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姓名 徐溥謙(Pu-Chien Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於RFSoC平台的LEO衛星通 訊時變通道模擬器的設計與實現
(Design and Implementation of Time-Varying Channel Emulator for LEO Satellite Communications with RFSoC Platform)
★ WiMAX基地台信號覆蓋實地量測與分析★ 被動元件阻抗量測原理及實務
★ 正交分頻多工接收機中數位降頻器之低通濾波器設計★ 適用於數位電視之里德所羅門編解碼硬體實作
★ 數位電視地面廣播系統之通道估測與等化器設計與實現★ 數位電視地面廣播之數位基頻收發機即時軟體設計與實現
★ 數位電視地面廣播系統通道解碼之腓特比解碼器實現★ 無線區域網路收發機之整合實現與測試
★ 以DSP處理器實現數位電視地面廣播系統發射機★ 數位電視內接收機同步系統之設計與實現
★ AIS實體層(GMSK/FM)與資料鏈結層軟體無線電技術實現★ 數位電視地面廣播系統內接收機之快速傅立葉轉換處理器研究與設計
★ 數位電視地面廣播之數位降頻器與再取樣器設計與實現★ 軟體無線電任意基頻訊號接收機系統設計及實現
★ 陣列天線互耦及接收機增益與相位對波束合成器性能影響及校正研究★ 適用於OFDM系統之可變長度快速傅立葉轉換處理器設計與實現
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摘要(中) 近年來,隨著衛星小型化及有效載荷系統不斷進步,以及低軌火箭運載成本的降低,使得衛星通訊除了軍事用途外,也開始快速朝向商業化發展。衛星
本論文在ZCU111之FPGA硬體架構設計與實現低軌道衛星的通道模擬,在FPGA上產生單載波訊號經過DAC/ADC收回來後,依照低軌道衛星的規格做時變延遲、相位變化以及訊號增益達到模擬衛星之訊號。本篇論文之硬體架構包含BlockRAM模組、Farrow Interpolator模組、相位旋轉模組、訊號增益模組以及RF Data Converter來實現低軌道衛星經過通道後的收發。
摘要(英) In recent years, with the continuous improvement of satellite miniaturization and payload system, as well as the reduction of the cost of low-orbit rockets, satellite communications have begun to rapidly develop towards commercialization in addition to military applications. Satellites have extremely high coverage, high data transmission rates, and transmissions are less susceptible to natural disasters. These advantages make low-orbit satellites have good commercial value. In order to ensure that the ground receiving station can receive the signal transmitted by the satellite in the future, we have made a low-orbit satellite channel simulator. Before the satellite goes into space, simulate the signal delay, frequency offset and signal attenuation of the atmospheric environment in space, so that the ground station can receive our satellite signal more stably in the future.
This thesis designs and realizes the channel simulation of low-orbit satellites on the FPGA hardware architecture of ZCU111. After the single-carrier signal is generated on the FPGA and retrieved by DAC/ADC, time-varying delay, phase change and signal gain are performed according to the specifications of low-orbit satellites. Reaching the signal of analog satellite. The hardware architecture of this paper includes BlockRAM module, Farrow Interpolator module, phase rotation module, signal gain module and RF Data Converter to realize the effect produced by low-orbit satellites.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體定義無線電 關鍵字(英) ★ RFSoC
★ Farrow Interpolator
★ Cordic
★ Time-Varing Channel
論文目次 謝誌 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-2 章節簡介 2
第二章 通道模擬器介紹 3
2-1 無線移動通道 4
2-2 衛星通訊通道 5
2-2-1 實際衛星信號延遲 6
2-2-2 實際衛星信號頻率偏移 7
2-2-3 實際衛星信號強度衰減 8
2-3 實驗情境 10
2-3-1 時變延遲 10
2-3-2 都普勒效應(Doppler Effect) 11
2-3-3 通道衰減 13
第三章 系統架構 15
3-1 RFSoC(射頻系統單晶片) 15
3-1-1 Processing System 16
3-1-2 Programming Logic 16
3-2 硬體平台 17
3-3 系統設計流程 18
第四章 低軌道通道模擬器硬體實現 20
4-1 系統架構 20
4-1-1 Config 21
4-1-2 Tx 22
4-2 通道模擬器 23
4-3 延遲(delay) 24
4-3-1 BRAM 25
4-3-2 費洛內插器(Farrow Interpolator) 26
4-3-3 Cubic Lagrange Interpolator 28
4-3-4 硬體架構 30
4-4 都普勒(doppler) 35
4-4-1 Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer 36
4-4-2 硬體架構 40
4-5 訊號增益 41
第五章 RFSoC平台之實現 44
5-1 Zynq UltraScale MPSoC (多處理器系統單晶片) 44
5-2 Direct Memory Access(DMA) 47
5-3 DAC/ADC 49
5-3-1 Clock 51
5-3-2 RFSoC Nyquist Zone Operation 54
5-3-3 DAC/ADC資料之擺放 55
5-3-4 DAC/ADC 操作介面 58
5-4 RFSoC平台使用流程 61
第六章 系統硬體實現結果 66
6-1 硬體資源使用率 66
6-2 硬體測試結果 69
6-2-1 訊號的延遲量測 69
6-2-2 訊號的頻譜量測 73
6-2-3 模組效能量測 76
第七章 結論 84
參考文獻 85

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指導教授 陳逸民(Yih-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2023-4-20
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