摘要(英) |
In the injection molding industry, quality control and correction are required in the process of product development and design. In addition to rules of thumb, using Computer aided engineering software for analysis is a common method. Mold flow analysis software is indispensable in this industry. Mold flow analysis is a Finite element method, so before analysis, Computer aided design model needs to be gridded, to provide grid data for software calculation. There are many forms of unstructured grids, among which the most common are Boundary layer mesh and Tetrahedron mesh. However, the arrangement of these two grids is irregular and the number of grids is large, so in order to improve the quality and accuracy of the grid, it is better to use the structured Hexahedron grid. The structured grid usually needs to be cut after the CAD model is cut. Because the CAD model is cut, the structured grid has the characteristics of regular arrangement and symmetry, and under the same grid size, the volume of the structured grid is smaller than that of four sides. The volume mesh is large, which can greatly reduce the number of meshes. Therefore, in mold flow analysis, the use of structured grid can improve accuracy and efficiency. However, due to the cutting required, different profiles may require different cutting methods. Therefore, in this study, after the CAD model is decomposed by thin shell integration, the contour of the decomposed block result is taken, and the decomposition algorithm is developed. After the contour decomposition result is scattered through steps such as points, the point data of the polygon is established, and finally the polygon contour is realized. structured grid. |
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