博碩士論文 109327001 詳細資訊

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姓名 張家碩(Jia-Shuo Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 應用於H-BOT機構之雷射雕刻品質優化之研究
★ 氣動馬達之單軸平台定位控制★ 運用MRAC及模糊法則於氣動馬達FPGA控制器之研發
★ 球型變焦鏡頭之研究★ 影像式多目標模擬器製作與平行光顯像系統設計
★ 連續式微電鍍之影像處理方法★ 硬體迴路測試系統建構與驗證
★ 即時影像引導連續式微電鍍之立體微結構製作研究★ 公共環境下人員追蹤影像方法研究
★ 燃料電池氫氣進料控制之研究★ 形狀記憶合金對焦系統之 基因演算法及模糊控制法則
★ 公共空間光源亮度模糊控制法則之研究★ 立方衛星無線通訊系統開發
★ 多重訊號同步擷取裝置整合研究★ 應用希爾伯特黃變換(HHT)之邊際譜分析於旋轉機械的元件鬆脫故障診斷
★ 總體經驗模態分解法(EEMD)結合自回歸(AR)模型在旋轉機械之元件鬆脫故障診斷之應用★ 超音波聚焦噴墨之能量驅動與分析研究
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摘要(中) 在工業 5.0 的這個時代,雷射加工已是耳熟能詳的加工方式,大多數加工機具都能透過安裝激光頭使用雷射加工,依機台架構不同,常見的有龍門式平台、機械手臂甚至是專為雷射加工設計的反射式平台;本論文使用 H-Bot 機構作為研究平台,基於架構,相較於上述的龍門平台、機械手臂,先天上具有平均馬達負載的優勢;而與反射式平台相比,成本也較為低廉。
而進行研究方便考量,本研究採用 C#人機介面,在加工之前對二維影像進行前處理,將其轉換為機台加工代碼 GCode;藉由 STM32 微控制器解讀加工碼,透過 I/O、RS485 控制馬達運行步數、速度,同時以 PWM 控制雷射輸出功率進行加工。
摘要(英) In the era of Industry 5.0, laser processing is a well-known processing method. Most processing tools can use
laser processing by installing a laser head. Depending on the structure of the machine, common ones include
gantry platforms, robotic arms, and even reflective platforms designed for laser processing. This paper uses the HBot mechanism as the research platform. Based on the structure, it has the advantage of average motor load
compared to the aforementioned gantry platform and robotic arm. Compared with the reflective platform, the cost
is also lower.
For the convenience of research, this study uses a C# human-machine interface, preprocesses the twodimensional image before processing, and converts it into machine processing code GCode. The STM32
microcontroller interprets the processing code, controls the motor running steps and speed through I/O, RS485,
and controls the laser output power for processing with PWM.
In terms of experiments, the relationship between different laser powers and the grayscale generated by
burning is found, the relationship curve is found, its characteristics are discussed, and feedback is applied to the
adjustment of power upper and lower limits and power distribution methods. In the image preprocessing part, the
histogram equalization preprocessing method is used to improve the contrast of the finished product and the jitter
preprocessing to enhance the performance of the burning grayscale. The processing path has added a diagonal
path, compared with the rest of the old path effects, to improve the processing accuracy while maintaining the
same processing time as much as possible. Finally, compared with the processing results of previous scholars Luo,
all indicators such as peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity show better contrast, and the similarity to
the original image is higher.
關鍵字(中) ★ H-Bot
★ 雷射功率
★ 灰階值
★ 影像處理
★ 直方圖均化
★ 圖像比對
關鍵字(英) ★ H-Bot
★ laser power
★ grayscale
★ image processing
★ histogram equalization
★ image comparison
論文目次 摘要 ..................................................................... i
Abstract ................................................................ ii
致謝 ................................................................... iii
目錄 .................................................................... iv
圖目錄 .................................................................. vi
表目錄 ................................................................ viii
符號說明 ................................................................ ix
第一章 緒論 .............................................................. 1
1-1 前言 ............................................................... 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 ..................................................... 1
1-3 文獻回顧 ........................................................... 2
1-4 論文架構 ........................................................... 3
第二章 基礎理論 .......................................................... 4
2-1 雷射概述 ........................................................... 4
2-1-1 數位調變(Digital Modulation) .................................... 4
2-1-2 類比調變(Analog Modulation) ..................................... 4
2-2 脈衝寬度調變(Pulse-Width Modulation) ............................... 5
2-3 G Code 簡介 ......................................................... 6
2-4 影像處理 ........................................................... 7
2-4-1 影像灰階化(Grayscale) ........................................... 7
2-4-2 影像二值化(Binarization) ........................................ 7
2-4-3 直方圖均化(Histogram Equalization) .............................. 8
第三章 硬體架構、通訊與介面 .............................................. 9
3-1 H-Bot 型機構 ........................................................ 9
3-2 步進馬達及驅動器介紹 .............................................. 10
3-2-1 XY 軸向步進馬達—AZM69AK ....................................... 10
3-2-2 步進馬達驅動器—AZDKD .......................................... 11
3-3 STM32 微控制器開發板 ............................................... 13
3-4 雷射 .............................................................. 15
3-5 TTL-RS485 信號轉換板 ............................................... 16
3-6 電路設計 .......................................................... 17
3-6-1 馬達驅動電路 ................................................... 17
3-6-2 單晶片板電路設定 ............................................... 22
第四章 研究方法 ......................................................... 24
4-1 H-Bot 機構座標 ..................................................... 24
4-1-1 基本公式推導 ................................................... 26
4-1-2 單馬達控制—斜向 45 度移動 ...................................... 28
4-1-3 雙馬達控制—XY 方向移動 ........................................ 29
4-1-4 雙馬達控制—斜向其餘角度 ....................................... 29
4-1-5 H-Bot 機構座標轉換流程 ......................................... 30
4-2 研究架構 .......................................................... 31
4-3 GCode 產生介面 ..................................................... 32
4-4 雷射/馬達操作介面 ................................................. 35
4-5 WebCam 介面 ........................................................ 37
第五章 實驗結果與討論 ................................................... 38
5-1 功率關係曲線實驗 .................................................. 40
5-2 影像前處理實驗 .................................................... 45
5-2-1 直方圖均化前處理 ............................................... 45
5-2-2 抖動前處理 ..................................................... 48
5-3 斜向移動路徑實驗 .................................................. 51
第六章 結論與未來展望 ................................................... 55
6-1 結論 .............................................................. 55
6-2 未來展望 .......................................................... 55
參考文獻 ................................................................ 56
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指導教授 黃衍任 審核日期 2024-1-11
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