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姓名 賴揚達(Yang-Ta Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 基因編輯技術的倫理反思
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摘要(中) 基因編輯技術的倫理反思



倘若基因編輯技的應用能拯救許多人的生命,讓人們免受飢餓與疾病的困擾,並能享受更高的生活品質,那麼究竟有什麼理由不去發展這項極具潛力的技術呢?將基因編輯的技術,應用到強化動植物,甚至是人類的身上,真的是如此危險且有道德疑慮的嗎?為了回應上述問題,本論文將首先回顧優生學的歷史與可能涉及的道德問題,整理基因編輯這項技術的原理及風險,並檢視幾位知名哲學家所提出的,關於基因編輯及強化的論證, 期望能在思索過程的最後,向人們揭示如何在不忽略倫理問題的情況下,以適切的態度面對基因編輯,乃至強化人類之議題。

摘要(英) Ethical Reflection on Gene Editing Technology


As humanity continually pursues excellence, we have not only developed capabilities that other animals lack but also improved our environment and tools, enabling us to transcend a nomadic existence, cooperate and live together with others, and advance our thoughts and technologies. Now, we have arrived at a point where we can modify ourselves as the object of improvement. However, the process of "enhancing humans" is not without its challenges. Eugenics was humanity′s first attempt at large-scale genetic improvement, but it resulted in ethical tragedies such as forced sterilization, cruel segregation policies, and mass killings of specific ethnic groups. Most people would agree that eugenics was a dark and cruel chapter in history. Given this context, when humans once again attempt to improve their genetic makeup through "gene editing" technology, it is natural for many to feel fear and doubt. Such fears have even affected people′s attitudes towards "applying gene editing technology to animals and plants."

If the application of gene editing technology can save many lives, free people from hunger and disease, and improve their quality of life, what reason is there not to develop this highly promising technology? Is applying gene editing technology to enhance animals, plants, and even humans truly as dangerous and morally questionable as some fear? To address these questions, this paper will first review the history of eugenics and the ethical issues it raised. It will then explore the principles and risks of gene editing technology and examine arguments put forth by several prominent philosophers regarding gene editing and enhancement. The ultimate aim is to reveal, after careful consideration, how to approach gene editing, including the enhancement of humans, with the appropriate attitude while acknowledging ethical concerns.

Keywords: Applied Ethics, Gene Editing, Genes, Eugenics, CRISPR, Enhancement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 應用倫理學
★ 基因
★ 基因編輯
★ 優生學
★ 強化
論文目次 目錄


第一節 優生學的核心思想.....................................................................................................6
第二節 反對優生學的各種觀點............................................................................................14

第一節 何謂基因編輯............................................................................................................27
第二節 基因編輯技術之應用-以植物和動物為例...............................................................37
第三節 基因編輯動、植物可能遭遇的倫理困境................................................................41

第一節 基因編輯技術之應用-以人類為例...........................................................................49
第二節 對基因強化人類之倫理論述的檢視與省思............................................................52

第五章 結論......................................................................................................68
參考文獻 參考書目


Buchanan, Allen, & Brock, W. Dan, & Daniels, Norman, & Wikler, Daniel. (2000). From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Carey, Nessa. (2019). Hacking The Code of Life: How Gene Editing Will Rewrite Our Future. USA: Icon Books Ltd.

Doudna, A. Jennifer, & Sternberg, H. Samuel. (2018). A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution. New York: Mariner Books.

Habermas, Jurgen. (2003). The Future of Human Nature, Oxford: Polity Press.

Sandel, J. Michael. (2009). The Case Against Perfection: Ethics in The Age of Genetic Engineering. The United States of America: First Harvard University Press.



Buchanan Allen,Brock W. Dan,Daniels Norman,Wikler Daniel著,蕭郁雯譯:《從機會到選擇:遺傳學與正義》(台北:巨流圖書公司,2004)





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蘇宇暉、羅凱揚,2022,〈網路效應:Network Effect〉,行銷資料科學,URL=https://medium.com/marketingdatascience/%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E6%95%88%E6%87%89-network-effect-35d2a591fa5b (2023.04.08瀏覽)
指導教授 李凱恩 審核日期 2023-7-25
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