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梁以叡(Yi-Rui Liang)
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土木工程學系 |
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[相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 (2027-2-1以後開放)
摘要(中) |
本研究採用高解析度的數值高程模型(DEM)及既有的地質位態兩類資料作為已知條件輸入至地理資訊系統(GIS),給定符合順向坡之地質條件,並透過一系列自動化流程進行順向坡圈繪。本研究首先將既有地層位態資料,分別透過趨勢面法及克里金空間內插法轉換得到GIS地層傾向位態圖層,再將兩方法所得之傾向圖層與DEM圖層資料一同進行網格疊加分析,得出符合順向坡條件之網格圖層,再以點密度(Point Density)演算法自動圈繪順向坡,最後,本研究將自動化圈繪的順向坡結果與政府公告順向坡圖資以及已發生順向坡滑動範圍做比對,研究結果顯示,以克里金內插法所得位態圖層並圈繪之順向坡於本研究區域有較高的一致性。
此外,本研究以圈繪結果為基礎,進一步找出坡角大於傾角的網格分布,定義為「見光(Daylight)的危險順向坡」,並透過野外調查進行現地查核,結果顯示,現地多數危險順向坡大多已有地錨或擋土牆等防護設施,少部分邊坡有植生覆蓋不易調查,但整體成效良好,顯示本研究所提之高精度數值地形資料搭配自動化判釋步驟,可有效快速的找出潛在危險順向坡可能的分布。 |
摘要(英) |
Large landslides usually caused severe damage to people and properties. The disaster scales of dip-slope landslides were more severe than other types of landslides. Therefore, the dip-slope mapping becomes one of the important works for preventing landslides. According to Soil and Water Conservation Technical Regulations Article No. 31, the dip slopes are defined such that the angle between the strikes of the slope surface and the bedding or the angle between the strikes of the slope surface and the weak plane is less than 20 degrees with the same dip directions. In the past, dip-slope mapping methods were usually acquired by manual mapping. The results were subjective and time-consuming. Now, with the advanced development of remote-sensing technology and computing power, the dip-slope mapping could be automatically interpreted by fast computer program analysis. This technology makes dip-slope mapping more objective and efficient.
The study proposes to input the high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and the attitudes of the bedding planes from field investigation into Geographic Information System (GIS). We intended to identify the ranges for dip slopes by executing series of automated identification program. First, the study uses GIS to obtain dip direction of bedding information raster data from the trend surface method and kriging by the actual bedding attitude data, respectively. Afterward, we overlaid two kinds of dip direction raster data respectively to obtain the dip-slope cell raster with aspect and slope raster data from DEM data. Then, we execute “Point-Density” algorithm to automatically finish the dip-slope mapping by choosing the appropriate Point Density (PD) value. Last, we take the results of dip-slope mapping to compare with the dip-slope raster data by CGS and the landslide cases in the study area. We consider that the attitude raster data making by kriging have higher accuracy than the other one in the study area.
Based on the dip-slope mapping result in this study, we further consider the distribution of the cells of which slope angles are bigger than dip angles, and we called the involved dip-slopes the cells “the daylighted dip-slopes with potential hazard”. Finally, we try to explore the evidence about whether the mapped dip-slopes are danger dip-slopes by field investigation. In the future, we hope the automated program in our study can effectively and rapidly find the possible distribution of the dip-slopes with potential hazards, and also reduce the cost and time about the geological field investigation for dip slope mapping. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 順向坡 ★ 趨勢面法 ★ 克里金法 ★ GIS ★ 自動化圈繪 ★ 見光 ★ 危險順向坡 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Dip-slope ★ Trend surface ★ Kriging ★ GIS ★ Automated mapping ★ Daylight ★ Dip slope with potential hazard |
論文目次 |
摘要 ................................ i
Abstract ............................ ii
誌謝 ................................ iv
目錄 ................................ v
圖目錄 .............................. viii
表目錄 .............................. xiii
第一章 緒論 .............................................. 1
1.1 前言 ............................................... 1
1.2 研究目的 ........................................... 2
1.3 論文架構 ........................................... 4
第二章 文獻回顧 ........................................... 6
2.1 順向坡定義與現行圈繪方式 ............................. 6
2.1.1 順向坡定義 ..................................... 6 國內順向坡崩塌案例........................... 7 順向坡層面見光相關研究 ...................... 8 常見的岩體力學分類模式(SMR) ................. 9
2.1.2 現行順向坡圈繪方式.............................. 11 ArcGIS軟體介紹 ............................ 13 點密度(Point density)法進行順向坡圈繪 ....... 14 順向坡圈繪品質評估.......................... 15
2.2 層面位態分析法...................................... 17
2.2.1 趨勢面法(Trend surface) ....................... 17 層面位態幾何轉換 ........................... 19 誤差評估(RMSE) ............................ 20
2.2.2 克里金法(Kriging) ............................. 21 半變異數 .................................. 22 常用半變異數函數 ........................... 23 Ordinary Kriging ...... ................... 24 克里金法的實際運用案例 ...................... 26
第三章 研究方法 .......................................... 29
3.1 研究區域........................................... 29
3.1.1 區域地質條件 ................................... 30
3.1.2 位態資料來源 ................................... 31
3.2 地層趨勢面分析 ..................................... 32
3.2.1 地層趨勢面多項式 ............................... 33
3.2.2位態資料轉換 .................................... 33
3.2.3 地層趨勢面擬合 ................................. 39
3.2.4位態圖層製作 .................................... 40
3.3使用克里金內插法製作位態圖層 ......................... 43
3.4 順向坡GIS自動化圈繪 ................................ 44
3.4.1 順向坡GIS圈繪原理與過程 ........................ 44
3.4.2 潛在危險順向坡GIS判釋原理與過程 ................. 51
第四章 研究結果 .......................................... 53
4.1 順向坡圈繪 ........................................ 53
4.1.1趨勢面法的地層曲面擬合結果 ....................... 53
4.1.2趨勢面法的層面傾向與傾角分布圖 ................... 56
4.1.3 克里金法之層面傾向與傾角分布圖 .................. 61
4.1.4 趨勢面法與克里金法之順向坡圈繪結果比較 ........... 64
4.2 順向坡圈繪評估 ..................................... 65
4.2.1 趨勢面法vs克里金法順向坡圈繪結果之比較分析 ....... 67
4.2.2 研究區域順向坡最佳圈繪結果 ...................... 72
4.3 潛在危險順向坡分析結果與野外調查 .................... 74
4.3.1順向坡的坡趾見光(Daylight)情形分析結果 ........... 74
4.3.2 野外調查結果 ................................... 76
第五章 結論與建議 ........................................ 90
5.1 結論 .............................................. 90
5.2 建議 .............................................. 91
參考文獻 ................................................ 94
Q&A ..................................................... 97
附錄 ................................................... 101 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
葉致翔(Wen-Chao Huang
Chih-Hsiang Yeh)
審核日期 |
2024-1-29 |
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