摘要(英) |
Since the Taiwanese government began introducing foreign migrant workers in 1989, the population of migrant workers has exceeded 730,000 individuals as of the end of March 2023, according to statistics. In order to meet the daily living needs of these migrant workers, entrepreneurs seized the opportunity to establish numerous Southeast Asian convenience stores around various transportation hubs. The initially established differentiating advantages among these early operators have gradually blurred, resulting in intensifying competition with each passing year.
This study focuses on prominent areas among Southeast Asian migrant worker communities, such as Hsinchuang Street, Zhongli Railway Station, Taoyuan Railway Station, etc. By physically visiting over a dozen Southeast Asian convenience stores, consumers were examined, and eventually, five stores were selected as the subjects for this study. Through informal discussions, relationships were established with the store owners, enabling in-depth interviews regarding their operational models, overviews of managing Southeast Asian convenience stores, as well as their personal journeys during entrepreneurship.
The interviews from these Southeast Asian convenience store owners serve as the foundation for this research′s analysis. SWOT analysis is employed to assess the internal and external competitive environment, followed by deriving a value chain from the interview content and secondary data analysis. Ultimately, by observing and summarizing the interview data and conducting post-analysis, the researchers present conclusions and recommendations regarding Taiwan′s Southeast Asian convenience stores. Based on the research findings, the following conclusions are drawn in this paper:
1. Precise leadership judgments contribute to impressive developmental performance across various stages.
2. A strong corporate culture and abundant human resources are key factors.
3. Annual objectives guide employees forward. |
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