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姓名 吳昊軒(Hao-Hsuan Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 低溫熱管設計及性能研究
★ 不同集管型式多流道熱交換器流動分佈研究★ 冷媒R-245fa於不同石墨烯塗佈鰭管上凝結熱傳性能之實驗分析
★ 通訊衛星低溫熱管性能研究★ 吸附式空調系統之微鰭板蒸發/冷凝器凝結熱傳增強性能研究
★ 平板震盪型熱管均熱片研究★ 薄矽膠層吸附床之性能研究
★ 小型吸附式空調系統研究★ 變頻空調機在不同環境下之控制策略
★ 水-空氣在板式熱交換器內的流動觀察★ 以紅外線熱像分析冷媒R410A在板式熱交換器內之蒸發熱傳性能
★ 不同粒徑微多孔表面在狹小空間內之池沸騰熱傳性能研究★ 梯形流道表面之池沸騰熱傳性能研究
★ 石墨烯塗佈銅管外凝結熱傳性能研究★ 超臨界R-410A與R-32熱傳及壓降性能之研究
★ 製冷劑R-245fa在石墨烯塗層中的冷凝傳熱整體翅片管★ 不同性能風扇對熱傳增強鰭片之性能研究
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摘要(中) 近年來,隨著通信衛星和冷鏈運輸應用的逐漸普及,低溫熱管的重要性日益凸顯。大多數這些應用的溫度範圍為 -20 ~ -40 oC。然而,在此溫度範圍內進行的研究卻很少。這項研究提供了在接近 -40 oC 的溫度下運行的熱管傳熱性能的實驗測量。採用外徑8mm、10mm、12mm三種不同的燒結銅熱管,工作流體使用冷媒R-32、R-134a以及R-245fa進行測試。
摘要(英) Due to the gradually popularized of the communication satellite and cold chain transportation applications, low-temperature heat pipes are increasing it importance drastically in the past years. Most of those applications are in the temperature range of -20 to -40 oC. However, very few researches have been conducted within this temperature range. This study provided an experimental measurement of heat transfer performance of heat pipes operating at temperatures near -40 oC. Using three different sintered copper heat pipes with outside diameters of 8mm, 10mm, and 12 mm and using refrigerant R-32, R-134a, and R-245fa as working fluid were tested.
Based on the experimental results, the thermal resistance of refrigerant R-32 is best, followed by refrigerant R-134a, while refrigerant R-245fa performs the worst. The possible reason is that refrigerant R-32 has best property of saturated vapor pressure gradient, liquid thermal conductivity, and liquid transport parameter compared to refrigerant R-134a and refrigerant R-245fa.
The overall thermal resistance of the diameter of 12mm heat pipe is lower than that of the diameter of 10mm heat pipe in both refrigerant R-245fa and R-134a heat pipes. The reason is the larger diameter heat pipe, the heat transfer area of the liquid-vapor interface in the evaporating and condensing sections increases, leading to a decrease in the liquid-vapor interface thermal resistance and thus reducing the overall thermal resistance of the heat pipe. However, in the R-32 refrigerant heat pipe, the diameter of 12mm heat pipe has a thicker wick than the diameter of 10mm heat pipe. This results in an increase in the thermal resistance with the fluid-wick interface. The thickness of the wick has a more significant impact on the thermal resistance, causing the diameter of 10mm heat pipe has lower thermal resistance than the diameter of 12mm heat pipe in refrigerant R-32 heat pipes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱管
★ 冷媒
★ 熱阻
★ 通訊衛星
★ 冷鏈運輸
關鍵字(英) ★ Heat pipes
★ Refrigerants
★ Thermal Resistance
★ Communication satellites
★ Cold chain transportation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xi
第一章、前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 5
第二章、文獻回顧 6
2.1 低溫熱管設計參數與操作參數 6
2.1.1 工作流體的選擇 6
2.1.2 蕊材的影響 10
2.1.3 工作流體填充率 14
2.2 低溫熱管性能研究 18
2.3 總結 22
第三章、研究方法 24
3.1 工作流體挑選 24
3.2 測試段 26
3.3 實驗系統 36
3.3.1 冷凍系統 36
3.3.2 實驗量測儀器與設備 37 溫度量測 37 直流電源供應器 38 電壓電流量測 38
3.3.3 資料擷取系統 38
3.4 實驗步驟 40
3.4.1 熱管工作流體的填充 40
3.4.2 熱管性能測試 40
3.5 實驗數據換算 42
第四章、結果與討論 43
4.1、工作流體冷媒R-245fa 43
4.1.1 管徑8mm熱管性能結果 43
4.1.2 管徑10mm熱管性能結果 46
4.1.3 管徑12mm熱管性能結果 48
4.1.4 不同熱管管徑性能結果比較 50
4.2、工作流體冷媒R-134a 52
4.2.1 管徑8mm熱管性能結果 52
4.2.2 管徑10mm熱管性能結果 54
4.2.3 管徑12mm熱管性能結果 56
4.2.4 不同熱管管徑性能結果比較 58
4.3、工作流體冷媒R-32 60
4.3.1 管徑8mm熱管性能結果 60
4.3.2 管徑10mm熱管性能結果 62
4.3.3 管徑12mm熱管性能結果 64
4.3.4 不同熱管管徑性能結果比較 66
4.4、不同冷媒性能結果比較 68
第五章、結論 73
參考文獻 74
附錄 77
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指導教授 楊建裕(Chien-Yuh Yang) 審核日期 2023-8-9
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