摘要(英) |
Countries have proposed the "2050 Net Zero Emissions" action, expecting to
achieve carbon reduction through technologies such as energy efficiency, behavior
change, electrification and renewable energy. As a key role, campuses are crucial to
implementing energy-saving measures with limited resources in the face of rising
energy costs in the future. The first step is how to reduce the use of CO2. The
development of renewable energy and power storage devices is the most common
method. One way to improve the availability of renewable energy is to use two or
more energy sources at the same time to improve system efficiency. Especially when
wind and solar are combined. Therefore, based on the above reasons, this study
explores the feasible schemes for campuses to achieve net zero carbon emissions,
with the goal of minimizing the total cost and expecting to implement carbon
reduction measures to the greatest extent. In order to clarify the benefits of carbon
reduction, the research intends to propose two methods for reducing carbon emissions:
improving the lighting system and erecting distributed power generation and energy
storage devices. The goal of zero carbon emission enables the practical
implementation of sustainable development issues in life.
The results show that the two proposed net-zero carbon measures, implemented
together, lead to the smallest overall cost to the model. The best result of the model.
Distributed power generation devices account for 88% of the total available area, and
additional electricity purchase fees from Taipower and all the costs considered in the
model are required. The final minimum total cost calculated by the model is NTD$
2,914,963 , and carbon emissions are reduced and the rate reached 45.2%. The study
also aimed at Taiwan′s future net zero carbon emission goals, planning for
decarbonization of power energy to 60-70% of the total power, and the policy of imposing carbon taxes. The results show that in this study, to achieve this result, each
kWh Only NTD $ 5-10 can be charged. To sum up the above, although at the current
stage, due to the high cost of renewable energy and energy storage devices, and the
low electricity price of Taipower, it is difficult to increase investment willingness, but
these measures can indeed help the research field reduce carbon emissions. In the
future, the research field will follow the collection of carbon tax and the reduction of
levelized energy costs are believed to reduce the cost of purchasing electricity from
power companies and generating electricity by ourselves. |
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