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姓名 王昭元(Chao-Yuan Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
(Non-Touch Cooperation: An Interactive Mechanism Design Based on Mid-Air Gestures)
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摘要(中) 由於疫情的發展和時代的演進,非接觸的服務更具規模,形成了非接觸「經濟」,其中數位看板便是快速發展且適合非接觸服務的產業。相關基於骨骼的人體、手勢的操控方法,能提供更加直接的操控,而且骨骼資料可以保護隱私,能在非接觸經濟中有更良好的發展。然而目前的大多數的解決方案都存有硬體限制和領域要求,並且存在操控動作過多的問題,加大了使用者的使用門檻。
  最後為了驗證框架和合成資料集的效果,對於同一人多次進行錄製相關動作使動作更加符合資料集,並挑選一些經典的卷積神經網路模型並轉換成3D 模型後評估其效果。
摘要(英) Due to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and the evolution of our society, non-touch services have gained significant momentum, giving rise to the concept of the "Non-Touch Economy". One industry that has experienced rapid growth and is well-suited for non-touch services is digital signage. Skeleton-based action and gesture recognition method provide more direct and intuitive means of control, and the use of skeletal data helps protect privacy, making them ideal for the non-touch economy. However, existing solutions often have hardware limitations, domain-specific requirements, and involve excessive number of control movements, which increase the user′s learning curve and make adoption challenging.
  This research proposed a multi-person action recognition framework that combines arm and gesture control, specifically designed for digital signage applications. By incorporating additional body joint information into the gesture control, enhancing the functionality while also expanding the differentiation from everyday actions and achieve a wider range of control functions with fewer gesture combinations. Furthermore, this research introduced a motion interval detection strategy in the framework to reduce false recognition between functional actions and everyday movements, thereby minimizing unnecessary computations. Additionally, considering the structural characteristics of the human body, the existing 3D convolutional neural network data input method was adjusted to the proposed recognition method and explore its performance. Another contribution of this study is the integration of publicly available gesture and human action datasets to simulate real movements.
  To validate the effectiveness of the framework and synthesized dataset, this study recorded related actions multiple times with the same individual to ensure better alignment with the dataset. It also selected several well-known convolutional neural network models and transformed them into 3D models for evaluation purposes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 半空手勢
★ 骨骼
★ 動作辨識
★ 數位看板
★ 非接觸經濟
★ 卷積神經網路
關鍵字(英) ★ mid-air gesture
★ skeleton
★ action recognition
★ digital signage
★ non-touch economy
★ convolutional neural network
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background 1
1-2 Motivation 3
1-3 Objectives 5
2 Literature Review 7
2-1 Non-Touch Services 7
2-2 Skeleton-Based Gesture and Action Recognition 9
3 Methodology 11
3-1 Proposed Framework 11
3-2 Adjusted Data Reorganization Approach 16
3-3 Public Datasets 18
3-4 Data Simulation 20
3-5 Experiment Design 24
3-6 Evaluation 26
4 Results 28
4-1 Dataset Description 28
4-2 Experiment Results 29
4-3 Architecture Validation 31
4-4 Framework Performance 32
4-5 Discussion 34
5 Conclusion 35
5-1 Academic Impact 35
5-2 Business Impact 36
5-3 Limitation 37
5-4 Future Work 38
Reference 39
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指導教授 曾筱珽(Hsiao-Ting Tseng) 審核日期 2023-7-11
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