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姓名 郭言輝(Yen Hui Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 進階人工智慧聯網與邊緣架構的工廠用無人駕駛車輛系統
(Advanced AIoT and Edge Architecture Innovative Unmanned Vehicle Systems for Factories)
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摘要(中) 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情之後,各行業頻繁出現人力短缺問題。許多追求未來技術的工廠正在積極發展智慧工廠,引進自動化設備,以提高工廠製造效率。然而,現有無線通信的延遲和不可靠性使其難以滿足AGV導航的需求。選擇正確的傳感器、可靠的通信和導航控制技術對於系統整合商來說仍然是一個具有挑戰性的問題。當今大多數無人駕駛車輛都使用昂貴的感測器或需要布建新的基礎設施或預先構建工廠電子地圖,這阻礙了其廣泛採用度。在本文中,我們介紹了一種用於無人駕駛車輛系統的自學習路徑規劃和高效率圖像識別演算法。我們開發了一種無需添加任何專門基礎設施即可進行導航的無人駕駛車輛系統,並在工廠進行了測試以驗證其可用性。該系統的創新之處在於,我們開發了一種無需任何額外基礎設施或預建工廠電子地圖的無人駕駛車輛系統,並且我們開發了基於邊緣計算和物聯網技術的混合車隊管理系統,以提高駕駛安全性。該系統的核心貢獻在於,我們為無人駕駛車系統開發了快速圖像識別演算法、自學習路徑規劃演算法和混合車隊管理方法,以提高導航安全性。
摘要(英) Post-COVID-19, there are frequent manpower shortages across industries. Many factories pursuing future technologies are actively developing smart factories and introducing automation equipment to improve factory manufacturing efficiency. However, the delay and unreliability of existing wireless communication make it difficult to meet the needs of AGV navigation. Selecting the right sensor, reliable communication, and navigation control technology remains a challenging issue for system integrators. Most of today’s unmanned vehicles use expensive sensors or require new in-frastructure to be deployed, impeding their widespread adoption. In this paper, we have devel-oped a self-learning and efficient image recognition algorithm. We developed an unmanned vehicle system that can navigate without adding any specialized infrastructure, and tested it in the factory to verify its usability. The novelties of this system are that we have developed an unmanned vehicle system without any additional infrastructure, and we developed a rapid image recognition algo-rithm for unmanned vehicle systems to improve navigation safety. The core contribution of this system is that the system can navigate smoothly without expensive sensors and without any ad-ditional infrastructure. It can simultaneously support a large number of unmanned vehicle systems in a factory.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人工智慧
★ 物聯網
★ 邊緣計算
★ 影像辨識
關鍵字(英) ★ artificial intelligence
★ Internet of Things
★ edge computing
★ image recognition
★ unmanned vehicle
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Motivation 7
Chapter 2. Related Work and Background Knowledge 10
Chapter 3. Technology 17
3.1 System Architecture 18
3.2 AIoT and Edge-Cloud technology 19
3.3 Virtual route path planning 22
3.4 Image Recognition Technology 28
3.5 Image recognition Algorithm 31
3.6 Motor control scheme 34
3.7 Navigation scheme 36
3.8 Anti-collision mechanism 39
Chapter 4. Advanced Unmanned Vehicle System 42
4.1 System Architecture 43
4.2 Unmanned vehicle booking and Routing path planning 44
4.3 Sensing and Analysis 46
4.4 Electrical motor control 48
4.5 Navigation Control 49
4.6 Test Results 54
4.7 Discussion 57
Chapter 5. Conclusion 63
References 66
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指導教授 吳曉光(Hsiao-Kuang Wu) 審核日期 2023-7-18
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