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姓名 黃俞臻(Yu-Chen Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 您累了嗎?遠距辦公之工作—生活壓力對員工工作表現的影響:組織與個人層級應對策略的調節效果
(Are you feeling tired? The impact of work–life stress on employee performance in remote work: The moderating influence of organizational and individual coping strategies)
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摘要(中) 近年來,嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情造成整體環境轉變,促使全球企業紛紛採用遠距辦公的工作型態。由於工作場域從辦公室移轉至家中,員工不僅需要面對來自工作與生活的壓力,更可能因為兩種壓力的界線模糊而導致全新的工作—生活壓力來源。回顧相關員工壓力的文獻,研究多聚焦工作壓力或生活壓力各自對員工工作表現的影響。就我們所瞭解,目前甚少文獻討論工作—生活壓力對員工工作表現的影響。再者,當個體面對工作—生活壓力時,來自組織層級與個人層級之應對策略如何有效地調節工作—生活壓力對工作表現之負面影響亦是我們所欲探討的。為彌補上述研究缺口,本研究建構一實證模型探索工作—生活壓力(工作—生活失衡、工作—生活衝突與生活—工作衝突)如何影響員工工作表現。同時,以應對理論為基礎,進一步討論個人層級(問題焦點應對與情緒焦點應對)與組織層級(工具性支持與情緒性支持)之應對策略的負向調節效果。本研究以線上問卷的方式進行樣本資料蒐集,最終採461筆有效樣本進行偏最小平方法結構方程模型分析。研究結果顯示工作—生活壓力會負向影響員工工作表現。其中,組織工具性支持與個人問題焦點應對皆會負向調節工作—生活壓力對工作表現之負向關係。然而,組織情緒性支持與個人情緒焦點應對並不具有顯著的調節效果。研究結果期望對於實務與管理意涵上有些許貢獻。
摘要(英) In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a dramatic transformation in the global business landscape, compelling organizations to embrace remote work arrangements. With this transition from the office to home, employees now face a multitude of pressures from both work and personal life, along with the added burden of work–life stress stemming from the blurred boundaries between work and life domains. While existing studies have primarily focused on the impact of either work stress or personal life stress on employee job performance, there is a dearth of research examining the effects of work–life stress on job performance. Hence, this study aims to bridge this gap by building an empirical model to explore how work–life stress, encompassing work–life imbalance, work–life conflict, and life–work conflict, influences employee job performance. Taking inspiration from coping theory, we further delve into the realm of coping strategies at both the individual- and organizational-level to uncover their potential in alleviating the negative impact of work–life stress on job performance. Specifically, we investigate the significant role played by individual-level coping strategies, including problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping, as well as organizational-level coping strategies, such as instrumental support and emotional support, in buffering the adverse effects of work–life stress.
This study utilized online questionnaires to collect survey data, which were subsequently using partial least squares approach. With a total of 461 valid samples, the results show that work–life stress has a detrimental impact on job performance, uncovering a negative association between the two variables. Additionally, both instrumental support and problem-focused coping were found to effectively moderate the relationship, mitigating the adverse effects of work–life stress on job performance. However, no significant moderating effects were found for emotional support and emotion-focused coping. The implications of these findings are practical and carry crucial considerations for management in fostering employee well-being and productivity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 遠距辦公
★ 工作—生活壓力
★ 應對理論
★ 組織層級應對策略
★ 個人層級應對策略
★ 工作表現
關鍵字(英) ★ Remote work
★ Work–life stress
★ Coping theory
★ Individual coping strategies
★ Organizational coping strategies
★ Job performance
論文目次 誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究問題與目的 3
1-3 研究流程 10
二、 文獻回顧 11
2-1 遠距辦公 11
2-2 遠距辦公相關壓力 13
2-3 應對理論 15
2-4 假說推論 17
2-4-1 新型冠狀疫情下的工作—生活壓力與員工工作表現 17
2-4-2 組織層級之應對策略的調節效果 18
2-4-3 個人層級之應對策略的調節效果 19
三、 研究方法 21
3-1 研究架構 22
3-2 研究假說 23
3-3 研究構面定義與衡量 24
3-3-1 工作—生活壓力 24
3-3-2 工具性支持 25
3-3-3 情緒性支持 25
3-3-4 問題焦點應對 26
3-3-5 情緒焦點應對 26
3-3-6 員工工作表現 26
3-4 資料分析方法 28
四、 研究結果 30
4-1 樣本特性分析 31
4-2 衡量模型分析 31
4-2-1 內部一致性 35
4-2-2 收斂效度 36
4-2-3 區別效度 39
4-3 二階驗證性因素分析 44
4-4 共同方法變異檢測 46
4-5 結構模型檢測 48
五、 研究結論與建議 52
5-1 研究貢獻 55
5-2 管理意涵 57
5-3 研究限制與未來展望 59
參考文獻 60
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指導教授 周恩頤(En-Yi Chou) 審核日期 2023-7-3
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