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姓名 李郁心(Yu-Xin Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 轉系對在學成績和畢業一年薪資的影響—以國立中央大學為例
(Impact of Changing Majors on Academic Performance and One-Year Post-Graduation Salary — A Case Study of National Central University)
★ 人格特質對薪資影響★ 男性婚姻溢酬的世代效果-以台灣為例
★ Segregation or Integration? A Theoretical Analysis of Education Reform★ A Simple Two-way Matching Model with Knowledge and Social Skills
★ 職業球員合約年的行為表現-以WAR解析美國職棒大聯盟為例★ 國中生該怎麼補最有效?以分量迴歸看補習對成績的影響
★ 多元入學管道與在校成績之關係-以國立中央大學為例★ 選課行為與學業表現-以國立中央大學為例
★ 性別薪資差異:以台灣博士為例★ 薪資表現、行業別選擇與學院別之關聯性研究—以臺灣高等教育為例
★ 探討離婚之因素-以台灣為例★ 內外控信念及自我效能對學測表現的影響-以中大壢中為例
★ 影響客家學童客語能力之因素探討★ 以數值模擬探討貨幣政策獨立性
★ 影響國小生英語成就之因素 —以新竹縣某小學為例★ 起始薪資與薪資發展的關係
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摘要(中) 為了解轉系對在學成績和畢業一年薪資的影響,本研究採用國立中央大學校務研究中心提供的在學成績資料和畢業生流向追蹤問卷調查的串聯資料,以民國99至104年入學的學士班畢業生為樣本,並根據轉系與否,以及轉系的領域分為六種情況,進行兩部分的迴歸分析。第一部分是對在學成績的研究,第二部分是對畢業一年薪資的研究。研究發現,不管是就讀理工科還是文科,未轉系者的成績表現皆比參考組文組轉文組要來得好,其餘有轉系的人則是和參考組沒有顯著差異;當固定離校科系時,理工科維持理工科和理工科轉理工科的薪資皆顯著比參考組要來得高。女性的成績顯著比男性高,但薪資和男性則沒有顯著差別。前四學期的成績對四學期後的成績有著非常大且顯著的影響,但四學期後的成績對畢業一年的薪資沒有顯著影響。有休學過的人成績顯著低於沒有休學過的,但是否休學過對畢業一年的薪資表現沒有顯著影響。不同學習經驗中,參考組校外業界實習的成績比語言學習、社團活動和志工服務服務學習都來得好,參考組的薪資表現則是比語言學習和參與國際交流活動都來得差。相較於參考組,語言學習對成績雖然是負向影響,但在薪資表現上和有進修或考試的人一樣有正向影響。
摘要(英) To investigate the effects of changing majors on academic performance and one-year post-graduation salary, this study utilized a linked dataset comprising academic performance data provided by the Office of Institutional Research at National Central University and the Follow-Up Survey of Graduates, which tracked the career paths of graduates. The sample consisted of bachelor′s degree graduates enrolled between the years 2010 and 2015. Further analysis was conducted by categorizing the sample into six groups based on whether they changed majors and the degree of interdisciplinarity in the major change. Two separate regression analyses were performed: the first part focused on studying academic performance, while the second part examined one-year post-graduation salary. The study finds that regardless of studying in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or non-STEM fields, students who did not change their major perform better academically compared to those who changed their major. In terms of one-year post-graduation salary, students who remained in STEM majors or switched within STEM majors have significantly higher salaries compared to the reference group. Female students have significantly better academic performance than male students, but there is no significant difference in terms of salary. The grades in the first four semesters have a significant impact on the grades after the first four semesters, but the grades after the first four semesters do not significantly affect the one-year post-graduation salary. Students who took a leave of absence have significantly lower grades compared to those who did not, but taking a leave of absence does not significantly impact the one-year post-graduation salary. Among different learning experiences, the reference group who participated in off-campus internships perform better academically compared to those engaged in language learning, extracurricular activities, and volunteer service learning. However, the reference group′s salary performance is lower compared to those who participated in language learning and international exchange activities. Although language learning has a negative impact on academic performance, it has a positive impact on salary performance similar to those who pursued further studies or took exams.
關鍵字(中) ★ 科系轉換
★ 科系選擇
★ 在校成績
★ 畢業起薪
★ 薪資表現
關鍵字(英) ★ Major change
★ Major choice
★ Academic performance
★ First-year graduation salary
★ Salary performance
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
一、緒論 1
二、文獻回顧 4
2-1科系選擇 4
2-2科系選擇動機 6
2-3科系轉換 6
2-4科系轉換動機 7
三、樣本資料來源與介紹 10
3-1資料來源與樣本處理 10
3-1-1在學成績資料 10
3-1-2畢業生流向追蹤問卷調查資料 11
3-2資料及變數介紹 11
3-2-1 轉系人數及轉系率 12
3-2-2理工科、文科及轉系類別 14
3-2-3入學管道 15
3-2-4學習經驗 17
3-2-5職業類型及薪資 19
四、實證模型與變數選擇 22
4-1在學成績迴歸 22
4-1-1在學成績迴歸之變數選擇 22
4-1-2在學成績迴歸之敘述統計 23
4-1-3在學成績迴歸模型設定 25
4-2畢業一年薪資迴歸 26
4-2-1畢業一年薪資迴歸之變數選擇 27
4-2-2畢業一年薪資迴歸之敘述統計 27
4-2-3畢業一年薪資迴歸之模型設定 29
五、實證結果 31
5-1在學成績實證結果 31
5-2畢業一年薪資實證結果 33
六、結論、研究限制與建議 39
6-1結論 39
6-2研究限制與建議 40
參考文獻 41
附錄一 43
附錄二 44
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指導教授 曹真睿(Jen-Ruey Tsaur) 審核日期 2023-8-16
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