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論文名稱 燈⽕闌珊處的求職旅程:如何透 過⼯作價值觀、雇主吸引⼒、激 勵因⼦為求職者點亮路徑
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摘要(中) 本研究試圖回答:「組織在招募的過程中,面對不同工作價值觀的求職者,組織如何在招募廣告內容呈現其相對應的價值與文化,以及對企業招募帶來的影響」,本研究包含了五個部分,第一部分探討「工作價值觀」是否會直接影響「雇主吸引力」;第二部分探討「雇主吸引力」是否會直接影響「求職意願」;第三部分探討「工作價值觀」是否會直接影響「求職意願」;第四部分探討「工作價值觀」是否會影響「雇主吸引力」,進而干擾「求職意願」;第五部分以激勵因素(內在激勵、外在激勵)作為調節變數,是否會影響「工作價值觀」到「雇主吸引力」之間的關係。
本研究採用PROCESS Model 91進行研究分析,以台灣企業員工為填寫對象,分為2組群組,相隔兩週發放問卷,有效問卷共319份。研究結果顯示第一部分「工作價值觀」對於「雇主吸引力」具有顯著影響;第二部分「雇主吸引力」對於「求職意願」具有顯著影響; 第三部分「工作價值觀」對於「求職意願」具有顯著影響;關於第四部分,其中「雇主吸引力」在「工作價值觀」與「求職意願」之間存在中介效果;最後第五部分,以內在激勵及外在激勵因子作為調節變數,其在「工作價值觀」與「雇主吸引力」以及「雇主吸引力」與「求職意願」兩種情境下皆具有調節效果。

摘要(英) This study seeks to address the question: "When organizations encounter job seekers with varying work values, how do they effectively convey their corresponding values and culture through recruitment advertisements, and what implications does this have for corporate recruitment?" The study is structured into five parts: the first part probes whether "work values" will directly influence "employer attractiveness"; the second part investigates whether "employer attractiveness" directly impacts "job-seeking intention"; the third part examines whether "work values" directly affects "job-seeking intention"; the fourth part explores if "work values" influence "employer attractiveness", subsequently interfering with "job-seeking intention"; the fifth part employs motivating factors (intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation) as moderating variables to ascertain whether they will affect the relationship between "work values" and "employer attractiveness."
Employing a hierarchical linear model, this study conducts a cross-level analysis with employees of Taiwanese enterprises as the survey subjects. The respondents were divided into four groups, and the survey was distributed over a two-week interval. A total of 319 valid responses were received. The results reveal that "work values" significantly affect "employer attractiveness"; "employer attractiveness" considerably impacts "job-seeking intention"; and "work values" profoundly influence "job-seeking intention." Additionally, "employer attractiveness" serves as a mediator between "work values" and "job-seeking intention." Lastly, when using intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as moderating variables, both "work values" and "employer attractiveness," as well as "employer attractiveness" and "job-seeking intention," display moderating effects.
The contribution of this research can be distilled into four elements. Firstly, it confirms that the disparity in work values directly influences an employer′s appeal to job seekers, which not only manifests in the organization′s image but also through their individual work values. For instance, a company that promotes innovation will be more attractive to employees who value creativity, while those who prioritize stability may favor a company that offers long-term employment security. Secondly, similar to the impact of work values on job seekers, employer attractiveness bridges the gap between work values and job-seeking intentions, thereby influencing talent recruitment. Thirdly, it is found that work values directly shape job seekers′ intentions, even in the absence of employer attractiveness. Fourthly, this study substantiates that intrinsic and extrinsic motivators exert moderating effects on work values, an area neglected in past research. Lastly, when developing and enhancing an employer brand, organizations need to comprehend and consider the work values of their target employees, in order to formulate effective attraction strategies. This not only amplifies the company′s allure but also boosts employee job satisfaction and retention rates.

Keywords: recruitment advertising, work values, work motivation, employer attractiveness, job search intentions, motivational factors, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation
關鍵字(中) ★ 招募廣告
★ 工作價值觀
★ 工作動機
★ 雇主吸引力
★ 求職意願
★ 激勵因子
★ 內在激勵
★ 外在激勵
關鍵字(英) ★ recruitment advertising
★ work values
★ work motivation
★ employer attractiveness
★ job search intentions
★ motivational factors
★ intrinsic motivation
★ extrinsic motivation
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝辭 iv
目 錄 v
圖 目 錄 vii
表 目 錄 viii
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究價值與預期貢獻 5
二、文獻探討 7
2-1 求職意願(Job pursuit intention) 7
2-2 雇主吸引力(organizational attractiveness) 8
2-3 工作價值觀(Work Value) 9
2-4 激勵因子 12
2-4-1 內在激勵 15
2-4-2 外在激勵 17
三、研究方法 22
3-1 研究對象與樣本發放 22
3-2 問卷設計 24
3-3 實驗設計 25
3-4 變量衡量方式 28
3-4-1 求職意願 28
3-4-2 雇主吸引力 28
3-4-3 工作價值觀 30
3-5 控制變數 31
3-6 分析方法 31
3-6-1 敘述性統計與相關分析 31
3-6-2 因素分析 32
3-6-3 信度分析 32
3-6-4 效度分析 32
3-6-5 共同方法變異控制 33
四、資料分析與研究結果 34
4-1 敘述性統計分析 34
4-2 相關分析 36
4-3 信度分析 37
4-4 建構效度分析 38
4-4-1 收斂效度 38
4-4-2 區別效度 40
4-5 共同方法變異分析與因素分析 41
4-6 中介調節效果分析 41
五、結論與建議 46
5-1 研究貢獻 46
5-1-1 工作價值觀與雇主吸引力與求職意願之關係 46
5-1-2 雇主吸引力在工作價值觀與求職意願之中介效果 48
5-1-3 激勵因子(內在、外在)在工作價值觀與雇主吸引力之間的調節效果 49
5-2 實務建議 50
5-3 研究限制與後續研究建議 52
參 考 文 獻 54
附 錄 一、招募文案研究問卷 59
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指導教授 李憶萱 審核日期 2023-7-15
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