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姓名 黃柏誠(BO-CHENG HUANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 探討顧客購買後之角色內到角色外行為: 社群商務顧客關係管理能力的調節效果
(Investigating post-purchase in-role and extra-role behaviors: The moderating effect of social commerce customer relationship management capability)
★ 影響消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡之研究★ 從預期心理觀點探討線上群眾募資平台之衝動贊助意圖
★ 被忽略的沉默力量:探討瀏覽品質、沉浸體驗、潛水者公民行為之關係★ 當我們同在一起:從消費者—其他消費者互動觀點探究感染氣候與規範信念之影響
★ 對話式服務代理人:探索聊天機器人之服務品質與服務體驗★ 社群商務之快速信任與快速關係建立: 信號理論觀點
★ 由學習轉移理論探索消費者對線上至線下 商業模式之體驗轉移過程★ 自助服務補救:探討電子商務網站補救措施、知覺公平與補救滿意度之關係
★ 運用資料探勘技術優化 次世代防火牆規則之研究★ 以推敲可能性模式結合賦能理論探討公益性質群眾募資之贊助意圖:自我價值感與間接互惠的中介角色
★ 組織數位學習準備度對學習者準備度之影響:資訊系統成功模式的觀點★ 社會行動團體之社群媒體使用對志工保留之影響:社會資本的觀點
★ 探討應用資料增強及改善類別不平衡問題 對不同股票圖形之影響-以台灣股市0050ETF為例★ 以文字探勘技術分析標籤劫持—以twitter為例
★ 探討個人賣家之社群商務能力養成:組織學習理論觀點★ 您累了嗎?遠距辦公之工作—生活壓力對員工工作表現的影響:組織與個人層級應對策略的調節效果
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摘要(中) 面對日趨激烈的社群商務市場環境,個人賣家如何維繫與顧客之間的關係無疑成為
本研究採用便利抽樣法,透過電子問卷的方式來蒐集樣本資料,最終以 451 筆有效
摘要(英) Facing the increasingly fierce social commerce market environment, how individual
sellers maintain relationships with customers undoubtedly becomes a source of their
competitive advantage. Current literature mainly focuses on the social customer relationship
management of brands to consumers, with little research on the social commerce customer
relationship management capabilities of individual sellers within the scope of consumer-toconsumer transactions. At the same time, the behavior of customers after purchasing is also
something that individual sellers need to pay attention to, especially as many scholars have
pointed out the importance of the post-purchase stage of customers. However, existing research
often discusses in-role and extra-role behaviors separately, neglecting the potential influence
relationship between the two. To fill these gaps, this study focuses on the post-purchase stage
of social commerce, exploring how the in-role behavior (customer participation) of individuals
affects their extra-role behavior (customer citizenship behavior). In addition, we incorporate
the moderating effect of social commerce customer relationship management capability in the
aforementioned relationship. Furthermore, in order to explore the important antecedents
shaping the seller’s capabilities, we propose signal factors based on direct interaction (i.e.,
professionalism, relational customer orientation) and indirect interaction (i.e., popularity of
seller’s posts, attractiveness of seller’s posts) based on signaling theory.
This study employs a convenience sampling method, gathering data via electronic
questionnaires, and ultimately uses 451 valid samples for structural equation model analysis.
The results indicate that customer participation has a positive and significant impact on
customer citizenship behavior. Simultaneously, social commerce customer relationship
management capability exhibits a positive and significant moderating effect on the relationship
between customer participation and customer citizenship behavior. Furthermore, a customer′s
perception of the seller’s professionalism, relational customer orientation, post popularity, and
post attractiveness all influence their views on the social commerce customer relationship
management capabilities of individual sellers. Ultimately, this study offers unique insights and
contributions to the fields of social commerce and customer relationship management from an
academic perspective. It also presents practical methods and strategic suggestions for individual
sellers, intending to provide a reference for sales and strategy formulation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社群商務
★ 個人賣家
★ 社群顧客關係管理
★ 顧客參與
★ 顧客公民行為
★ 信號理論
關鍵字(英) ★ Social commerce
★ Individual sellers
★ Customer relationship management
★ Customer participation
★ Customer citizenship behavior
★ Signaling theory
論文目次 中文摘要.....................................................................................................................................i
目錄 .......................................................................................................................................iv
一、 緒論 ................................................................................................................................ 1
研究動機 .................................................................................................................... 1
研究目的 .................................................................................................................... 3
研究流程 .................................................................................................................... 9
二、 文獻回顧 ...................................................................................................................... 10
2-1 社群商務 .................................................................................................................. 10
2-2 社群商務顧客關係管理 .......................................................................................... 13
2-3 信號理論 .................................................................................................................. 16
2-4 假說推論 .................................................................................................................. 18
2-4-1 顧客參與和顧客公民行為............................................................................... 19
2-4-2 社群商務顧客關係管理能力的調節效果....................................................... 19
2-4-3 賣家直接傳遞的信號因素............................................................................... 20
2-4-4 賣家間接傳遞的信號因素............................................................................... 21
三、 研究方法 ...................................................................................................................... 23
3-1 研究架構 .................................................................................................................. 24
3-2 研究假說 .................................................................................................................. 25
3-3 研究構面定義與衡量 .............................................................................................. 26
3-3-1 顧客參與........................................................................................................... 26
3-3-2 顧客公民行為................................................................................................... 26
3-3-3 社群商務顧客關係管理能力........................................................................... 27
3-3-4 賣家專業度....................................................................................................... 28
3-3-5 關係型顧客導向............................................................................................... 28
3-3-6 貼文熱門度....................................................................................................... 28
3-3-7 貼文吸引力....................................................................................................... 29
3-4 資料分析方法 .......................................................................................................... 30
四、 研究結果 ...................................................................................................................... 32
4-1 樣本特性分析 .......................................................................................................... 32
4-2 衡量模型分析 .......................................................................................................... 37
4-2-1 信度分析........................................................................................................... 37
4-2-2 收斂效度........................................................................................................... 38
4-2-3 區別效度........................................................................................................... 41
4-3 二階驗證性因素分析 .............................................................................................. 46
4-4 共同方法變異檢測 .................................................................................................. 48
4-5 結構模型檢定 .......................................................................................................... 50
五、 研究結論與建議 .......................................................................................................... 54
5-1 研究貢獻 .................................................................................................................. 57
5-2 管理意涵 .................................................................................................................. 60
5-3 研究限制與未來展望 .............................................................................................. 62
參考文獻.................................................................................................................................. 63
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指導教授 周恩頤(Chou, En-Yi) 審核日期 2023-7-3
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