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姓名 陳奕墉(Yi-Yung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 記錄於倒數空間高繞射效率之全像儲存系統
(A Holographic Data Storage System Recorded in Reciprocal Space with High Diffractive Efficiency)
★ 提升近眼顯示器光學效率之輸入影像頻譜分布技術
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摘要(中) 在傳統的全像儲存系統中,我們可以利用全像片感光材料層的厚度,在同一塊區域中對不同角度資訊的多工記錄。而有鑑於目前的全像儲存多工技術中,存在著多工張數對於繞射效率的影響,且其繞射效率會隨著多工張數增加而下降至多工張數的平方倍,另一方面,繞射效率降低會降低儲存系統的讀取速度及儲存容量。因此,我們提出了「N倍繞射效率之體積全像多工技術」,改善了上述提到繞射效率降低為多工張數平方倍的問題,但是實驗的讀取影像資訊有著資訊不均勻的狀況。
摘要(英) In traditional holographic storage systems, we can utilize the thickness of the photosensitive material layer in holographic plates to achieve multiplex recording of information from different angles within the same area. However, current holographic storage multiplexing techniques suffer from a decrease in diffraction efficiency as the number of multiplexed holograms increases. The diffraction efficiency tends to decrease by the square of the multiplexing factor, which negatively impacts readout speed and capacity.
To address this issue, we propose the " N Times Enhancement of Diffraction Efficiency of Volume Holographic Multiplexing Technology," which improves the problem of diffraction efficiency decreasing by the square of the multiplexing factor. However, experiments have shown uneven distribution of information in the readout images.
In this paper, we introduce the recording of information in reciprocal space and subsequently transform the information through a lens using Fourier transformation. This process improves the uniformity of the readout signal and increases the number of recorded information pages. In this holographic storage system, multiple sets of information are multiplexed and recorded in the same recording area. The readout signal is obtained by the interference of individually retrieved signals from each reading beam. By introducing a shift in the holographic plate, the readout position corresponds to a change in the wavefront of the reading beam, resulting in a phase change in the recorded information. Therefore, we design the phase of the superimposed signals to produce constructive and destructive interference during the shift readout process, allowing for variations in signal intensity corresponding to different shift distances. Additionally, utilizing the information in reciprocal space enables higher uniformity in the readout information.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全像術
★ 全像儲存
論文目次 摘要 V
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 資訊儲存簡介 1
1-2 全像術發展 2
1-3 研究動機 3
第二章 體積全像原理介紹 5
2-1 全像術 5
2-2 相位疊加法 8
2-3 布拉格條件 11
2-4 布拉格簡併 13
2-5 耦合波理論 14
2-6 M-NUMBER 23
2-7 相位補償 26
第三章 儲存架構之基底概念 29
3-1 全像儲存系統架構 29
3-1-1 實驗架構 29
3-1-2 系統放大率倍率 33
3-1-3 訊號調製 34
3-2 探討多工角度 34
3-4 繞射能量計算 38
3-5 改變兩參考光間距 40
第四章 多工記錄疊加讀取實驗結果 44
4-1 訊號及八道參考光設計 44
4-1-1 參考光設計 45
4-1-2 相位設計 45
4-1-3 相位補償 47
4-2 改變讀取光相位 50
4-3 改變參考光相位 60
4-4 繞射效率 64
4-5 實驗結果討論 66
第五章 結論 67
參考文獻 69
中英文名詞對照表 73
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指導教授 楊宗勳 余業緯 孫慶成 審核日期 2023-8-15
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