摘要(英) |
The durability and service life of bridges are closely related to environmental corrosion factors, so various units attach great importance to the service life and safety issues of bridges, especially coastal bridges, which are more susceptible to environmental influences leading to deterioration and defects. Therefore, when considering the environment, location, and causes of corrosion of bridges, special caution is required.
Taiwan′s coastal steel bridges are exposed to highly corrosive environments for extended periods, with high salt deposition, and most are located near industrial areas, making them often subject to corrosion environments of C5 grade or higher. In order to reduce future maintenance costs and minimize the impact of corrosion on bridges, in-depth research and discussion on anti-corrosion coating materials, construction methods, and maintenance management systems for steel bridges are necessary.
This study takes the maintenance project of the Rainbow Bridge in the Dayuan District as an example, exploring the relevant construction methods and maintenance management practices for C5 grade or higher bridge painting maintenance in the planning and design stage, construction and painting stage, and future maintenance stage, in order to extend the service life of the steel bridge.
The Rainbow Bridge in Dayuan District is maintained by using a 30000PSI water jet for rust removal, followed by a 6-layer painting process (first coat of primer, second coat of primer, first coat of intermediate paint, second coat of intermediate paint, first coat of topcoat, second coat of topcoat). Before painting, the surface is cleaned with a 5000PSI water jet, and inspections are carried out to ensure the quality of the painting, including checking water jet pressure, environmental temperature and humidity, salt content, adhesion, etc. It is recommended to regularly clean the bridge during the maintenance phase to reduce the deposition of corrosive factors such as salt on the bridge structure, thereby reducing the possibility of corrosion and improving the durability of the bridge. |
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