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姓名 郭升沛(Sheng-Pei Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣企業物聯網服務產業分析
★ 具兩岸特色的台灣銀行產業分析-以上海銀行為例★ 台灣界面活性劑產業競爭條件分析-以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 台灣製造業無天然資源,經濟多以出口為主,可投注發展在物聨網 (Internet of Things, IoT) 產業鏈,先在內需市場打好根基,未來可再推廣到國際市場。企業物聯網 (Enterprise IoT) 產業處於發展期階段,後勢為成長的市場,各供應商競爭日漸白熱,彼此爭取市占率,為擴展市場版圖,開始上下游垂直整合、增加商業互信度,且應用效益也拓展出不同應用,都希望能在各應用市場上,先占領先機,以來提高營業規模。
本研究依產業經濟學的「結構Structure-行為Conduct-績效Performance」 SCP架構分析,討論企業物聯網產業的市場結構、廠商行為、產業績效及產業發展現况,並分析趨勢與發掘未來發展機會。
整體而言我國企業物聯網經營績效仍有發展空間, 隨著物聯網發展日新月異,及AI新浪潮,透過數位轉型的同時,物聯網需提供垂直市場全方位服務,取得先機。
再者ESG(環境保護Environment、社會責任Social與公司治理Governance,ESG)的浪潮也開始發動,全世界證交所強制要求上市櫃公司每年定期發布ESG報告,符合認證ISO14064 14067是實現淨零碳排的必要步驟,對於企業來說,也是新的挑戰,運用物聯網輔以ESG碳盤查排碳精準計算及碳中和交易,進而達到ESG更是值得探討。
摘要(英) The manufacturing industry in Taiwan lacks natural resources, and its economy relies heavily on exports. It can invest in the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) industry chain, starting with the domestic market as a foundation and later expanding to the international market. The enterprise IoT industry is in a stage of development and holds promising market prospects. Suppliers in this industry compete intensely to gain market share. To expand their market presence, they engage in vertical integration, enhance business trust, and explore diverse application benefits. They all aim to seize the first-mover advantage in various application markets and enhance their business scale.
This research utilizes the "Structure-Conduct-Performance" (SCP) framework of industrial economics to analyze the market structure, firm conduct, industry performance, and current development of the enterprise IoT industry. It also examines trends and explores future development opportunities.
Taiwan possesses strong capabilities in semiconductor IC and ICT communication, and the enterprise IoT industry achieved a production value of NT$2 trillion in 2022, gradually demonstrating economies of scale. The future market exhibits high growth potential.
The efforts of various companies in IoT and digital transformation can be observed through the actual deployment of IoT devices in Taiwan, indicating that the enterprise IoT industry is in a growth phase. IoT not only enables companies to generate profits but also drives relevant job opportunities and contributes to social value. IoT services are also present in smart cities, enhancing the convenience of people′s lives and improving safety. Therefore, the value brought by IoT contributes to society, businesses, and governments in various aspects.
Furthermore, the diversification of IoT operations involves innovative behaviors, which can lead to product differentiation and change the market structure. This increases competitiveness and enables the attainment of new market profits and value. This positive cycle is also observed in the analysis of the SCP model, where various frameworks comprehensively analyze every aspect and interrelationship of a specific industry.
Overall, there is still room for development in the operational performance of IoT businesses in our country. With the rapid development of IoT and the emergence of the AI wave, IoT needs to provide comprehensive services for vertical markets to seize opportunities while undergoing digital transformation.
Moreover, the wave of ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) has also been set in motion. Stock exchanges worldwide now require listed companies to publish regular ESG reports each year. Compliance with certifications such as ISO14064 and 14067 is a necessary step towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions. For enterprises, this poses new challenges. By utilizing IoT in conjunction with ESG carbon auditing, precise carbon calculation, and carbon offset transactions, the achievement of ESG goals can be further explored.
關鍵字(中) ★ Structure-Conduct-Performance
★ 結構—行為—績效
★ 數位轉型
★ 數位轉型
★ 淨零碳排
★ 碳中和
關鍵字(英) ★ IoT
★ AIoT
★ AI
★ Digital Transformation, ESG
★ Net Zero
★ Carbon Neutral
★ Structure-Conduct-Performance
論文目次 第1章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 研究流程與架構 4
第2章 文獻探討 5
2.1 產業發展現況和趨勢 5
2.2 本章小結 8
第3章 企業物聯網服務產業發展 9
3.1 企業物聯網介紹 9
3.2 物聯網之原理介紹 13
3.3 物聯網應用範圍 18
3.4 全球企業物聯網之市場規模 20
第4章 企業物聯網服務產業的結構–行為–績效分析 27
4.1 基本條件 27
4.2 政府政策 34
4.3 市場結構 37
4.4 廠商行為 47
4-5 產業績效 54
第5章 結論與建議 63
5.1 結論 63
5.2 建議 64
參考文獻 67
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2023-6-16
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