博碩士論文 945202010 詳細資訊

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姓名 盧翔煒(Hsiang-Wei Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 無線網路頻道環境之自我時間控制封包排程機制
(Channel Condition aware Self-Clocked Packet Scheduling for Wireless Networks)
★ 具多重樹狀結構之可靠性群播傳輸★ 在嵌入式行動裝置上設計與開發跨平台Widget
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★ 針對行動網路裝置開發可擴展且跨平台之GSM/HSDPA引擎★ 於單晶片多媒體裝置進行有效率之多格式解碼管理
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摘要(中) 在無線網路下,移動式主機會因為所在的位置而遭受不同的頻道錯誤,而無法有效地傳送與接受封包,因此,對於有線網路上的封包公平佇列演算法並不能直接應用到無線網路。一般而言,在無線網路上,當移動式主機遭受頻道錯誤時,封包公平佇列演算法會保留資料流的虛擬時間。這能使得移動式主機在能傳送資料時,能擁有較高的優先權。同時,系統會開始對移動式主機補償他所失去的服務。這也許會使得長期處於無法傳送資料的移動式主機佔據整個共享頻道及影響其它移動式主機的資料傳送。
摘要(英) Since mobile hosts suffer from bursty and location-dependent channel errors in wireless networks, Packet Fair Queueing algorithm in wireline networks cannot be applied directly to wireless network. Generally, fair scheduler in wireless network retains virtual time of flow when the flow encounters channel errors. This results that the flow has higher priority when it exits from errors. And the system can compensate the lost service for the flow. This causes that the lagging flows capture the share channel and effect queue delay of flows perceiving clean channel.
In this paper, we present Channel-condition Self-Clocked Packet Scheduling. This algorithm can address the problem and achieve these goals (1) delay and throughput guarantees in error-free environment (2) short-term fairness among flows perceiving error-free (3) long-term fairness for error system (4) steady jitter for flows perceiving error-free. Our algorithm is based on Start-time Fair Queueing and the virtual time of flows is reset to contend for forwarding its packet at next time when errors happen for the flow.
關鍵字(中) ★ 無線網路公平演算法 關鍵字(英) ★ wireless scheduler
★ wireless fair queueing
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................. 1
1-1. Fairness....................................................................................... 3
1-2. Network Model ........................................................................... 4
1-3. Motivation................................................................................... 4
1-4. Thesis Organization .................................................................... 5
Chapter 2. Related Work........................................................................... 6
2-1. Fluid Fair Queueing and Packet Fair Queueing ........................... 6
2-2. Wireless Fair Queueing............................................................... 7
2-2-1. Idealized Wireless Fair Queueing......................................... 8
2-2-2. Wireless Packet Scheduling.................................................. 9
2-2-3. Channel-Condition Independent Fair Queueing.................. 10
2-2-4. Server Based Fairness Approach ........................................ 11
2-2-5. Wireless General Processor Sharing ................................... 12
Chapter 3. Proposed Scheme................................................................... 14
3-1. Problem Description.................................................................. 14
3-1-1. Capture channel problem.................................................... 14
3-1-2. Unsteady jitter problem...................................................... 15
3-2. Channel-condition Selfed-Clock Packet Scheduling.................. 16
3-2-1. Basic idea and Start-time Fair Queueing............................. 16
3-2-2. Detailed Algorithm............................................................. 18
3-2-3. Delay Guarantees ............................................................... 23
Chapter 4. Simulation Results ................................................................. 27
4-1. Delay Guarantees and Fairness in error-free system.................. 28
4-2. Long-term Fairness ................................................................... 30
4-3. Queue delay comparison ........................................................... 31
4-4. Steady jitter ............................................................................... 33
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future works ............................................... 38
References …………………………………………………………………40
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指導教授 吳曉光(Eric HsiaoKuang Wu) 審核日期 2007-6-28
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