博碩士論文 110450006 詳細資訊

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姓名 李柏翰(Po-Han Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 中小企業的在地經營:以食品業A公司為例
★ 聯合國海洋法公約生效後,我國海洋管理策略及其因應作為之研究★ 大陸供應鏈金融平台策略探討─以F公司昆山廠為例
★ 台資企業績效獎勵制度改善方案探討─以L 公司吳江廠為例★ 自動光學檢測導入方案及其效益探討─以A電池公司為例
★ 以精實物流結合自動化進行倉儲系統再造之個案研究★ 電腦產業出貨排程系統之發展:系統分析方法的應用
★ 筆記型電腦代工製造業供應鏈遷徙之個案研究:製造佈局的觀點★ 零售業物流自動化技術導入與服務創新
★ 由精實生產助力轉型工業4.0-以C公司為例★ 大型自動化專案工程估價方法之研究
★ ODM廠商工業4.0實踐模式之探討:工業模式轉型的觀點★ 國際企業研發管理模式之探討─以M公司為例
★ 全球化企業研發管理模式之探討─以RobertBOSCH為研究個案★ 企業併購案例分析:以L公司併購N公司為例
★ 筆記型電腦產業的工業4.0:一個以流程為導向的實踐案例★ 台灣中小企業暨傳統產業的轉型探討─以L公司轉型研究探討
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討餡料業在烘焙供應鏈中的重要性以及管理策略。餡料業在烘焙產業中扮演著關鍵的角色,對於生產效率、庫存管理和產品品質的影響不可忽視。本研究透過文獻回顧和資料收集,提出餡料業的存在己久的問題,如何實施有效的措施。





摘要(英) This study aims to explore the importance and management strategies of filling materials in the baking supply chain. Filling materials play a crucial role in the baking industry, and their impact on production efficiency, inventory management, and product quality cannot be overlooked. Through literature review and data collection, this study identifies the long-standing challenges in the filling materials industry and proposes effective measures to address them.

Firstly, the filling materials industry is characterized by small quantities and diverse varieties, which traditionally resulted in low profitability. However, through lean production strategies, it is possible to enhance production efficiency and product diversity. The core challenge lies in maintaining minimal safe inventory levels while ensuring continuous supply. This paper discusses how to achieve appropriate storage of raw materials and reduce inventory waste while maintaining supply chain stability.

Secondly, agricultural raw materials hold a critical position in the food industry supply chain. The study explores methods for stringent quality control and proper storage conditions of raw materials. Establishing a comprehensive traceability system ensures accurate documentation of production methods and storage conditions, thereby enhancing product traceability and quality.

Thirdly, environmental protection and waste reduction are crucial concerns for the food industry. The research investigates the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to manage energy and reduce energy waste, thereby achieving environmental sustainability. The paper proposes technical approaches such as setting boiler load reduction and monitoring temperature through IoT to minimize energy consumption, prevent fires, and enhance overall factory safety.

In conclusion, this study delves into the importance and management strategies of filling materials in the baking supply chain. Through effective production management, stringent raw material quality control, environmental protection measures, and the application of IoT technologies, the filling materials industry can achieve sustainable development and gain a competitive edge.
Finally, talent training and workplace improvement are crucial for the filling materials industry. The paper discusses methods to enhance employee skills and engagement through employee training, promotion channels, reward systems, and effective communication. Additionally, improving workflow, investing in labor-saving equipment, and enhancing the work environment can also improve production efficiency and competitiveness in the filling materials industry.

In conclusion, this study thoroughly examines the importance of the filling materials industry in the baking supply chain and related management strategies. Through effective production management, stringent raw material quality control, environmental protection measures, market competition strategies, as well as talent training and workplace improvement, the filling materials industry can achieve sustainable development and gain a competitive advantage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 食品安全
★ 人才培訓
★ 物聯網
★ 供應鏈
★ 飲料業
★ 減少浪費
關鍵字(英) ★ Food Safety
★ Talent Training
★ Internet of things
★ Supply Chain
★ Beverage industry
★ Reduce waste
論文目次 第一章、前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第二章、文獻探討 3
2.1 食品業 3
2.2 供應鏈 12
第三章、食品產業 14
3.1 食品 14
3.2 經營規模及型態 15
3.3 供應商 17
3.4 食品業的經營重點 28
第四章、A公司個案 31
4.1 個案公司介紹 31
4.2 問題陳述 42
4.3 問題分析 45
4.4問題解決方案 48
第五章、結論與後續研究 52
5.1 研究結論 52
參考文獻 53
附錄 56
參考文獻 英文文獻
Gajanand Gupta, Satyendra Kumar Sharma, Kuldip Singh Sangwan & Anil Jindal (2022), “Modeling of Risk Factors in Transportation of Perishable Goods Using ISM Approach”, Operations and Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry,p13–20.

陳軒甫(2022),《工業 4.0 實踐模式之探討-以食品業為例》,清華大學智慧製造跨院高階主管碩士在職學位學程論文
賴清跑(2022),《食品業企業變革策略研究-以 DW 公司為例》,國立高雄大學高階經營管理碩士在職專班碩士論文。

指導教授 呂俊德 審核日期 2023-7-10
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