博碩士論文 108387001 詳細資訊

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姓名 莊翔竣(Hsiang-Chun Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 領先角及電流雙迴路微步進馬達伺服驅動器開發
(Development of Microstepping Motor Servo Driver with Leading Angle-Current Dual-Loop Feedback Control)
★ CIS數位影像處理平台之建構★ 微電鍍成長速度最佳化與影像監控
★ 橢圓辨識演算法之最佳化與誤差分析★ 頻率響應分析儀實作
★ 分散式驅動器開發★ 超音波定位平台原型開發
★ 地磁感測儀研發★ 雙頻式超音波測距系統之最佳化研究
★ 鋰電池殘電量測系統及校正★ 影像壓縮網路攝影平台
★ 智慧型網路攝影平台★ 無扭力計跑步機跑者步態量測
★ ESEMS太空氣象科學酬載叢集★ 影像辨識測試平台的開發
★ 智慧型網路攝影機開發平台★ 可補償高精度三軸地磁量測平台
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摘要(中) 本研究提出了一種創新的微步進控制步進馬達方法,參考高精度的感測器回饋角度,以並聯調整馬達定子的領先角度及電流,即領先角度及電流雙迴路(Angle and Current Double Loop)回饋控制,簡稱ACDL回饋控制,期望在提高步進馬達定位精度的同時,也能兼顧能量效率。為了實現這個目標,本研究建構了微步進馬達控制系統的軟硬體。硬體部分主要包含了核心的微控制器電路、雙H橋PWM驅動電路、電流感測電路、高精度角度編碼器的讀回電路等。軟體則以實現ACDL控制演算法為核心,配合角度編碼器的校正以達到定位控制需要的精度,並且能夠以軟體直接切換ACDL和傳統控制方法;周邊軟體則是具有方便實驗驗證的數據取樣、儲存以及回傳通訊的功能。
摘要(英) This research proposes an innovative micro-stepping control method for stepping motors, referring to the high-precision sensor feedback angle, to adjust the leading angle and current of the motor stator simultaneously, that is, the leading angle-current dual-loop feedback control, referred to as ACDL feedback control. It is expected that while improving the positioning accuracy of the stepping motor, energy efficiency can also be taken into account. To achieve this goal, this research constructs the software and hardware of the micro-stepping motor control system. The hardware mainly includes a core microcontroller unit circuit, double H-bridge pulse width modulation drive circuit, current sensing circuit, and high-precision angle encoder readback circuit. The software takes the ACDL control algorithm as the core, cooperates with the correction of the angle encoder to achieve the accuracy required for positioning control, and can directly switch between ACDL and traditional control methods with the software. The peripheral software has the functions of data sampling, storage, and return communication for convenient experimental verification.
In order to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over traditional open-loop control and leading angle feedback control, we constructed a torsion test platform with a biased load. This platform was utilized to assess the variances in positioning accuracy and drive power among the three control methods, considering the presence of biased torsion loads. The findings reveal that the proposed control method outperforms the other two methods by enhancing positioning accuracy and reducing power consumption in a stepping motor.
Since this technology achieves high resolution and high accuracy using very inexpensive magnetic encoders. If it replaces the traditional stepping motor driver and expands its application in various positioning processes, such as 3D printers or aligners for integrated circuit manufacturing. In addition to improving the positioning performance of processing equipment, it can reduce the equipment cost invested in the manufacturing industry in the initial stage, and reduce the power consumption in the long run. Similarly, radar systems or missile seekers that require extremely high rotational precision control requirements can also use this algorithm and angle calibration technology to improve performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 步進馬達驅動
★ 閉迴路控制
★ 電流控制
★ 定位控制
★ 定位精度
★ 能量效率
關鍵字(英) ★ stepping motor drive
★ close-loop control
★ current control
★ position control
★ positioning accuracy
★ power efficiency
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 文獻回顧 2
1.4 技術重點及研究構想 6
第二章 理論基礎及技術背景 9
2.1 馬達原理 9
2.1.1 有刷馬達 9
2.1.2 無刷馬達 10
2.2 步進馬達 10
2.2.1 步進馬達驅動原理 11
2.2.2 步進馬達微步進驅動 14
2.2.3 步進馬達磁場向量分析 15
2.2.4 步進馬達領先角PI迴路控制及磁場分析 16
2.3 步進馬達領先角及電流雙PI回路控制及磁場分析 17
2.4 編碼器 18
2.4.1 旋轉式磁性編碼器 19
2.4.2 磁性編碼器的非線性誤差數學模型 19
第三章 系統設計 22
3.1 磁性編碼器校正系統 22
3.2 馬達驅動器系統硬體架構 23
3.3 馬達驅動器系統功能方塊 24
第四章 實驗設計 36
4.1 實驗設備及配置 36
4.2 測試前置作業-編碼器校正 38
4.2.1 誤差分析 39
4.2.2 誤差模型建立 44
4.2.3 誤差校正 45
4.3 馬達以微步進開迴路驅動的誤差量測實驗設計 47
4.4 馬達負載性能測試實驗設計 47
4.5 馬達驅動器PID控制器實驗設計 48
4.6 馬達驅動器測試實驗設計 49
第五章 馬達及驅動器的性能測試 51
5.1 微步進開迴路驅動的誤差量測 51
5.2 馬達負載性能測試 52
5.3 馬達驅動器PID控制器測試 60
5.3.1 步進馬達的轉移函數及PI增益的推導 60
5.3.2 齊格勒-尼科爾斯方法 63
5.3.3 人工調整 64
5.4 馬達驅動器測試 68
5.4.1 全步進驅動 69
5.4.2 1/2步進驅動 74
5.4.3 1/4步進驅動 79
5.4.4 1/8步進驅動 83
5.4.5 1/16步進驅動 87
5.4.6 誤差統計與性能分析 92
第六章 結論與未來展望 95
參考文獻 97
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指導教授 江士標(Shyh-Biau Jiang) 審核日期 2023-7-19
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