博碩士論文 110353027 詳細資訊

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姓名 謝佳興(Hsieh,Chia-Hsing)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 電子設備水冷板散熱設計方案
★ 溫度調變對二元合金固液介面形態穩定的影響★ 濃度調變對二元合金固液介面形態穩定的影響
★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器週期性流場研究★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器二次週期流場研究
★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器脈動式流場研究★ 濃度調變對單向固化形態穩定的影響
★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器脈動式二次流場研究★ 模擬注流式生物反應器之流場及細胞生長
★ 週期式圓錐平板裝置之設計與量測★ 模擬注流式生物反應器之細胞培養研究
★ 軟骨細胞在組織工程支架之培養研究★ 細胞在組織工程支架之生長與遷移
★ 冷電漿沉積類鑽碳膜之製程模擬分析★ 格狀自動機探討組織工程細胞體外培養研究
★ 細胞在注流式生物反應器之生長研究★ 週期式圓錐平板裝置之流場分析
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摘要(中) 現今電子元件發展迅速,其效能日益精進同時追求縮裝輕薄短小之產品導向,儼然肇生因質量體積漸減與單位密度功率提升所導致熱集中現象,容易致使關鍵元件過熱而失效損毀與影響壽期等問題,並且由於散熱空間與面積之限制,高密度熱能之傳導技術研究成為關鍵之議題。為確保產品壽期與功能穩定性,探討熱傳導路徑執行專案熱流分析,以設計適合研發測裝與產製之實務為方針,採用階段性標準化流程建構模型,搭配實驗數據修正參數驗證模型可靠度,進一步提出設計優化方案,針對產品功能特性與使用場景擬定改善目標,期望精進原構型整體散熱性能及降低產品成本。
摘要(英) In recent years, electronic components are developing rapidly, and their efficacy is becoming more and more sophisticated while pursuing the product orientation of shrinking, light, thin, and short. The decrease in mass and volume and the increase in power per unit density bring heat concentration. The accumulated heat causes key components to overheat, failing and damaging the components and affecting the life span. Due to the limitation of heat dissipation space and area, research on high-density thermal energy transport technology has become essential. To ensure the product life cycle and functional stability, mastering the heat transfer path to perform heat flow analysis, with the guideline of designing a practice suitable for research and development, testing, assembly, and production cannot be overlooked. It is also vital to adopt a standard process to build a model and use experimental data to verify the reliability of the model. Based on the model, one can propose a design optimization plan, formulate improvement goals for product functional characteristics and usage scenarios, and expect to improve the overall heat dissipation performance and ease of production.
In this study, the computational fluid dynamics method is used to simulate the conjugate heat transfer using the COMSOL simulation software. The four modules composed of identical casings are the main structure and heat transfer path. The internal core heat source in each module directly contacts and transfers heat to the cold plate from top to bottom through the casing body. The cold plate is filled with pure water as the working fluid for water-cooled internal circulation as a heat dissipation solution. Therefore, the design of the internal flow channel of the cold plate becomes a critical controlling factor that affects the heat source temperature.
The flow field in the cold plate is judged to be turbulent by calculating the Reynolds number. Considering the high-gradient flow field of the viscous boundary layer that cannot be ignored, SST(shear stress transport) model is selected as the turbulent flow model in this study. By refining the grids size and retaining the y plus as small across the boundary, the flow velocity gradient is resolved in the boundary layer. The model is moderately adjusted to maintain the grid quality while improving the numerical convergence. The grid independence test is performed. The temperature of the heat source and the average velocity are adopted as the characteristics of the simulation experiment to shorten the simulation analysis time cost.
In addition, we apply the contact thermal resistance at each interface of the model defined according to the experimental test data. The mesh of each heat source is moderately replaced by the thermal resistance, which saves computational time without reducing the resulting
authenticity, which conforms to the experiment. We use the model as the foundation for optimizing the effectiveness of the cold plate, testing various flow channel designs, and adjusting the flow direction and geometry by analyzing the heat source′s position. In addition, multiple types of vortex generators are tested to generate flow disturbance, which helps the boundary layer mixing effect between heat transfer paths. We study the temperature change of the heat source and discuss the pressure drop and the manufacturing process to evaluate the performance and explore the feasibility of developing advanced configurations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 流體邊界
★ 紊流內流場
★ 共軛熱傳
★ 雷諾數
★ 渦流產生器
★ 熱傳增強
關鍵字(英) ★ fluid boundaries
★ turbulent internal flow fields
★ conjugate heat transfer
★ Reynolds number
★ vortex generators
★ heat transfer enhancement
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
符號表 x
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 6
第二章、實驗方法 7
2.1 實驗介紹 8
2.1.1 實驗模型與熱傳導路徑 8
2.1.2 實驗系統與設備 14
2.2 流場可視化 18
2.3 實驗結果分析 20
第三章、數值模型 23
3.1 模擬軟體 23
3.2 網格架構 24
3.3 模型設定 26
3.3.1 幾何簡化 26
3.3.2 數值模型條件設定 29
3.4 紊流模型 30
3.5 邊界層網格 33
3.6 網格獨立性測試 39
3.7 接觸熱阻 41
第四章、水冷板設計分析 43
4.1內流道設計 43
4.1.1 交錯式圓柱檔塊 43
4.1.2 縱向蛇型 45
4.1.3 橫向蛇型 48
4.1.4 交錯式方型 51
4.1.5 順向交錯矩形翼 54
4.1.6 逆向交錯矩形翼 57
4.2 不同構型流場結果分析比較 60
4.2.1 溫度 60
4.2.2 壓降 61
4.2.3 製程規劃評估 63
第五章、結論與未來展望 66
5.1 結論 66
5.2 未來展望 67
參考文獻 68
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指導教授 鍾志昂(Chung, Chih-Ang) 審核日期 2023-7-25
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