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姓名 易家安(Chia-An Yi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 探討經驗開放性、消費者創新性、對促銷之期待與限量優惠商品之購買意願:以戰利品購物為中介
(Openness to Experience, Consumer Innovativeness, and Expectation of Sales on Purchase Intention of Limited Sales Items: Exploring the Mediation of Sport Shopping)
★ 心理擁有感對轉蛋抽卡型手機遊戲購買意願: 探討一般自我效能、風險傾向、及賭博成癮之影響★ To see is to believe through social AR: A mechanism from user′s point-of-view (POV) sharing
★ 虛擬角色認同、遊戲動機與遊戲忠誠度:探討遊戲滿意度之中介
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摘要(中) 限量優惠商品指的是數量有限且有折扣之商品,可能對具經驗開放性、消費者創新性、對促銷充滿期待的消費者特別具有吸引力。經驗開放性係指人們對新事物的開放程度,其特徵表現如富於想像力、興趣廣泛、好奇心重等。消費者創新性指的是人們願意嘗試或購買新產品的程度。對促銷之期待係指消費者於購物前對購物成果期待之程度,而此期待是基於消費者過往之購買經驗以及對特定產品、服務、事件的相關知識所形成。由於限量優惠商品並非隨時皆有販售,且數量有限,所以具上述特質的消費者,可能會受戰利品購物影響其限量優惠商品之購買意願。戰利品購物是指消費者藉由刻意與持續不斷地蒐集購物的相關資訊,來提升其對購物的技巧與熟練度,進而有較大機會搶購到大幅折扣的商品。這些人可能會因購物之成果產生不同的情緒進而影響其購物之行為。若是沒有達成任務,戰利品購物者會產生類似運動員之行為,繼續強化自己的購物能力;或是成功達成任務,則會感到勝利與自豪。本研究透過網路問卷探經驗開放性、消費者創新性、對促銷之期待與限量優惠商品購買意願之關係,以及戰利品購物是否中介此關係。結果顯示經驗開放性、消費者創新性及對促銷之期待與限量優惠商品之購買意願皆呈現顯著正向相關,其戰利品購物具有中介效果。
摘要(英) Limited sales items refer to products with limited quantity and deep discounts, which may be particularly attractive to consumers with high openness to experience, high consumer innovativeness, and high expectation of sales. Openness to experience refers to the degree of openness to new things, with richness in imagination, wide range of interests, curiosity, etc., Consumer innovativeness refers to the degree to which people are willing to try or buy new items. Expectation of sales refers to the extent to which consumers expect the shopping results before shopping, formed based on past purchasing experience and knowledge of specific items, services, and events. As limited sales items are not always available, purchase intention influenced by consumers high on the above-mentioned traits may be influenced by sport shopping. Sport shopping means that consumers improve their shopping skills and proficiency by deliberately and continuously collecting shopping-related information to have a greater chance of getting goods with great discounts. They may have emotions hinged on the shopping results, which will further affect their shopping behavior. If the task is not completed, they will develop athlete-like behavior and continue to strengthen his shopping skills; or if the task is successfully completed, he will feel triumphant and proud. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between openness to experience, consumer innovativeness, and expectation of sales on purchase intention of limited sales items through an online questionnaire, and whether sport shopping mediates this relationship. It shows they are all positively correlated with the purchase intention, and the sport shopping has a mediating effect.
關鍵字(中) ★ 經驗開放性
★ 消費者創新性
★ 對促銷之期待
★ 戰利品購物
★ 購買意願
關鍵字(英) ★ openness to experience
★ consumer innovativeness
★ expectation on sales
★ sport shopping
★ purchase intention
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2-1 限量優惠商品 6
2-1-1 定義 6
2-1-2 限量優惠商品的現象 7
2-2 購買意願 8
2-2-1 定義 8
2-3 戰利品購物(Sport Shopping) 10
2-3-1 定義 10
2-3-2 戰利品購物之特色分析 10
2-3-3 戰利品購物之三大目標導向 12
2-4 經驗開放性(Openness to Experiences) 14
2-4-1 五大人格特質與經驗開放性 14
2-4-2 經驗開放性與戰利品購物 15
2-5 消費者創新性(Consumer Innovativeness) 16
2-5-1 定義 16
2-5-2 消費者創新性與戰利品購物 18
2-6 對促銷之期待(Expectation on Sales) 19
第三章 研究方法 21
3-1 研究架構 21
3-2 研究樣本 22
3-3 研究工具 22
3-4 研究步驟 24
第四章 研究結果 27
4-1 樣本描述性統計 27
4-2 信度分析 28
4-3 變項相關性分析 29
4-4 效度分析及模型配適度檢定 30
4-5 結構方程模型 32
第五章 討論與建議 36
5-1 研究討論 36
5-2 管理意涵 39
5-3 研究限制與未來建議 41
5-3-1 樣本之探討 41
5-3-2 研究變項之探討 41
5-3-3 限量優惠商品內容之探討 41
5-3-4 限量優惠商品內容之探討 42
參考文獻 43
附錄:研究問卷 54
研究問卷 54

圖1 研究流程圖 5
圖2 研究架構圖 21
圖3 結構方程路徑分析架構 32

表1 五大人格意涵 14
表2 樣本基本資料描述統計 28
表3 量表之整體與各子構面之信度 29
表4 主要研究構面之相關量表 30
表5 收斂效度 30
表6 區別效度 31
表7 整體模型配適度 31
表8 假說驗證結果 33
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指導教授 杜秉叡 鄭明松 審核日期 2023-7-18
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