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姓名 卓志祜(Chih-Hu Cho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 工業 4.0 智慧化引入與人力成本效益分析:一個電子產業的實證案例
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★ 由精實生產助力轉型工業4.0-以C公司為例★ 大型自動化專案工程估價方法之研究
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摘要(中) 目前電子產業利潤大多倚靠人口紅利,用工人數動輒十萬多人,人力薪資支出龐大,過去由於人力成本相對較低,所以電子產業沒有建立自動化生產及智慧工廠的急迫性,大多的營運重心投入在設備的更新、產能提升及業務的擴張,過去還曾發生投入自動化產線成本過高,比起使用人力操作的成本還高,人工累計成本小於自動化產線建設成本,成為了電子產業導入工業4.0的最大阻礙。
但近年隨著物價通膨,人口紅利逐漸消失,以往在中國設廠的電子產業面臨人力供給的問題,生育率下降導致人力供給數下滑,以及薪資每年逐漸上漲,人力支出成本逐年提高,還有近三年疫情所導致的人力不確定性,以往倚靠的人口紅利在未來將消失,工廠被迫面臨解決人力成本的問題,為了提高品質與降低人力支出,許多企業紛紛評估與導入智慧製造提升競爭力,電子產業在未來勢必要往工業4.0邁進。故本研究以個案公司進行數位化升級的過程,深入瞭解個案公司的四大製程,包括SMT貼片加工、波峰焊(wave soldering)、PCBA測試、成品組裝,分析各製程精益自動化、物流自動化以及數位化和智慧化項目的導入,透過以上這些方法改善製程,整線投入直接人力由67人降低至52人,減少15人,人均每小時產出提升達30.2%,對投入前後的各項數據與成果來進行本研究,透過實際案例來探討導入智慧製造為產業所帶來的實際效益。
摘要(英) Currently, the electronics manufacturing industry traditionally relied on demographic dividend. The labor cost expenditures are enormous due to the employment of over one hundred thousand workers. Because labor cost was lower relatively, there was less urgency for the electronics manufacturing in-dustry to establish automated production and smart factories. Equipment up-date, production capacity increase and business expansion were the operational focus of electronics manufacturing industry. There have been instances where the cost of investing in an automated production line is higher than the cost of using labor. The barrier to Industry 4.0 is likely to be the fact that the accumu-lated cost of labor is lower than the cost of constructing an automated produc-tion line.
The demographic dividend has disappeared in recent years due to infla-tion. The electronics manufacturing industry that set up factories in China in the past faced challenges in terms of the supply of manpower. Over the past few years, the way that relied on demographic dividend is going to disappear because of fertility decline, labor cost increases, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The factory is forced to solve the labor cost problem. Many companies are be-ginning to evaluate and implement smart manufacturing to enhance their com-petitiveness, improve quality, and reduce labor costs. The electronics manufac-turing industry is bound to move towards Industry 4.0 in the future. Through the process of digital transformation in the case company, the research aims to delve into its four major processes: Surface Mount Technology, WAVE Solder-ing, PCBA Testing and System Assembly. Improving processes through the analysis of process automation, logistics automation, digitization, and the intel-ligent implementation of projects in each process. The total manpower for the production line has been reduced from 67 to 52, a decrease of 15 workers, re-sulting in a 30.2% increase in hourly output per person. To investigate the actu-al benefits of implementing smart manufacturing for industries, this study will examine various data and outcomes before and after implementation and pro-vide practical cases as examples.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工業 4.0 關鍵字(英) ★ Industry 4.0
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1工業4.0 3
2.2數位轉型 5
2.3 精實生產 6
2.4中國人力資源與製造業就業現況 9
第三章 個案研究 13
3.1 個案研究法 13
3.2 個案公司簡介 13
3.3 產品製程流程 16
3.3.1 貼片加工流程 16
3.3.2 波峰焊流程 20
3.3.3 PCBA測試流程 23
3.3.4 成品組裝流程 24
3.4 製程問題分析 25
3.5 自動化及智能化導入 26
3.6效益分析 42
第四章 結論與研究限制 45
4.1 研究結論 45
4.2 研究限制與後續研究 47
參考文獻 48
參考文獻 一、中文參考文獻
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指導教授 呂俊德 審核日期 2023-6-27
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