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姓名 林詠筑(Yong-Zhu Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 統計研究所
論文名稱 配對設計下 net benefit、win ratio 以及 win odds 概似方法推論
(Likelihood methods for inferences for the matched net benefit, win ratio and win odds)
★ 不需常態假設與不受離群值影響的選擇迴歸模型的方法★ 用卜瓦松與負二項分配建構非負連續隨機變數平均數之概似函數
★ 強韌變異數分析★ 用強韌概似函數分析具相關性之二分法資料
★ 利用Bartlett第二等式來估計有序資料的相關性★ 相關性連續與個數資料之強韌概似分析
★ 不偏估計函數之有效性比較★ 一個分析相關性資料的新方法-複合估計方程式
★ (一)加權概似函數之強韌性探討 (二)影響代謝症候群短期發生及消失的相關危險因子探討★ 利用 Bartlett 第二等式來推論模型假設錯誤下的變異數函數
★ (一)零過多的個數資料之變異數函數的強韌推論 (二)影響糖尿病、高血壓短期發生的相關危險因子探討★ 一個分析具相關性的連續與比例資料的簡單且強韌的方法
★ 時間數列模型之統計推論★ 複合概似函數有效性之探討
★ 決定分析相關性資料時統計檢定力與樣本數的普世強韌法★ 檢定DNA鹼基替換模型的新方法 - 考慮不同DNA鹼基間的相關性
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摘要(中) 在臨床實驗中,有研究者提出了新的比較藥效的方法。其做法是將患者分
為使用新藥物或新療程治療的實驗組,及使用安慰劑或不治療的控制組。再將實驗組與控制組的病患根據他們的風險狀況做倆倆配對,藉由排序疾病導致的症狀嚴重性的設計,以心血管疾病為例:優先考慮是否死亡,再來考慮是否中風。若是使用新藥物的病患沒有死亡而使用安慰劑的病患死亡則記為獲勝,反之記為失敗。或配對後的病患皆沒有死亡,但使用新藥物的病患沒有中風而使用安慰劑的病患中風也記為獲勝,反之也記為失敗。若這兩位配對後的病患皆沒有死亡也沒有中風則記為平手。在多組倆倆比較後可以得到獲勝組數、失敗組數與平手組數。因此可得到 net benefit、win ratio、win odds 的估計量,再進一步去評估新藥物或新療程的治療效果。
本文提出使用概似方法 (likelihood method) 對配對設計下上列三個參數做推論,我們透過模擬研究與實例分析來探討概似方法得到的推論表現。並將信賴區間與 Matsouaka (2022) 所使用的在 Zou and Donner (2008) 與 Donner and Zou (2012) 所提出的 MOVER (method of variance estimates recovery) 與 Pocock et al. (2011) 提出的信賴區間做比較。
摘要(英) In clinical trials, some researchers have proposed new methods for comparing drug efficacy. It is done by dividing patients into an experimental group that gets a new drug or course of treatment, and a control group that gets a placebo or no treatment. Then, the patients in the experimental group and the control group are paired according to their risk status, and the design is designed by sorting the severity of symptoms caused by the disease, taking cardiovascular disease as an example: priority is given to death, and then to stroke. If the patients who use the new drug do not die and the patients who use the placebo die, it is recorded as a win. On the contrary, it is recorded as a lose. Or if the two paired patients did not die, but the patient who received the new drug did not have a stroke and the patient who received the placebo had a stroke, it was also recorded as a win, and vice versa was also recorded as a lose. If neither of the two matched patients dies or suffers a stroke, it is a tie. After comparing multiple groups, the number of winning groups, the number of losing groups and the number of tie groups can be obtained. Therefore, the estimates of net benefit, win ratio, and win odds can be obtained, and then the therapeutic effects of new drugs or new courses of treatment can be further evaluated.
In this paper, we propose to use likelihood method to make inferences on the above three parameters under the matching design. We discuss the inference performance obtained by the likelihood method through simulation research and case analysis. And compare the confidence interval with the MOVER (method of variance estimates recovery) proposed by Zou and Donner (2008) and Donner and Zou (2012) used by Matsouaka (2022), and the confidence interval proposed by Pocock et al. (2011).
關鍵字(中) ★ 配對設計
★ 概似方法
★ net benefit
★ win ratio
★ win odds
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第三章 重新參數化三項分配模型 6
第四章 模擬研究 12
第五章 實例分析 40
第六章 結論 54
參考文獻 55
附錄 56
參考文獻 Matsouaka, R. A. (2022). Robust statistical inference for matched win statistics. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31: 1423-1438.
Pocock, S. J., Ariti, C. A., Collier, T. J. and Wang, D. (2011). The win ratio: a new approach to the analysis of composite endpoints in clinical trials based on clinical priorities. European Heart Journal, 33: 176-182.
Zou, G. Y. and Donner, A. (2008). Construction of confidence limits about effect measures: a general approach. Statistics in Medicine, 27: 1693-1702.
Donner, A. and Zou, G. Y. (2012). Closed-form confidence intervals for functions of the normal mean and standard deviation. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 21: 347-359.
Buyse, M. (2010). Generalized pairwise comparisons of prioritized outcomes in the two-sample problem. Statistics in Medicine, 29: 3245-3257.
Dong, G., Huang, B., Wang, D., Verbeeck, J., Wang, J. and Hoaglin, D. C. (2020). Adjusting win statistics for dependent censoring. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 20: 440-450.
指導教授 鄒宗山 審核日期 2023-7-11
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