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姓名 郭裕昂(Guo,Yu-Ang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
論文名稱 高雄國際機場擴建施工階段平行分標間界面管理作業模式之研究
(A Study on Interface Management Operation Model between Parallel Subcontracts during the Construction Phase of Kaohsiung International Airport Expansion)
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摘要(中) 高雄國際機場之擴建屬於大型交通建設之一,其施工階段需要整合不同類
摘要(英) The expansion of Kaohsiung International Airport is a significant transportation infrastructure project that involves the integration of various professional activities during its construction phase. This phase presents potential interface issues arising from diverse management approaches, which result in higher risks compared to simpler engineering projects. Therefore, this research begins with a comprehensive literature review to examine the interface problems caused by parallel subcontracts in large-scale transportation projects and their associated interface management operation models. These findings are then applied to the expansion project of Kaohsiung International Airport.

Based on the literature review and considering the known risks in international airport projects, this study organizes the content for the initial stage of expert interviews. Feasible subcontracting principles and interface issues arising from parallel subcontracts in the construction phase of the Kaohsiung International Airport expansion project are identified based on the interview outcomes. The interface problems between various subcontracts are further consolidated in the content for the subsequent stage of expert interviews. By interviewing on-site experts, the underlying causes of interface issues resulting from parallel subcontracts are clarified, leading to the development of an interface management operation model for parallel subcontracts during the construction phase.

Finally, this study summarizes the potential interface problems between parallel subcontracts in the Kaohsiung International Airport expansion project into eight categories and establishes an interface management operation model to address these issues during the construction phase. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the effective management of interfaces between parallel subcontracts, reducing the risks of project delays and cost overruns, and ensuring the smooth completion of the project on schedule, within budget, and with the expected quality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 界面管理
★ 機場工程
★ 交通建設
★ 案例研究
關鍵字(英) ★ interface management
★ airport engineering
★ transportation infrastructure
★ case study
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 3
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究方法與流程 4
1.5 研究範圍與限制 4
1.6 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 大型交通建設專案定義與特性 6
2.2 界面定義與特性 6
2.3 捷運工程界面管理文獻 8
2.4 大型專案界面管理文獻 13
2.5 高雄國際機場新航廈工程建設計畫 16
第三章 大型交通建設施工階段常見之界面管理模式 17
3.1 分標策略 17
3.2 施工階段分標工程界面管理範疇關聯態樣 23
3.3 施工階段分標間工程範疇關聯造成的影響 29
3.4 管理組織與協調責任 30
3.5 界面管理作業措施說明 33
3.6 界面管理作業模式 38
3.6.1 捷運工程界面管理作業模式 38
3.6.2 高鐵工程界面管理作業模式 40
3.6.3 小結 41
3.7 施工階段界面管理作業模式重點 41
3.8 小結 44
第四章 國際機場工程案例研究 46
4.1 訪談背景與國際機場之問題 47
4.2 專家訪談架構 48
4.3 第一階段專家訪談 49
4.3.1 專家基本資料 49
4.3.2 訪談方向 49
4.3.3 訪談目的 50
4.3.4 訪談結果 51
4.3.5 訪談小結 56
4.4 第二階段專家訪談 57
4.4.1 專家基本資料 57
4.4.2 訪談方向 58
4.4.3 訪談目的 58
4.4.4 平行分標間的界面問題實際情況探討 58
4.4.5 施工階段分標間界面管理作業模式 64
4.4.6 分級界面會議之實際情況探討 73
4.5 小結 75
第五章 結論與建議 77
5.1 結論 77
5.2 建議後續研究之方向 78
參考文獻 80
附件一 第一階段專家訪談問卷 84
附件二 第二階段專家訪談問卷 94
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指導教授 姚乃嘉(Nie-Jia Yau) 審核日期 2023-7-1
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