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姓名 黃信睿(XIN-RUI HUANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 超音波輔助添加鋁粉於放電加工氧化鋯陶瓷之研究
(Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Electrical Discharge Machining on Zirconia Ceramics by Adding Aluminum Powder)
★ 電泳沉積輔助拋光於SUJ2軸承鋼加工特性之研究★ 碳化矽電泳拋光矽晶圓表面粗糙度之研究
★ 超音波輔助添加導電粉末於放電加工鐵基金屬玻璃之研究★ 超音波輔助液中磨削鐵基金屬玻璃之研究
★ 脈衝複合偏壓電化學放電加工石英晶圓之研究★ 超音波振動輔助電化學放電加工石英晶圓陣列微孔之研究
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★ 電化學放電複合超音波振動輔助電泳沉積加工石英晶圓微形方孔之研究★ 電極公轉繞圓電化學放電切割加工石英晶圓之研究
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★ 超音波輔助微電化學鑽孔鎳基合金加工研究★ 超音波輔助添加碳化矽粉末於放電加工模具鋼SKD61之研究
★ Inconel 718 鎳基超合金異形電極微孔放電加工之研究★ 實驗分析研究應用於減低數據中心伺服器硬碟之結構傳遞振動
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摘要(中) 由於陶瓷具有高硬度、高強度、耐磨耗、易脆等加工特性,使其難以採傳統之切削方式加工,放電加工 (EDM; Electrical Discharge Machining) 加工過程中不會受到材料機械性質影響,故本實驗採超音波輔助複合介電液中添加鋁粉的方式對二氧化鋯陶瓷進行放電加工實驗,加工參數為超音波功率段數(Ultrasonic Power Level)、高壓電流(High Voltage Current)、放電週期時間(Pulse Duration)與低壓電流(Low Voltage Current) ,以了解各個實驗參數對二氧化鋯陶瓷工件放電加工結果之影響,而加工品質特性則包括有加工時間、加工深度、溝槽槽寬、電極損耗量及表面粗糙度,實驗後係以影像測定儀對加工深度進行量測,再以雷射共軛焦表面形貌量測儀進行表面粗糙度及加工槽寬的量測,另使用掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察加工後表面形貌,使用X射線能量散布分析儀對加工區元素進行分析,探討各加工參數對二氧化鋯陶瓷放電加工之加工品質特性之影響。
摘要(英) Due to their high hardness, high strength, favorable wear resistance, and brittleness, ceramics are difficult to process by using conventional cutting methods. In electrical discharge machining (EDM), the mechanical properties of the material being machined do not affect the machining. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of adding aluminum powder to a composite dielectric fluid used in the ultrasonic vibration assisted EDM of zirconia ceramic. The effects of processing parameters ultrasonic power level, high voltage current, pulse duration, and low voltage current on the results of EDM for zirconia ceramic workpieces were investigated. The quality characteristics of the machining included the machining time, machining depth, kerf width, electrode wear quantity, and surface roughness.
The machining depth was measured using an optical measuring instrument, whereas the surface roughness and kerf width were measured using laser scanning confocal microscopy. The surface morphology after machining was observed using a scanning electron microscope, and the elements in the processing zone were analyzed using an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer.
The experimental results revealed that when ultrasonic power assistance was applied, the pumping effect facilitated the infiltration of the machining zone by the aluminum powder-enhanced dielectric fluid and helped discharge debris. This led to less-concentrated discharge during EDM, resulting in more favorable surface roughness of the machined workpieces. Additionally, the magnitudes of the high voltage current and low voltage current significantly affected the machining time, machining depth, and kerf width, and the pulse duration strongly affected the surface roughness.
The optimal combination of processing parameters was determined to be an ultrasonic power level of 2, high voltage current of 2.4 A, pulse duration of 50 μs, and low voltage current of 1 A. This combination resulted in a post machining surface roughness of 1.23 μmRa. The surface roughness achieved without any ultrasonic power stages was 1.41 μmRa; thus, the assistance achieved a 12.7% reduction in roughness. The results of this experiment can serve as a reference for the subsequent processing of nonconductive materials.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超音波輔助
★ 放電加工
★ 二氧化鋯
★ 添加鋁粉末
關鍵字(英) ★ Ultrasonic Assistance
★ Electrical Discharge Machining
★ Zirconia Ceramic
★ Aluminum Powder addition
論文目次 摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機與目的 3
1-3文獻回顧 4
1-3-1放電加工文獻回顧 4
1-3-2超音波輔助加工文獻回顧 5
1-3-3添加粉末文獻回顧 7
1-4 研究方法 8
第二章 理論基礎 9
2-1放電加工原理 9
2-1-1放電加工簡介 9
2-1-2材料移除之機制[25, 30] 10
2-1-3放電加工參數及其影響 13
2-1-4放電加工參數之特性 17
2-2 超音波輔助加工原理[37] 20
2-3超音波振動輔助放電加工之原理[29, 30] 20
2-4 添加粉末改善加工特性之原理 22
2-5輔助電極法之原理 23
第三章 實驗流程與設備 24
3-1實驗簡介 24
3-2實驗設備 24
3-2-1放電加工機 24
3-2-2電子天平 25
3-2-3電磁加熱攪拌器 26
3-2-4 超音波洗淨機 26
3-2-5掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) 27
3-2-6 能量散射X射線譜(Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS) 27
3-2-7超音波主軸 28
3-2-8 超音波振幅量測器 28
3-2-9金相研磨拋光機 29
3-2-10顯微影像量測儀 29
3-2-11雷射共軛焦表面形貌量測儀(Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, LSCM) 30
3-2-12示波器(Oscilloscope) 30
3-3實驗材料 31
3-3-1二氧化鋯陶瓷 31
3-3-2片狀紅銅電極 32
3-3-3 輔助電極 33
3-3-4 粉末性質 33
3-3-5介電液 34
3-4實驗設置 34
3-5實驗流程及方法 36
3-6量測方法 41
3-6-1加工時間 (Machining Time) 41
3-6-2電極損耗量(Electrode Quantity;EWQ) 41
3-6-3加工深度(Machining Depth) 41
3-6-4加工槽寬度(Kerf Width) 42
3-6-5 表面粗糙度(Surface Roughness) 43
3-6-6 電流波形量測 44
第四章 實驗結果與討論 45
4-1超音波功率對放電加工結果之影響 45
4-2高壓電流(HV Current) 對放電加工結果之影響 56
4-3放電週期時間對放電加工結果之影響 66
4-4低壓電流(LV Current) 對放電加工結果之影響 76
第五章 結論與未來展望 88
5-1結論 88
5-2未來展望 90
參考文獻 91
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指導教授 崔海平(Hai-Ping Tsui) 審核日期 2023-7-10
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