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姓名 鄭琬萱(Wan-Hsuan Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際研究生博士學位學程
論文名稱 探究環境變化對原核生物群落生態系統功能的影響
(Deciphering Ecosystem Functioning of Prokaryotic Community in Response to Environmental Change)
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摘要(中) 隨著人類對環境變化影響的加劇,研究環境變化如何影響生態系統功能變
的兩個特異性指標有助於預測生物多樣性損失對生態系統功能的影響(第 2
度上的影響最為顯著(第 3 章)。我藉由提出環境變化會驅動不同有機碳源利
會增加以緩解面對惡劣養分條件的影響(第 4 章)。總結而言,本論文從不同
的方面探討了翡翠水庫原核生物群落在環境變化下的生態系統功能反應並提供 了不同層面的理解。這對於制定有效的管理策略,以維護地球生物多樣性及其 對人類的服務至關重要。
摘要(英) Due to human impacts on Earth′s biological system, the study of how environmental change affects ecosystem functioning has become increasingly important. Research in this area began with examining how individual ecosystem functioning is affected by biodiversity loss. While research has shown that the loss of biodiversity negatively impacts ecosystem functions, the reasons for the different responses of functions to biodiversity loss and how to predict them are not yet fully understood. Moreover, the ecosystem is appreciated for its ability to perform multiple ecosystem functions simultaneously (i.e., ecosystem multifunctionality, EMF); moreover, factors other than diversity could impact ecosystem functioning. However, our current understanding of the underlying mechanisms that explain EMF, especially in terms of temporal variabilities, remains limited. In addition, environmental change could mediate the species loss in a non-random way. Yet, the understanding of the consequence of non-random loss on ecosystem functioning remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to comprehend how ecosystem functioning responds to environmental change, specifically through the prokaryotic community in Feitsui Reservoir, Taiwan. In particular, I demonstrated that the consequences of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning could be predicted by two specificity indices based on the number of species that promotes the functions and substrate complexity (Chapter 2). I identified primary factors influencing substrate-utilization based EMF at different temporal scales: biotic factor (diversity) for short-term dynamics, exogenous factor (temperature) for seasonal variations, and endogenous factor (dissolved organic carbon) for inter-annual patterns (Chapter 3). Additionally, I evaluated the potential influence of environmental change on ecosystem functioning by considering the non-random loss of species, which is influenced by their niche breadth in relation to resource utilization. By proposing a link to anticipate the relationship between niche breadth and functional potential under environmental change, I revealed that the functional potential could actually increase, thereby buffering the impact of harsh nutrient conditions (Chapter 4). In conclusion, this thesis provides a comprehensive understanding of how ecosystem functioning of prokaryotic community in Feitsui Reservoir responds to environmental change through different aspects, which is essential for developing effective management strategies to preserve the planet′s biodiversity and its services to humanity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 生物多樣性與生態系功能
★ 冗餘
★ 生態位寬度
★ 生態多系統功能
★ 時間序列
★ 原核生物群落
關鍵字(英) ★ Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
★ redundancy
★ niche breadth
★ ecosystem multifunctionality
★ time series
★ prokaryotic community
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
Table of Content vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: New index of functional specificity to predict the redundancy of ecosystem functions in microbial communities 4
Abstract 4
Introduction 5
Materials and Methods 7
Results 13
Discussion 14
Supplementary Information 23
Chapter 3: Empirical dynamics of ecosystem multifunctionality in aquatic community 42
Abstract 42
Introduction 43
Materials and Methods 44
Results 49
Discussion 50
Supplementary Information 58
Chapter 4: Impacts of resource fluctuation and availability on niche breadth and their consequence on functional potential: a perspective from species to community levels 64
Abstract 64
Introduction 65
Materials and Methods 67
Results 74
Discussion 75
Supplementary information 85
Chapter 5: Conclusion 89
References: 92
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指導教授 謝志豪 潘任飛(Chih-hao Hsieh Iam-Fei Pun) 審核日期 2023-6-12
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