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姓名 張瀞予(Ching-Yu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 影響國小生英語成就之因素 —以新竹縣某小學為例
★ 人格特質對薪資影響★ 男性婚姻溢酬的世代效果-以台灣為例
★ Segregation or Integration? A Theoretical Analysis of Education Reform★ A Simple Two-way Matching Model with Knowledge and Social Skills
★ 職業球員合約年的行為表現-以WAR解析美國職棒大聯盟為例★ 國中生該怎麼補最有效?以分量迴歸看補習對成績的影響
★ 多元入學管道與在校成績之關係-以國立中央大學為例★ 選課行為與學業表現-以國立中央大學為例
★ 性別薪資差異:以台灣博士為例★ 薪資表現、行業別選擇與學院別之關聯性研究—以臺灣高等教育為例
★ 探討離婚之因素-以台灣為例★ 內外控信念及自我效能對學測表現的影響-以中大壢中為例
★ 影響客家學童客語能力之因素探討★ 以數值模擬探討貨幣政策獨立性
★ 轉系對在學成績和畢業一年薪資的影響—以國立中央大學為例★ 起始薪資與薪資發展的關係
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摘要(中) 本研究取自新竹縣某公立小學三至六年級學生之歷年各科成績,資料期間為 108 學年度第 1 學期至 111 學年度第 1 學期,透過校方提供成績資料及本研究設 計並發放之問卷,收集該校學生的背景資料,問卷共發出 958 份,回收 74 份, 有效問卷 72 份,回收率 7.72%。資料分為母體及樣本兩部分處理,母體為三至 六年級全體學生,樣本為有填寫問卷之學生,樣本相關變數分為四個種類:學 生個人資訊、沈浸多元語言環境、家庭背景以及自我檢視英語程度。結果發 現:1、英語成績與國語成績以及前一學期排名百分比有正向相關,即英語成就 好,國語及各科成績表現也會好;2、英語成就與沈浸多元語言環境相關變數有 顯著正相關,本研究以開始學習英語的階段、有無出國經驗以及幼兒園就讀的 類型捕捉是否沉浸於多元語言環境,因此國小前讓孩子接觸英語,並且維持有 系統性地學習,未來國小三年級的英語課會更容易銜接,英語表現也會更好; 3、雖然實證結果顯示家庭背景變數如家中手足數量、排行及父母職業等等並沒 有對英語成就有顯著相關,但英語教育投入以及出國經驗都是與家庭條件息息 相關;4、孩子自我檢視英語程度與實際英語成就表現一致。
摘要(英) This study uses data collected from grades 3-6 grades of a public elementary school in Hsinchu. All transcripts are collected from the first semester of the 108th academic
year to the first semester of the 111th academic year. The detailed background information of the students in this school is collected by offering questionnaires. A total of 958 questionnaires were sent out, 74 were returned, and 72 were valid, with a return rate of 7.72%. The transcripts and background information are used to explore factors that affect English achievement. The data is divided into two parts: the population and the sample. The population is all students in grades 3 to 6, and the sample is students who have filled out the questionnaire. The variables related to the sample are divided into four categories: student personal information, immersion in a multilingual environment, family background, and self-rated language proficiency in English. The empirical results are as follows. First, English scores are positively correlated with Chinese scores and semester percentile ranking. In other words, good English scores are usually go along with better performance in the Chinese and academic records. Second, English scores are significantly correlated with variables related to immersion in a multilingual environment such as the age of starting English lessons, experience of going abroad, and the type of kindergarten attendance.
Therefore, let preschool children be exposed to English and maintain a systematic learning contribute to their English performance at the elementary school will be better. Third, although family background does not have a direct impact on English achievement, investment in English lessons and global exposure are closely related to family socioeconomic status. Fourth, self-rated language proficiency in English is consistent with English performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 國小生
★ 英語成就
論文目次 摘要 ......................................................i
目錄 .....................................................iv
表目錄 .................................................. vii
圖目錄 ................................................. viii
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指導教授 曹真睿(Jen-Rue Tsau) 審核日期 2023-7-27
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