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姓名 凌瑋駿(Wei-Jiun Ling)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 行動隨意網路可調適及可延展之位置服務協定
(SEEKER: An Adaptive and Scalable Location Service for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)
★ 以IEEE 802.11為基礎行動隨意無線網路之混合式省電通訊協定★ 以范諾圖為基礎的對等式網路虛擬環境相鄰節點一致性研究
★ 同儕式網路虛擬環境高效率互動範圍群播★ 巨量多人線上遊戲之同儕網路互動範圍語音交談
★ 基於范諾圖之同儕式網路虛擬環境狀態管理★ 利用多變量分析 之多人線上遊戲信任使用者選擇
★ 無位置資訊無線感測網路之覆蓋及連通維持★ 同儕網路虛擬環境3D串流同儕選擇策略
★ 一個使用802.11與RFID技術的無所不在導覽系統U-Guide之設計與實作★ 同儕式三維資料串流
★ IM Finder: 透過即時通訊網路線上使用者找尋解答★ 無位置資訊無線感測網路自走車有向天線導航與協調演算法
★ 多匯點無線感測網路省能及流量分散事件輪廓追蹤★ 頻寬感知同儕式3D串流
★ 無線感測網路旋轉指向天線定位法★ 網路虛擬環境多重伺服器動態負載平衡
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摘要(中) 以位址資訊為基礎的繞徑協定使用地理資訊做輔助,相較於以拓撲為基礎(topology-based) 的繞徑協定,如 AODV 以及 DSR…等,能使得行動隨意式網路(MANET)具備更好的規模可變性與更低的路由負載。然而,以位址資訊為基礎的繞徑協定在遞送封包之前,首先需依賴位置服務法 (location services scheme)來提供他們目的地點的位置,然後他們才能將封包正確地遞送至目的地。因此,保持以位址資訊為基礎的繞徑協定的優點便是設計一個位置服務法,其需要具備有越高的規模可變性(Scalability)以及越低的協定控制負擔(Protocol overhead)。本篇論文提出 SEEKER來完成上述的目標。SEEKER的基本想法是使用群聚更新(aggregate update) 的方式整合一群行動主機(mobile nodes)並使他們能同時更新他們目前的位置。使用此種方法,我們嘗試去減低大部分的位址更新或維護的負擔(update overhead),同時保持很高的查詢成功率 (query success rate)。除此之外,SEEKER可改變位置更新的間隔時間來適應行動主機移動速度的改變,這樣能使SEEKER 節省更多位置更新的負擔。我們使用四種衡量方式來模擬 SEEKER:位置維護成本(Location maintenance cost),位置查詢成本(Location query cost),以及查詢的成功率(Query success rate),封包遞送成功率(Packet Delivery Rate)。在我們的模擬中,將 SEEKER與其它四個位置服務法 – GLS,HIGH-GRADE,XYLS,及GHLS 做比較。模擬與比較的結果顯示SEEKER具有同等地好的效能。
摘要(英) The location-based routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) use geographic information to achieve higher scalability and lower control overhead than those of the topology-based routing protocols, e.g. AODV and DSR, etc. However, location-based routing protocols rely on location services scheme to provide them with the location information of the destination position, so they can forward packets to the destination properly. To keep the advantage of the location-based routing protocol, the location service should has as high as possible scalability and as low as possible control overhead. This paper proposes SEEKER to accomplish such goals. The basic idea of SEEKER is the aggregate update that integrates a group of position updates to perform them altogether. In this way, we reduce a lot of location maintenance (update) overhead, and meanwhile query success rate is kept comparably high. Moreover, SEEKER can adapt to mobility by changing the frequency of the aggregate update. This can make SEEKER save more location update cost. We simulate SEEKER in terms of four metrics: the location maintenance cost, the location query cost, the query success rate, and the packet delivery rate. We also compare SEEKER with four location services - GLS, HIGH-GRADE, XYLS and GHLS. The results show that SEEKER has comparably good performances.
關鍵字(中) ★ 延展性
★ 位置管理
★ 位置服務
★ 行動隨意網路
★ 調適性
關鍵字(英) ★ location service
★ location management
★ mobile ad hoc network (MANET)
★ scalability
★ adaptive
論文目次 Contents
Abstract I
摘要 II
誌謝 III
Contents IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VIII
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research motivation 2
1.3 Research objectives 3
2. Related work 4
2.1 Location-based forwarding 5
2.2 Quorum-Based Location Service (XYLS) 7
2.3 Hierarchical-Based Location Service (GLS) 9
2.4 Hash-based Location Service (SLURP) 10
2.5 Other enhanced location services 12
2.5.1 Scalable Ad-hoc Location Management (SLALoM) 12
2.5.2 Enhancing GLS location service (HIGH-GRADE) 14
2.5.3 Multi-Home Region Location Service (ADLS) 16
2.5.4 Geographic Hashing Location Service (GHLS) 18
3. The SEEKER Location Service 20
3.1 Assumption 20
3.2 Location update 21
3.3 Location query 23
3.4 Adaptive Location Update 25
4. Performance Analysis 28
4.1 Simulation scenario 28
4.2 Performance of SEEKER under 600 nodes 29
4.2.1 Query Performance 29
4.2.2 Data delivery performance 34
4.2.3 Adaptive update interval 35
4.3 Performance of SEEKER above 600 nodes 37
4.3.1 Query performance 38
4.3.2 Data delivery performance 41
5. Conclusion 43
6. Acknowledgments 44
7. Reference 45
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指導教授 江振瑞(Jehn-Ruey Jiang) 審核日期 2006-7-7
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