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姓名 許家濬(Chia-Chun Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 臺南盆地自始新世以來沉積層序發育過程及構造演化歷史
(Sedimentary Sequence Development and Tectonic Evolution of Tainan Basin since Eocen醫)
★ 琉球隱沒帶最南段隱沒沉積物物理性質之研究★ 高屏峽谷極上游區域峽谷侵蝕與泥貫入體活動之交互關係研究
★ 基於深度學習的反射震測速度分析★ 利用2.5 維密集式高解析電火花震測法研究高屏峽谷極上游區域的海床侵蝕作用
★ 南海北部大陸邊緣震測地層與構造演化之研究★ 利用多頻道電火花反射震測法研究南高屏陸坡區域沉積構造與演化過程
★ 琉球隱沒帶最南段由隱沒過渡至碰撞 走向滑移斷層構造研究★ 高屏峽谷源頭區域近一萬年以來淺層高解析地質構造之研究
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摘要(中) 臺南盆地位處於北港高區南側至南海海盆北部,自新生代以來即開始張裂,盆地內保存了臺灣自白堊紀基盤以來區域構造演化沉積紀錄。前人研究認為臺南
摘要(英) The Tainan Basin is situated in between Beigang basement high and northern South China Sea basin. It is started to rift since early Cenozoic time which preserves geological and sedimentary evidence of the tectonic evolution of the Tainan basin. Previous studies suggested the Yichu fault serves as a northern boundary fault of the Tainan basin. However, due to lack of multi-channel seismic data in particular west portion of the Tainan basin, Yichu fault western prolongation, activities and spatial distribution and evolution of the Tainan basin are unclear. Therefore, we collected 18 multi-channel seismic profiles which include deep penetration seismic data and near seafloor high resolution sparker seismic data. After data processing and integrated analyses, a modified tectonic evolution of the Tainan basin is proposed and sedimentary structures and fault activities near seafloor are also discussed. In addition, we have tied seismic interfaces to nearby previous well logging studies which identified nine sedimentary sequence boundaries in between 33 Ma and 1.8 ka. The result shows that the Yichu fault is probably initiated since 33.9 Ma, western prolongation toward 118。45’E losing large vertical offset boundary fault characteristics rather produced several small offset faults becoming Yichu fault zone. The whole 300 kilometers long Yichu fault zone can be prolongated toward 118。E at least which could probably develop big magnitude earthquake in the future. Furthermore, the Tainan basin can be sub-divided into two sections: east Tainan basin containing 1.5-2.5 thick sediments and west Tainan basin rather preserving thinner 1.2-1.4 kilometers thick sediments, which may suggest post-spreading of the South China Sea basin rifting episode occurred at eastern Tainan basin. It is worthy to investigate this rifting episode in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 海域反射震測
★ 火花放電式反射震測
★ 臺南盆地
★ 義竹斷裂帶
關鍵字(英) ★ marine multi-channel seismic method
★ sparker multi-channel seismic method
★ Tainan basin
★ Yichu fault zone
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xviii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 臺灣西半部沉積盆地區域地質架構 1
1-2 臺灣西部沉積盆地自古新世以來演化歷程 3
1-3 研究動機與目的 6
二、 研究方法及資料處理 17
2-1 反射震測法 17
2-1-1 海域傳統反射震測原理 17
2-1-2 電火花反射震測原理 19
2-2 研究區域及施測幾何配置 20
2-2-1 海域傳統反射震測資料施測參數及幾何配置 20
2-2-2 電火花反射震測資料施測參數及幾何配置 21
2-3 反射震測資料處理流程 22
2-3-1 資料輸入(Data input) 23
2-3-2 幾何定義(Geometry setting) 23
2-3-3 資料編輯(Trace editing) 24
2-3-4 頻率濾波(Frequency filter) 25
2-3-5 頻率波數濾波(F-K filter) 25
2-3-6 直達波刪除(Direct wave eliminate) 26
2-3-7 湧浪修正(Swell correction) 26
2-3-8 鬼波去除(De-ghost) 27
2-3-9 解迴旋(Deconvolution) 28
2-3-10 速度分析(Velocity analysis) 29
2-3-11 雷東變換(Radon transform) 30
2-3-12 真實振幅還原(True amplitude recovery) 31
2-3-13 重合(Stacking) 32
2-3-14 複反射消除(Multiple elimination) 32
2-3-15 側向振幅平衡(Amplitude balance) 34
2-3-16 描線混合(Trace mixing) 34
2-3-17 克希荷夫重合後移位(Post stack Kirchhoff migration) 34
三、 鑽井井位定年比對與震測剖面描述及解釋 74
3-1 研究區域鄰近鑽井井位定年比對與地層層面標註及解釋 74
3-1-1 T70層 (33.90 Ma) / Tg層 (66.00 Ma) 76
3-1-2 T60層 (23.03 Ma) 76
3-1-3 T40層 (15.97 Ma) 77
3-1-4 T32層 (10.00Ma) / T31層 (7.16 Ma) / T30層 (5.33Ma) 78
3-1-5 T25層 (3.60Ma) / T20層 (2.59 Ma) 79
3-1-6 Tlgm層 79
3-1-7 斷層 80
3-2 震測剖面展示與描述 81
3-2-1 A區 81
a. Line 01 81
b. Line 02 82
c. Line 03 84
d. Line 04 85
e. Line 05 86
f. Line 06 87
3-2-2 B區 88
a. Line09 88
b. Line07 90
c. Line08 91
d. Line10 92
e. Line11 93
f. Line16 94
g. Line17 94
3-2-3 C區 96
a. Line12 96
b. Line13 96
c. Line14 97
d. Line15 97
e. Line18 98
3-2-4 D區 99
a. Line24 99
b. Line19 101
c. Line20 103
d. Line21 104
e. Line22 106
f. Line23 107
g. Line25 108
h. Line26 109
i. Line27 110
j. Line28 111
四、 討論 185
4-1 澎湖地台 185
4-2 臺南盆地 187
4-3 義竹斷裂帶與區域斷層分佈圖 190
4-4 沉積物等厚圖 193
4-5 臺南盆地演化歷史 195
五、 結論 243
參考文獻 245
參考文獻 參考文獻
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