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姓名 阮家欣(Chia-Hsin Juan) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 客家語文暨社會科學學系客家研究碩士在職專班 論文名稱 都會客家社區營造效益之研究-以桃園市中壢區東興社區發展協會為例
(A Study on the Effectiveness of Urban Hakka Community Empowerment: A Case Study of Dongxing Community Development Association in Zhongli District, Taoyuan City)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 東興里位於桃園市中壢區的東部,鄰近重要的交通幹道和公共設施,包括中壢火車站、桃園國際機場以及多條主要公路,其中東興社區是屬於相對密集的住宅區。隨著都會化進程的加快,傳統的客家聚落現在已經面臨城市化的挑戰,這也促使了都會客家營造的興起。本研究旨在探討東興社區發展協會在都會客家社區中所扮演的角色與其存在的意義,以及東興社區發展協會在推動社區營造和客家文化保護的相關影響因素。
東興社區發展協會組織了多種課程和活動,包括教唱客家歌、辦擂茶活動、食伯公福、客家小劇場、拼布課程等。這些活動涵蓋了客家文化的不同方面,包括音樂、舞蹈、飲食和手工藝等,為社區居民提供了多元的學習和體驗機會。透過這些活動,居民可以更深入地了解和體驗客家文化的豐富內涵,這種以客家元素為基礎的設計體現了對客家文化的尊重和關注,同時也促進了客家文化的傳承和發展。摘要(英) Dongxing Village is located in the eastern part of Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, adjacent to important transportation arteries and public facilities, including Zhongli Train Station, Taoyuan International Airport, and several major highways. The Dongxing community is a relatively dense residential area. With the accelerated process of urbanization, traditional Hakka settlements are now facing the challenges of urbanization, which has led to the emergence of urban Hakka construction. This study aims to explore the role and significance of the Dongxing Community Development Association in urban Hakka communities, as well as the relevant factors influencing community development and Hakka cultural preservation.
Urban Hakka construction is an activity aimed at protecting and inheriting Hakka culture in the process of urbanization, with the goal of enhancing the cultural value, community cohesion, and residents′ quality of life in urban Hakka communities. This study explores how the Dongxing Community Development Association promotes community empowerment and overcomes the hidden challenges of urban Hakka identity by analyzing its organizational operations, inter-organizational interactions, and policy advocacy. Furthermore, the performance of the Dongxing Community Development Association in social capital networks, trust, and normative relationships is examined to assess its internal cohesion and collaborative capacity within the community.
The main causes of the hidden challenges of urban Hakka identity include socio-cultural changes, education systems and language policies, urban life pressures and social integration, as well as the influence of cultural identity and self-perception. These factors together contribute to the decline in the use and inheritance of the Hakka language, gradually diluting the linguistic characteristics of the Hakka ethnic group. Social and cultural changes have indeed affected the Hakka ethnic group, with traditional family structures and values undergoing transformations, leading to changes in language usage among family members. Therefore, the formation of the hidden challenges of urban Hakka identity is multifaceted, involving historical factors, social policies, economic factors, among others. To address the hidden challenges, systematic strategies and measures are needed to protect and promote Hakka culture and language, while simultaneously improving the economic and social status of the Hakka people.
The Dongxing Community Development Association organizes various courses and activities, including teaching Hakka songs, hosting tea gatherings, Hakka theatrical performances, and patchwork classes. These activities cover different aspects of Hakka culture, such as music, dance, cuisine, and handicrafts, providing residents with diverse learning and experiential opportunities. Through these activities, residents can gain a deeper understanding and experience of the rich cultural heritage of the Hakka community. This design, based on Hakka elements, reflects the respect and attention given to Hakka culture, while also promoting its inheritance and development.關鍵字(中) ★ 非營利組織
★ 客家社區
★ 社區營造關鍵字(英) ★ non-profit organization
★ Hakka community
★ community empowerment論文目次 摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
謝辭 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 2
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
第三節 研究架構與研究方法 7
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 9
第一節 非營利組織與政府部門 9
第二節 非營利組織與社區 15
第三節 社區發展的特色及原則 19
第四節 都會客家社區營造策略 22
第五節 碩博士論文之探討 25
第三章 個案探討 28
第一節 東興社區發展協會之沿革與組織架構 28
第二節 東興社區發展協會推動社區造時的困境與對策 30
第三節 東興社區發展協會推動社區營造之效益 34
第四章 研究/訪談發現與分析 37
第一節 東興社區發展協會的發展與運作 37
第二節 東興社區發展協會的客家特色與問題 45
第三節 東興社區發展協會公私協力的特性與展望 48
第五章 研究結論與建議 57
第一節 研究結論 57
第二節 研究建議 61
第三節 未來研究展望 67
參考文獻 72
附錄一:訪談大綱 76
附錄二:訪談同意函 77
圖一:研究架構圖 7
圖二:組織架構圖 30
表一:受訪者一覽表 75參考文獻 一、專書
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