRELATION ANALYSIS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
4.5 REGRESSION ANALYSIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
5.1 DISCUSSION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28
5.2 THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
5.3 MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30
5.4 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE STUDIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31
REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
APPENDIX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

List of Tables
TABLE 1 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION OF RESPONDENTS ................................................................................. 15
TABLE 2 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................... 18
TABLE 3 CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 19
TABLE 4 VALIDITY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 21
TABLE 5 MODEL FIT SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 21
TABLE 6 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 22
TABLE 7 CORRELATION ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 24
TABLE 8 REGRESSION ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 26
TABLE 9 RESULTS OF HYPOTHESIS TESTING ...................................................................................................... 28

List of Figures
FIGURE 1 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................................................... 14
AND TURNOVER INTENTION ........................................................................................................................ 27
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指導教授 杜可婷(Kristine Velasquez Tuliao) 審核日期 2024-2-15
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