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姓名 包喬凡(Chiao-Fan Pao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士在職專班
論文名稱 民間參與公共建設案件投資契約變更之研究
(A Study on Amendment of the Concession Agreement for Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects)
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摘要(中) 促參計畫期間可能長達50年,契約期間中如何適時調整雙方權利義務,以符合計畫目的及公益,並兼顧民間機構適當利潤,為促參契約擬定重點。促進民間參與公共建設案件作業指引第59條規定:「契約變更,應以維護公共利益及公平合理為原則」,然而,相關細節規範闕如造成實務執行之困擾。本論文透過研析我國促參規範與爭議案例、借鏡外國PPP制度精神、及訪談實務專家意見等研究方法,探究促參契約變更之原則、界線及程序,最末提出對我國促參法令及契約參考條款之修正建議,期助於解決現行實務爭議。
摘要(英) The period of private participation in infrastructure projects could be as long as 50 years. During the contract period, how to adjust the rights and obligations of both parties suitably to match the purposes of the projects and public interest, and take into account the appropriate profits of private partners, are the critical issues for the concession agreement. Article 59 of The Guidelines for Promotion of Private Participation in Public Construction stipulates: "Amendment to the agreement should be based on public interests and a fair and reasonable basis." However, lacking of relevant detailed regulations has caused difficulties in practical implementation. This study explores the principles, limitations, and procedures of PPP agreements by using research methods such as examining the norms and disputed cases in Taiwan, referring to foreign PPP regulations, and interviewing practical experts. Finally, suggestions for amendments to PPP norms and concession agreements are proposed to help resolve these practice controversies.
This study finds that currently, courts have not yet reached a consensus on the issue of amendment to PPP agreements, but they tend to think that only when events of "force majeure or exceptions" occur and are necessary, may change the items of agreements, including "contract period”, “scope of work”, “royalties” and so on. This point is similar to the conclusions of expert interviews; however, most experts believe that "force majeure or exceptions" is only one of the reasons for agreement amendment, the dramatic changes in demand and cost are other reasonable reasons to the change contract. In international law, norms such as UN PPP Guidelines emphasize that the agreements should specify the scope, procedures, and measurement standards of the amendment clearly.
In conclusion, this study proposes three-stage amendments for “Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects”, “The Guidelines for Promotion of Private Participation in Public Construction”, and “Reference Provisions of the Concession Agreement”. It is hoped that by specifying the conditions for agreement amendment, stable PPP agreements may also remain reasonable flexibility to cope with changes in the external environment. Lastly, the results of this study can be used as the basis for future research on various types of PPP project agreements.
關鍵字(中) ★ 促參法
★ 投資契約變更
★ 公私協力計畫
★ 情事變更
關鍵字(英) ★ the Act for PPP
★ Amendment of the Concession Agreement
★ PPP Projects
★ Change of Circumstances
論文目次 目錄

中文摘要 I
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景及動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究方法及流程 4
1-4 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2-1 民間參與公共建設概述 6
2-2 投資契約之性質與變更 8
2-3 小結 12
第三章 我國促參制度之契約變更規範與爭議 14
3-1 我國促參制度之契約變更規範 14
3-1-1 一般性約定 14
3-1-2 重要事項約定 18
3-2 契約變更爭議案例分析 26
3-2-1 契約期間 27
3-2-2 工作範圍 33
3-2-3 費率 47
3-2-4 權利金 54
3-2-5 租金 60
3-2-6 其他契約變更議題 66
3-3小結 67
第四章 外國公私協力計畫之契約變更處理機制 70
4-1 聯合國貿易法委員會PPP相關文件 70
4-1-1 PPP指導原則 70
4-1-2 契約變更議題探討 73
4-2 世界銀行PPP相關文件 79
4-2-1 情勢變化與契約變更 79
4-2-2 法律變更與契約變更 83
4-3 日本內閣府PFI相關文件 88
4-4 小結 95
第五章 初擬契約變更條款與專家訪談 97
5-1 初擬契約變更條款 97
5-2 專家訪談 100
5-2-1 訪談對象基本資料 101
5-2-2 契約變更之事由與結果 103
5-2-3 契約變更之項目 113
5-2-4 契約變更之程序 117
5-2-5 契約變更之建議約款 119
5-3 小結 122
第六章 結論與建議 128
6-1 結論 128
6-2 建議 132
參考文獻 133
附錄 135
附錄1 仲裁案例 135
附錄2 訴訟案例 136
附錄3 專家訪談名單 142
附錄4 專家訪談問卷 143

參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 姚乃嘉(Nie-Jia Yau) 審核日期 2023-2-1
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