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顏展辰(Zhan-Chen Yan)
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土木系營建管理碩士班 |
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摘要(中) |
契約行為亦由買賣與雇傭,演進至承攬、委任、保證或各種聯立與混合之契約形式。工程採購亦由傳統之設計施工分離模式,演變出設計帶施工、並進之統包等模式。而政府採購法第二十四條第一項規定: 「機關基於效率及品質要求,得以統包辦理招標。」與第二項規定:「將工程採購中之設計與施工或一定期間之維修等併於同一採購契約辦理招標。」換言之,統包模式一改過去按圖施工、按表計價的概念,轉變為尚未具體成形的招標文件、需求計畫等,並具有節省整體工期之效益。
摘要(英) |
Contract behavior has also evolved from sales and employment to contracting, appointment, guarantee, or various joint and mixed contract forms. Project procurement has also evolved from the traditional design-construction separation model to a design-with-construction and concurrent Turnkey model. The first item of Article 24 of the Government Procurement Law stipulates: "Based on the requirements of efficiency and quality, the agency may handle bidding as a whole contract." And handle the bidding under the same procurement contract.” In other words, the Turnkey model has changed the concept of construction according to drawings and pricing according to meters in the past, and transformed it into bidding documents and demand plans that have not yet been concretely formed, and has the benefit of saving the overall construction period.
Although the Turnkey project has the advantages of reducing the interface and shortening the construction period, the owner must understand that the Turnkey contractor who adopts the Turnkey model does not cover all the parts, let alone include abstract interpretations or one-sided interpretations of requirements in accordance with traditional engineering models. It is determined that before the detailed design is approved, the owner has the right to change the design content arbitrarily, or even change the original scope of work or the principle of risk allocation. This will only kill the advantages of Turnkey contracting.
In order to reduce such disputes derived from the scope of turnkey work, this study summarizes five factors that affect the scope of turnkey work through literature review: 1. Owner′s authority, 2. Definition of turnkey requirements, 3. Basic design, 4. Details Design, 5. Risk allocation is used as the research basis to carry out in-depth research and discussion, and refer to relevant cases of court judgments to propose ways to improve the disputes in the scope of turnkey work, and then verify through expert interviews and provide practical solutions. Suggestions are willing to provide owners and Suggestions and standards for the scope of work by the Turnkey contractor implement the true Turnkey spirit.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 統包 ★ 工作範疇 ★ 統包爭議 ★ FIDIC契約範本 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Turnkey contract ★ Scope of work ★ Turnkey dispute ★ FIDIC contract |
論文目次 |
摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與內容 2
1.4 研究方流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 設計與建造及統包定義 4
2.1.1國外文獻之定義 4
2.1.2政府採購法對統包定義 5
2.2 統包之目的 6
2.2.1 工程造價 7
2.2.2 業主採購效率 9
2.2.3 承包商施工效率 10
2.3 通用之統包契約範本 11
2.3.1 FIDIC 契約範本 11
2.3.2 統包工程採購契約範本 14
2.3.3 統包工作範疇相關文件 15
2.4 統包工程契約類型 18
2.4.1 統包工程契約與一般工程契約之比較 18
2.4.2 Design&Build統包契約 19
2.4.3 EPC統包契約 19
2.4.4 Turnkey統包模式 20
2.4.5 三種統包模式之比較 20
2.5 統包工程契約風險分配與常見爭議 21
第三章 影響統包工程契約工作範疇關鍵因素 24
3.1 業主權限 24
3.2 統包需求定義 27
3.3 基本設計 29
3.4 細部設計審查 33
3.5 風險分配 36
3.6 小結 41
第四章 改善統包工作範疇爭議之提出與驗證 44
4.1 明確統包需求 44
4.1.1實務因統包不明確之需求爭議 46
4.2 合理風險分配 50
4.2.1 地質鑽探報告與實際有極大落差 51
4.3 專家訪談 54
4.3.1 專家基本資料 54
4.3.2 訪談問題 55
4.3.3 專家見解 55
第五章 結論與建議 63
5.1 研究結論 63
5.2 後續研究建議 65
參考文獻 66
附錄一 專家訪談內容 67
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
謝定亞(Ting-Ya Hsieh)
審核日期 |
2023-1-16 |
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