博碩士論文 110522014 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳奕辰(Yi-Chen Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 採多變量迴歸樹在合成資料集中識別最佳製造參數以同時降低多種紡織瑕疵
(Adopting multiple response regression tree to identify the optimal manufacturing parameters in synthetic datasets to reduce various fabric defects)
★ 基於最大期望算法之分析陶瓷基板機器暗裂破片率★ 基於時間序列預測的機器良率預測
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★ 針織布異常偵測方法研究★ 基於工廠生產資料的異常機器維修預測
★ 萃取駕駛人在不同環境之駕駛行為方法★ 基於刮痕瑕疵資料擴增的分割拼接影像生成
★ 應用卷積神經網路於航攝影像做基於坵塊的水稻判釋之研究★ 採迴歸樹進行規則探勘以有效同時降低多種紡織瑕疵
★ 應用增量式學習於多種農作物判釋之研究★ 應用自動化測試於異質環境機器學習管道之 MLOps 系統
★ 農業影像二元分類:坵塊分離的檢測★ 應用遷移學習於胚布瑕疵檢測
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摘要(中) 臺灣紡織品是世界機能性紡織品消費市場主要原料供應來源之一,在紡織產業中,瑕疵品的出現是不可避免且持續存在的一個問題,尤其是在生產線的過程中有許多機器參數的設定干預到了最終產品的良率,降低了產品的價值和製造商的利潤。
摘要(英) The textiles of Taiwan serve as one of the primary raw material sources for the global functional textile consumption market. Within this manufacturing, the occurrence of defects is an unavoidable and persistent issue. Particularly, myriad machine parameters during the production line process exert an influence on the final product′s yield rate, subsequently depreciating the product′s value and eroding the profit margins for manufacturers.
A central tenet of this study is the effective mitigation of various textile defects. Our objective is to discern patterns among multiple defect types and key parameters or features in the dataset. In this pursuit, we undertook data analysis and do the rule mining on synthetic datasets. After key features that significantly impact corresponding defect types were identified. Each key feature′s optimal range was delineated, and a merged set of rules encapsulating the ranges of these key features was constructed.
These rules proffer suggestions for manufacturing engineers to refine parameter adjustments, and when integrated with the engineers′ experiential knowledge, can enhance the yield rate of the final textile products. Experimental results of this study show that different dataset types necessitate distinct rule-mining methodologies to optimize textile product yield rates. Consequently, this research employed two disparate methods to analyze and compare a singular dataset.
關鍵字(中) ★ 規則探勘
★ 特徵選取
★ 決策樹
★ 多變量
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 問題定義與研究貢獻 4
1-4 論文架構 5
二、 相關研究 6
2-1 CART algorithm 6
2-2 MR-CART algorithm 8
2-3 MPORG 9
2-4 Linear regression for parameter optimization 11
2-5 PRIM algorithm 12
2-6 Compare with proposed method 13
三、 解決方案 14
3-1 資料集前處理及其介紹 15
3-2 特徵選取 18
3-3 訓練多變量迴歸樹 (Multiple response regression tree, MR-tree) 22
四、 實驗與討論 24
4-1 評估方法 24
4-1.1 Recall 26
4-1.2 Precision 26
4-1.3 Running Time 27
4-2 實驗資料集 27
4-3 實驗一 30
4-3.1 實驗動機與目的 30
4-3.2 實驗方法 30
4-3.3 實驗結果 31
五、 結論與未來展望 42
5-1 論文總結 42
5-2 未來展望 42
參考文獻 44
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指導教授 梁德容 審核日期 2023-11-13
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