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姓名 楊詠涵(Yung-Han Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 以水-力耦合模式探討不同複雜度地質模型對地層下陷模擬之影響—以雲林地區為例
(The influence of geological models with different complexity on land subsidence simulation based on a coupled hydro-mechanical model – a case study in Yunlin County)
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摘要(中) 雲林地區至今仍為台灣嚴重地層下陷區,其主沉陷區已涵蓋至高鐵路段影響其行車安全。為了有效治理因超抽地下水而引發之地層下陷,確切了解雲林地區之地層下陷機制為首要目標。先前研究已表明地層下陷的行為與特徵會隨著區域地質條件與地質架構的不同而有所差異。因此,透過可靠的地質模型可以準確預測地層下陷的規模與範圍,並有助於儘早地規劃防治之措施。考慮到地質材料分布在地層下陷行為之重要性,本研究參考雲林地層下陷區之水文地質剖面,以有限元素軟體COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS建置不同複雜度的地質模型,並以Biot耦合孔彈性理論為基礎,模擬飽和土體隨時間排水與壓密的過程。接著,在假想模型中使用相對敏感度(relative sensitivity)進行參數敏感度分析。最後,在現地模型中採用變形效應引起之時變參數系統,探討土體特性在排水與壓密的過程中之變化情形。在耦合模式下的模擬結果顯示,土體變形與水壓變化同時受水頭變化與應力-應變影響,當材料中水流傳遞速度顯著慢於應力傳遞時,力平衡與排水作用引起的沉陷量便可以區分。在地質模型中,累積沉陷量主要來自細顆粒材料的應變,而阻水層的排水與壓密速度受自身厚度與相鄰含水層特性所影響。地層下陷行為可分為即時沉陷與延遲沉陷,其中延遲沉陷由排水與壓密速度較為緩慢之阻水層控制。參數敏感度分析結果顯示,楊氏模數、帕松比與滲透性(permeability)對總沉陷量較為敏感,且滲透性的敏感度會隨時間變化。整體而言,阻水層參數比含水層參數更為敏感,並以土體壓縮性對總沉陷量的影響最為顯著。在現地模型中增加模型複雜度後,地層下陷在地表的分布更加局部化,土體之排水與壓密機制亦受影響,致使最終累積沉陷量與到達最終沉陷量時間的增加。另外,在現地模型採用時變參數系統後,孔隙率與滲透性在土體壓密過程中減小,楊氏模數則在土體壓密過程中增加,其變化情形在阻水層中尤為顯著。因此,現地模型中土體排水速率與壓縮性隨時間的變化,使得最終累積沉陷量與到達最終沉陷量時間的減少,而土體壓密情形受重力影響在不同深度變化。
摘要(英) Yunlin County is a serious land subsidence area in Taiwan, and the main subsidence area has covered the section of high-speed rail, threatening its operation safety. To effectively control land subsidence caused by groundwater overexploitation, it is necessary to understand the subsidence mechanism in Yunlin County. Previous studies indicated that local geological condition and geological structure affect the behavior and characteristics of land subsidence. Hence, a reliable hydrogeological model can help to accurately assess the subsidence quantity and extent area and the planning of mitigation strategy. Considering the importance of geological material distribution, this study constructs the geological models with different complexity in a finite element software, COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS, using the hydrogeological cross section in Yunlin County. Based on Biot’s poroelasticity theory, the interaction of water drainage and consolidation processes in fully saturated media is simulated. Parameter sensitivity analysis is performed in a synthetic model using the relative sensitivity. The time-varying parameters are adopted in an in-situ model to explore the variations of material properties during the deformation process. The simulation results in the coupled hydro-mechanical model show that soil deformation and pore pressure change are caused by both stress-strain and hydraulic head change. Subsidence quantity caused by force equilibrium and water drainage can be distinguished when the permeability of material is significantly lower. From the simulation results, significant subsidence mainly contributed by the compressive strain of aquitards. The drainage and consolidation rate of aquitards is affected by their thickness and the properties of the adjacent aquifers. Land subsidence behavior can be divided into timely subsidence and delay subsidence, of which delay subsidence is dominated by aquitards with slow drainage and consolidation rate. The results of parameter sensitivity analysis show that Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and permeability are sensitive to land subsidence, and the sensitivity of permeability varies with time. Overall, the parameters in aquitards are more sensitive to land subsidence than in aquifers, especially the soil compressibility. Adding complexity to the in-situ model makes the land subsidence more localized and affects drainage and consolidation behavior, leading to an increase in final subsidence quantity and the time to reach the final subsidence. After adopting the time-varying parameters in an in-situ model, the porosity and permeability decrease with soil consolidation process while Young′s modulus increases. The variations of time-varying parameters are more significant in aquitards than in aquifers. Therefore, the drainage rate and compressibility of media change with time, resulting in a decrease in final subsidence and the time to reach the final subsidence.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水力耦合模式
★ 地質模型複雜度
★ 地層下陷模擬
★ 參數敏感度分析
★ 時變參數
關鍵字(英) ★ Coupled hydro-mechanical model
★ Geological model complexity
★ Land subsidence simulation
★ Parameter sensitivity analysis
★ Time-varying parameter
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
符號對照表 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-3 研究區水文地質概述 5
1-4 研究步驟與流程 7
第二章 研究方法與理論介紹 9
2-1 孔彈性理論控制方程式 9
2-1-1 孔隙基質變形(Porous matrix deformation) 9
2-1-2 在孔隙基質中的流體流動(Fluid flow within porous matrix) 10
2-2 變形效應與時變參數 12
2-3 參數敏感度分析 13
2-4 有限元素模型與網格轉換應用 15
第三章 數值模型建立 19
3-1 地質模型架構 19
3-2 材料參數設定 24
3-3 邊界條件與模擬情境 25
3-3-1 力學邊界條件 25
3-3-2 水力邊界條件 26
3-3-3 水頭變化情境 29
3-4 初始狀態設定 31
第四章 模擬結果與討論–假想模型 37
4-1 基礎水力耦合行為探討 38
4-1-1 地下水流與土體變形之耦合行為 38
4-1-2 水力耦合行為之參數敏感度分析 42
4-2 在季節性水頭變化下的土體變形行為 48
4-2-1 地下水流出量與補注量之差異對土體變形的影響 48
4-2-2 含水層與阻水層在季節性水頭變化下的土體變形 51
4-3 在年平均水頭變化下的地層下陷 60
4-3-1 地層下陷機制探討 60
4-3-2 沉陷量之參數相對敏感度分析 65
第五章 模擬結果與討論 – 現地模型 71
5-1 地層下陷模擬結果與機制探討 71
5-1-1 水利署層狀模型(模型三) 71
5-1-2 地調所水文地質模型(模型四) 80
5-2 考慮時變參數的地層下陷模擬結果 92
5-3 模型複雜度與時變參數對地層下陷模擬之影響 95
第六章 結論與建議 103
6-1 結論 103
6-2 建議 105
參考文獻 107

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指導教授 王士榮(Shih-Jung Wang) 審核日期 2023-1-17
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