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姓名 陳振榮(Chen-Jung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 菁英人才管理對工作敬業度的影響─以心理契約履行為中介感知義務為調節變項
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摘要(中) 麥肯錫公司的Steven Hankin於 1997 年提出《人才爭奪戰(The War for Talent)》,指出招聘和留住人才的競爭日益激烈。尤其人口變化,少子化導致勞動力老齡化或萎縮。因此,菁英人才管理(Talent Management)近年開始被各企業重視,自2001年以來也逐漸成為管理學的新焦點。而菁英人才管理得核心即盡量將資源投資在企業前20%得關鍵菁英人才。本研究基於社會交換理論、80/20 法則(80/20principle) 的理論、心理契約履行理論,提出員工感知義務會影響組織和員工交換關係,進而影響員工的工作敬業度;而員工的感知義務行為,會影響菁英人才管理措施透過組織與員工的交換關係對工作敬業度的影響程度。因此,本研究以受企業內定為菁英人才並納入菁英人才管理措施的員工為研究對象,進行兩階段的問卷調查,對台灣地區的企業發放紙本或電子線上問卷,共回收263份問卷。以「菁英人才管理措施」為自變項,「心理契約履行」為中介變項,員工的「工作敬業度」為依變項,以及員工的「感知義務」為調節變項,進行研究分析。
(1) 心理契約履行在菁英人才管理措施與工作敬業度間具有中介效果
(2) 感知義務在心理契約履行與工作敬業度間具有調節效果,當員工感知義務越強,心理契約履行與工作敬業度的正向關係會越強
(3) 感知義務會調節人才管理透過心理契約影響工作敬業度的正向中介效果,當感知義務越高時,人才管理透過心理契約影響工作敬業度的正向中介效果會越強。
摘要(英) Steven Hankin of McKinsey & Company proposed "The War for Talent" in 1997, highlighting the increasing competition in recruiting and retaining top talent. The demographic changes, particularly declining birth rates leading to an aging or shrinking workforce, have intensified this competition. As a result, talent management has gained significant attention in recent years and has gradually become a new focus in management studies since 2001. The core of talent management is to invest resources in the key elite talent, which represents the top 20% of the workforce.
Based on social exchange theory, the 80/20 principle, and psychological contract fulfillment theory, this study proposes that employees′ perceived obligations influence the exchange relationship between the organization and employees, subsequently impacting their job engagement. Furthermore, employees′ perceived obligation behavior affects the extent to which talent management measures influence job engagement through the exchange relationship between the organization and employees. Therefore, this study focuses on employees who are designated as elite talent within their organizations and are included in talent management measures. A two-stage questionnaire survey was conducted, distributing paper or online questionnaires to companies in Taiwan, with a total of 291 responses collected.
Using "talent management" as the independent variable, "psychological contract fulfillment" as the mediating variable, "job engagement" as the dependent variable, and employees′ "perceived obligations" as the moderating variable, the research was analyzed.
The study findings yield the following conclusions:
(1) Psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between talent management measures and job engagement.
(2) Perceived obligations moderate the relationship between psychological contract fulfillment and job engagement. The stronger the perceived obligations of employees, the stronger the positive relationship between psychological contract fulfillment and job engagement.
(3) Perceived obligations moderate the positive mediating effect of talent management on job engagement through psychological contract fulfillment. When perceived obligations are higher, the positive mediating effect of talent management on job engagement through psychological contract fulfillment becomes stronger.
關鍵字(中) ★ 菁英人才管理措施
★ 心理契約履行
★ 感知義務
★ 工作敬業度
關鍵字(英) ★ talent management
★ job engagement
★ perceived obligations
★ job engagement
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2-1 菁英人才管理的定義 3
2-2 工作敬業度的定義 4
2-3 心理契約履行的定義 5
2-4 感知義務的定義 8
2-5 心理契約履行的中介效果 8
2-6 感知義務的調節效果 10
2-7 感知義務與心理契約履行的調節式中介效果 11
第三章 研究方法 14
3-1 研究架構與假設 14
3-2 研究樣本與資料蒐集程序 14
3-3 研究工具 15
3-4 資料分析與統計方法 16
第四章 研究分析與結果 17
4-1 研究樣本來源與特性 17
4-2 信度分析 19
4-3 效度分析 19
4-4 驗證性因素分析 22
4-5 相關分析 22
4-6 迴歸分析與驗證假設 23
第五章 結論與建議 26
5-1 研究結論與討論 26
5-2 管理意涵與實務建議 27
5-3 研究限制與未來建議 28
參考文獻 29
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 林文政 審核日期 2023-7-26
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