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姓名 謝宗儒(Tsung-Ju Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 員工協助方案在企業招募的潛在角色:以應徵意願為例
(Investigating the role of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in recruitment: Effects on potential applicants’ intentions to apply)
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摘要(中) 少子化的影響對我國社會的衝擊年年加劇,面對競爭激烈又逐漸萎縮的勞動市場,許多企業都試圖透過改善招募政策以便搶得人才,人才戰已經成為了企業能否永續發展的問題。綜觀以往,由於我國產業大多以農工業為主,因此大多是透過以強調薪資作為招募政策的主軸,但是隨著時代變遷及產業轉型,新世代的求職者漸漸不把薪資作為選擇工作的唯一考量,而員工協助方案便是企業為照顧員工所發展的一種服務措施,以照顧員工身心健康為主要訴求。過去雖然已有許多關於員工協助方案的研究,但大多為針對心理疾病與工作滿意度,對於員工協助方案與應徵意願的研究極度匱乏,因此本研究的目的是探討招募廣告中員工協助方案的有無與求職者應徵意願的關聯,以及工作價值、心理疾病史與諮商經驗對兩者關係的影響。本研究之研究對象為具工作經驗者,透過迴歸分析驗證廣告中的員工協助方案與應徵意願間存在顯著正向相關,可顯著提升求職者的應徵意願(β= .391, p< .01)。透過建立交互作用模型驗證廣告中員工協助方案與工作價值、心理疾病史與諮商經驗間,均不存在顯著交互作用。本研究之研究結果可以提供後續研究者在進行應徵意願相關研究的參考文獻,並為員工協助方案與應徵意願相關研究提供貢獻。
摘要(英) Declining birthrates are increasingly affecting our society, particularly within the context of a competitive and shrinking labor market. To cope with these challenges, many companies are revamping their recruitment strategies to attract top talent, turning the battle for talent into a fight for longevity. During the past, firms primarily enticed job seekers with attractive salaries and tangible rewards. However, as our industries evolved, the new generation of job seekers no longer consider salary as the sole determinant of job selection. Consequently, companies have introduced "Employee Assistance Program" (EAP) that emphasize physical and mental health support. While numerous studies have explored EAP′s impact on mental health and job satisfaction, research on their connection with intention to apply is sparse. This study aims to investigate the presence of EAP in recruitment advertisements and their relationship with job seekers′ intention to apply. Additionally, it explores the influence of work values, history of psychological disorders, and counseling experience on this association, focusing on individuals with prior work experience. Regression analysis confirmed a significant positive correlation between EAP in advertisements and job application intentions (β= .435, p< .01). Further examination via an interaction model revealed no significant interactions between EAP in advertisements and work values, psychological history, or counseling experience. These findings offer valuable insights for future researchers examining EAP and address the gap of research on the relationship between EAP and intention to apply.
關鍵字(中) ★ 員工協助方案
★ 應徵意願
★ 工作價值
★ 心理疾病
★ 諮商經驗
關鍵字(英) ★ Employee assistance program
★ Intention to apply
★ Work values
★ Psychological disorders
★ Counseling experience
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 ......................................................................................................................... i Abstract ........................................................................................................................... ii 目錄 ............................................................................................................................... iii圖目錄 ............................................................................................................................ v 表目錄 ........................................................................................................................... vi一、緒論 ........................................................................................................................ 1
1-1研究動機 .......................................................................................................... 1
1-2研究背景 .......................................................................................................... 5
1-3研究目的 .......................................................................................................... 6
1-4研究流程 .......................................................................................................... 6 二、文獻探討 ................................................................................................................ 7
2-1員工協助方案 ................................................................................................ 7
2-2應徵意願與招募 .......................................................................................... 14
2-3工作價值 ...................................................................................................... 15
2-4心理疾病與員工協助方案 .......................................................................... 17三、研究方法 .............................................................................................................. 18
3-1研究架構 ...................................................................................................... 18
3-2研究假設 ...................................................................................................... 19
3-3研究方法 ...................................................................................................... 20
3-4問卷設計 ...................................................................................................... 20
四、研究結果 .............................................................................................................. 23
4-1敘述統計分析 .............................................................................................. 23
4-2皮爾森相關分析 .......................................................................................... 25
4-3迴歸分析 ...................................................................................................... 26五、討論........................................................................................................................ 30
5-1 EAP與應徵意願 ......................................................................................... 30
5-2工作價值與應徵意願 .................................................................................. 30
5-3心理疾病史、諮商經驗與應徵意願 .......................................................... 31
六、結論與建議 .......................................................................................................... 32
6-1結論 .............................................................................................................. 32
6-2建議與限制 .................................................................................................. 33
參考文獻 ...................................................................................................................... 34
附錄 .............................................................................................................................. 39
附錄一 研究問卷 .............................................................................................. 39
附錄二 使用海報 .............................................................................................. 41
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指導教授 陳永儀(Yong-Yi Chen) 審核日期 2024-1-25
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