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姓名 高家祥(CHIA-HSIANG KAO)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 簡化 API 更動問題的策略:利用 OpenAPI 文檔與程式碼生成器整合 Client SDK 與伺服器端 End2End 測試
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摘要(中) 在一個雲端應用中,伺服器需要讓客戶端可以取得它們所需的資料,而伺服器與客戶端的溝通介面就稱為API(Application Programming Interface)。那為了讓使用API的人易於理解,通常都需要為API撰寫文件,來詳細說明用途。
另外一方面,在有API後,通常伺服器端會將API封裝成一個模組,稱為SDK(Software Development Kit)。但是通常開發SDK是一件煩人的工作,所以有些團隊會使用程式碼產生器來產生SDK。但是現有的程式碼產生器仍存在許多問題,例如:生成的程式碼過於複雜,不容易根據需求進行客製化。並且,如果要修改程式碼產生器的行為,則需要詳細研究官方文檔和設定。
摘要(英) In a cloud application, servers need to allow clients to access the data they require, and the interface through which servers and clients communicate is called an Application Programming Interface (API). In order to make the API user-friendly and easy to understand, it is usually necessary to write documentation that provides detailed explanations of its usage.

However, there are many challenges when writing API documentation. First, the content of the documentation is frequently incomplete or inconsistent with the actual functionality. Additionally, maintaining the documentation typically requires additional manpower, which can be difficult to allocate in small teams, resulting in increased workload and complexity for each individual and a higher likelihood of documentation errors.

On the other hand, after having an API, the server-side usually packages the API into a module called a Software Development Kit (SDK). However, developing an SDK is often a tedious task, so some teams resort to using code generators to generate the SDK.

But, current code generators, it still have many problems. For example, the generated code can be overly complex and not easily customizable according to specific requirements. Furthermore, making changes to the behavior of a code generator often requires a detailed study of official documentation and configurations.

To address these problems, this paper proposes an architecture that analyzes the backend code to generate API documentation and improve its readability. Additionally, we have developed a code generator that creates basic API interfaces and test data, providing developers who create SDKs with greater flexibility without being constrained by the code generator′s limitations.
關鍵字(中) ★ OpenAPI
★ 程式碼產生器
★ 測試
★ 架構
★ 文檔
關鍵字(英) ★ OpenAPI
★ Code Generator
★ Testing
★ Architecture
★ Documentation
論文目次 一、 緒論 1
二、 研究背景 6
2-1 HTTP規範 6
2-2 前後端分離 7
2-3 RESTful 8
2-4 OpenAPI 9
2-4-1 Swagger Editor 11
2-4-2 Swagger UI 12
2-5 API開發流程風格 13
2-5-1 Code-First 13
2-5-2 API-First 13
2-6 SDK 14
2-7 Code Generator 15
2-8 裝飾器 17
三、 問題描述與分析 20
3-1 後端程式碼與OAS關聯 20
3-1-1 後端的程式碼與OAS各別維護 20
3-1-2 只撰寫OAS並產生後端程式碼 20
3-1-3 利用工具或套件分析程式碼並產生OAS 21
3-2 API與SDK關聯 23
3-2-1 API文檔與SDK分別維護 23
3-2-2 使用OAS產生SDK 23
3-3 後端程式與SDK關聯 27
四、 架構整合功能實做 28
4-1 架構規劃 28
4-2 程式碼產生API規範 29
4-2-1 註解 29
4-2-2 裝飾器 31
4-2-3 裝飾器—介面 32
4-2-4 裝飾器—建造者模式 35
4-3 OAS規範產生SDK 40
4-3-1 SDK需求 40
4-3-2 程式碼產生流程 41
4-3-3 產生API函式介面 42
4-3-4 產生API介面 45
4-3-5 產生End2End測試資料 51
五、 架構評估 53
5-1 對於架構的評估 53
5-2 維護的方便性 55
5-3 實際的範例 58
六、 結論與未來展望 61
七、 參考資料 63
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指導教授 鄭永斌(Yung-Pin Cheng) 審核日期 2023-8-5
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