摘要(英) |
The proposer of Utilitarianism - Jeremy Bentham ( 1748-1832 ) and the reformer - John Stuart Mill ( 1806-1873 ).Two representatives of Utilitarianism are concerned about is: not the maximization of the individual interests, but the maximization of the overall interests of human society and even the universe. Does this seem to be in conflict with the minority groups that special education is concerned about (this article takes the disabled group as the research object), or can a balance be achieved between the two, or some people misunderstanding Utilitarianism This article would like to use this as the motivation for research, and explore the application of Utilitarianism in special education and its theoretical emphasis on whether it can be used as a basis for education and public legislation from three aspects: the education scene, educators, and the legal level. Guidelines. Through the analysis of literature and actual cases, it is used as a research method to make inferences. It also explores whether Utilitarianism will sacrifice the rights and interests of a small number of people; and what kind of ethical concepts educators should have.
The expected conclusion of this article is that the so-called "greatest happiness for the greatest number" of Utilitarianism does not have unreasonable requirements for the minority as some people think. On the contrary, even its theoretical connotation is to fight for the rights of minorities. Therefore, this article advocate that Utilitarianism emphasizes is actually the core concept in Special Education. Therefore, the principle of maximum happiness can actually achieve a win-win situation while preserving the rights and interests of minority groups, and this core concept can be used as the foundation of inclusive education. |
參考文獻 |
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