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姓名 曾筱雲(Xiao-Yun Zeng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
論文名稱 政府採購選商納入ESG指標之研究-以工程採購為核心
★ 公共工程統包模式執行專案成員間問題 之研究★ 小口徑免開挖施工法決策支援系統之研究
★ 由財務指標態樣探討上市營建公司經營危機之研究★ 營造業分包管理策略中班底效應之研究
★ 公共工程建設計畫時序性組合規劃模式之研究★ 民間參與公共建設可行性評估要項
★ 營造廠以中衛體系形成差異化競爭策略之研究★ 公共工程委託技術服務廠商評選作業流程之研究
★ 以財務及非財務性指標評估建築投資業經營績效之研究★ 景氣循環與上市建築投資業負債比率相關因素之研究
★ 污水下水道分支管工程興建模式及其評估模式之研究★ 公共工程完工未能如期結案問題之研究
★ 污水下水道短管推進工法以即時性管控落實監造之研究★ 營造廠訂定分包契約獎懲條款之研究
★ 都市污水下水道採短管推進工法影響成本因素之研究★ 學校工程採購模式選擇之研究
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摘要(中) 因疫情和全球氣候變遷、海平面上升等現象,人們開始思考如何與自然環境共存,同時也在思考在營收成長如何保護地球,達到永續經營。而2004年在聯合國的倡議之下,以ESG作為企業社會責任與永續發展上努力的目標,自此開始了企業以ESG為達到永續目的之重心。而政府採購做為我國重要經濟活動之一。政府為建立依公平、公開之採購程序之採購制度,且同時提升採購效率與功能以及確保採購品質,而制定政府採購法。而國內目前採購評選於企業社會責任及永續經營相關之評選項目及配分僅涉及社會責任部分,並未全面評估投標廠商的永續經營能力。因此,本研究透過專家訪談,了解專家於ESG相關措施於工程採購招決標階段實施之觀點及看法,並針對國內採購評選於ESG之相關議題進行深度探討,提出將ESG融入工程採購評選較合適之方案。經研究認為將ESG概念納入現有的評選項目中會更有助於突顯ESG在評選項目中的重要性,並依原評選架構提出應備考量之ESG小子項,並探討工程採購若要實行ESG相關制度可能會遭遇之困難以及可避免或降低困難之方法。
摘要(英) Due to the epidemic, global climatic change, sea level rise, and other phenomena, people have begun to think about how to coexist with the natural environment. At the same time, this novice coexistence effort must also balance with how to protect the environment and to achieve sustainable management during revenue growth. In 2004, ESG was identified as the development goal of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development under the initiative of the United Nations. Since then, companies have started to focus on ESG to achieve sustainable goals.Government procurement is one of the important economic activities in our country. The government has enacted Government Procurement Act in order to establish a government procurement system that has fair and open procurement procedures, promotes the efficiency and effectiveness of government procurement operations, and ensures the quality of procurement. However, the selection and allocation of selection criteria related to corporate social responsibility and sustainable management in domestic procurement only involve social responsibility and do not fully evaluate the sustainable management capabilities of bidders. Therefore, this research conducts expert interviews to understand experts’ views and opinions on the implementation of ESG-related measures in the bidding stage of project procurement, engages in-depth discussions on ESG-related issues in domestic procurement selection, and proposes that it is more appropriate to integrate ESG into the existing engineering procurement selection plan. Based the outcome of this research, it is believed that incorporating the ESG concept into the existing selection criteria will be more helpful to highlight the importance of ESG in the selection of most suitable firms. The main contribution of this research includes the proposed ESG sub-items that should be considered according to the original selection structure and the practical steps to implementing ESG-related projects in project procurement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 政府採購
★ 工程採購
關鍵字(英) ★ Government Procurement
★ Construction Procurement
論文目次 摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究範圍 3
1.5 研究方法與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 ESG 定義與發展現況 5
2.1.1 ESG 起源與定義 5
2.1.2 企業ESG揭露準則 7
2.1.3 ESG評分機構與評分準則 9
2.2 國外政府採購ESG發展現況 11
2.2.1 歐盟 11
2.2.2 美國 13
2.2.3 加拿大 14
2.2.4 日本 14
2.3 國內工程採購相關政策與制度 15
2.4 小結 19
第三章 ESG納入政府採購制度實行之探討 20
3.1 政府採購招決標模式 20
3.2 工程採購金額級距 35
3.3 採購評選可考量的ESG項目 36
3.4 小結 45
第四章 專家訪談 47
4.1 專家基本資料 47
4.2 訪談內容 47
4.3 訪談成果 48
4.4 小結 51
第五章 結論與建議 52
5.1 結論 52
5.2 後續研究建議 53
參考資料 55
附錄一 專家問卷訪談 57
參考文獻 1.United Nations, (2004). Who cares wins: Connecting financial markets to a changing world, May 26,2023, from https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/topics_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/sustainability-at-ifc/publications/publications_report_whocareswins__wci__1319579355342.
3.Billio, M., Costola, M., Hristova I., Latino,C., Pelizzon, L. (2021). Inside the ESG ratings: (Dis)agreement and performance.Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management,28(5),1426-1445.https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2177.
4.United Nations, (2015). THE 17 GOALS, May 26,2023, from https://sdgs.un.org/goals.
5.GRI, The global leader for impact reporting, May 26,2023, from https://www.globalreporting.org/.
6.SASB, Get Started with SASB Standards, May 26,2023, from https://www.sasb.org/.
7.TCFD, Climate change presents financial risk to the global economy, May 26,2023, fromhttps://www.fsb-tcfd.org/.
8.MSCI, ESG Ratings, January 6,2022, from https://www.msci.com/our-solutions/esg-investing/esg-ratings.
9.FTSE Russell, ESG Ratings, January 6,2022, from https://www.ftserussell.com/data/sustainability-and-esg-data/esg-ratings.
10.Sustainalytics, ESG Risk Ratings, January 6,2022, from https://www.sustainalytics.com/corporate-solutions/esg-solutions/esg-risk-ratings.
12.European Financial Reporting Advisory Group(August 8,2022), Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards, Retrieved January 20,2022, from https://www.efrag.org/Assets/Download?assetUrl=%2Fsites%2Fwebpublishing%2FSiteAssets%2FESRS_CN.pdf&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.
指導教授 謝定亞(Ting-Ya Hsieh) 審核日期 2023-7-6
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