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姓名 朱凱莉(Kai-Li Zhu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 利用衛星資料探討西北太平洋地區颱風生成之雲微物理特性及降水特徵
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摘要(中) 西北太平洋(WNP)地區全年會形成數個熱帶低氣壓(TD),其中一些會增強為熱帶風暴(TS),而有些最終會消散。因此,本研究旨在瞭解其發展過程中的雲微物理和降水特性。我們使用了向日葵八號(Himawari-8)衛星和全球降水測量任務(GPM)衛星的資料,對2015年7月7日至2021年12月31日期間的194個熱帶氣旋進行統計分析,並分為TD消散組和TS發展組。通過選擇從風暴中心延伸六倍最大風半徑(RMW)的區域來研究熱帶氣旋發展的環境條件。
摘要(英) Several tropical depressions (TDs) form in the Western North Pacific (WNP) region throughout the year. While some of them intensify into tropical storms (TSs), others eventually dissipate. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics associated with the development of TDs by investigating cloud microphysics and precipitation properties. The analysis is based on data obtained from the Himawari-8 and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission satellites. A total of 194 tropical cyclones (TCs) occurring between July 7, 2015, and December 31, 2021, are statistically analyzed in the study. Meanwhile, TCs are classified into two types based on their development: TD-dissipating cases and TS-developing cases. Environmental conditions for TC development are investigated by selecting an area extending six times the radius of maximum wind (RMW) from the storm center.
Analysis of Himawari-8 cloud properties reveals significant distinctions between the cases within 48 hours prior to the critical time. Within 24 hours prior to the critical time, TS-developing cases maintain their intensity, while TD-dissipating cases exhibit a decreasing trend. As the critical time approaches, the cloud optical thickness (COT), the cloud effective radius (CER), and the cloud top height (CTH) increase within 6 RMW, indicating thicker cloud layers and larger cloud droplet size throughout the entire region, with stronger updraft. While approaching the critical time, TS-developing cases display more vigorous convective activity with higher COT and CTH near the storm center, along with higher rain rate and wider precipitation range. To examine regional disparities in TS-developing cases, we divided the WNP region into the South China Sea Basin region and the Western North Pacific Basin region. Our analysis based on Himawari-8 cloud properties suggest that the Western North Pacific Basin region may have larger cloud condensation nuclei, along with more intense upward motion; the results of the dynamic fields reveal a more favorable environment for typhoon development in the South China Sea Basin region, which differs from the previous conclusions. In addition, the Western North Pacific Basin region has higher rainfall rates.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雲光學厚度
★ 雲有效半徑
關鍵字(英) ★ Cloud optical thickness
★ Cloud effective radius
論文目次 中文摘要.......................................i
第一章 緒論.....................................1
第二章 資料來源.................................4
2-1 IBTrACS資料庫..............................4
2-2 向日葵八號衛星資料..........................4
2-3 IMERG降水資料..............................6
2-4 ERA-5再分析動力場...........................7
第三章 研究方法.................................8
3-1 案例分類...................................8
3-2 研究範圍...................................8
3-3 分區討論...................................9
第四章 結果分析...............................10
4-1 背景分析..................................10
4-2 雲微物理特性..............................11
4-3 動力環境場................................13
4-4 降水特徵..................................15
4-5 區域環境分析:南海海盆區與西北太平洋海盆區...16
第五章 結論與未來展望..........................22
5-1 結論......................................22
5-2 未來展望..................................24
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指導教授 林沛練 劉千義(Pay-Liam Lin Chian-Yi Liu) 審核日期 2023-11-9
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