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姓名 安蒂娜(Andina Mugi Utami)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理博士班
論文名稱 探索和排名 MRT 維護成本的影響因素 使用粗糙集增強的 K-近鄰方法
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摘要(中) 鑑於全球對大眾捷運系統(MRT)之依賴,優化後之維護規畫成為實現高效能運營成本之關鍵;然而,確定影響捷運維護成本等重要因素之複雜性,仍為持續存在之挑戰。本研究運用約略集增強K-近鄰演算法(KNN)調查6項捷運維護成本中之重要影響因素:對捷運之需求、維護團隊執行檢修任務所需之差旅(OV)需求、員工薪資、工地成本、捷運直接費率、以及用於載運維護人員之公務車輛直接費率。
摘要(英) The global reliance on Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) systems necessitates optimized maintenance planning for efficient operational costs. The complexity of identifying significant factors affecting MRT maintenance costs has presented persistent challenges. This research uses the Rough Set Enhanced K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method to investigate the factors in MRT maintenance costs. The study targets six influential factors: demand MRT, demand OV, staff salary, site cost, MRT direct rate and official bus direct rate for transportation of the crew maintenance. The research methodology implemented in this study comprised a structured blend of literature review, data collection, and Rough Set Enhanced analysis used to determine the most influential factor. The MRT direct rate, with a frequency of 78.95% and 820 unique occurrences, is the core factor. The OV direct rate follows closely at 76.48% frequency and 736 occurrences. Other factors like Salary and Demand (for MRT and OV) show frequencies around 60% (unique occurrences 325-349), while site cost registers a frequency of 55.66% with 193 occurrences. The study provides a quantifiable method for MRT stakeholders to estimate maintenance costs more accurately. This improved approach enhances decision-making processes, which is particularly beneficial for budget planning and resource allocation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大眾捷運系統、維護成本、約略集增強K-近鄰演算法、影響因素、營運成本
★ 大眾捷運系統
★ 維護成本
★ 約略集增強K-近鄰演算法
★ 影響因素
★ 營運成本
關鍵字(英) ★ Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Maintenance Costs, Rough Set Enhanced KNN Method, Influential Factors, Operational Costs.
★ Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)
★ Maintenance Costs
★ Rough Set Enhanced KNN Method
★ Influential Factors
★ Operational Costs
摘 要 ii
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Research Problem 10
1.3 Research Objectives 12
1.4 Research Scope and Limitation 12
1.5 Methodology Overview 14
1.6 Research Outline 16
2.1 Overview of Mass Rapid Transit 21
2.1.1 Importance and Role of MRT in Urban Transportation 22
2.1.2 Key Components of MRT Systems 23
2.2 MRT Operational Cost 23
2.2.1 Capital Costs 24
2.2.2 Operation Costs 26
2.2.3 Maintenance Costs 27
2.3 MRT Maintenance System 28
2.3.1 Types of Maintenance in MRT Systems 29
2.3.2 Maintenance Procedures and Practices in MRT Systems 32
2.4 Breakdown of MRT Maintenance Cost 34
2.4.1. Overview of MRT Maintenance Costs 34
2.4.2. Detailed Breakdown of MRT Maintenance Costs 35
2.5 Factors Influencing MRT Maintenance Costs 37
2.5.1 Demand 38
2.5.2 Salary 39
2.5.3 MRT Direct Rate for Transportation of the Crew Maintenance 39
2.5.4 Official Bus Direct Rate for Transportation of the Crew Maintenance 40
2.5.5 Site Cost 41
2.6 Problems Regarding Maintenance Cost 43
2.5.2. Previous Work of Maintenance Cost Problems in MRT Systems 47
2.5.3. Previous Work of Optimizing MRT Maintenance Cost 48
2.7 Review of Proposed Method: Rough Set Enhanced KNN 50
2.7.1 Rough Set Theory 50
2.7.2 KNN Method 51
2.7.3 Rough Set Enhanced KNN Method 52
2.8 Summary and Research Gap 55
3.1 Data Collection 59
3.2 Assumptions 62
3.3 Determining Influenced Factor 65
3.4 Proposed Rough Set Enhanced KNN Method 67
4.1 Data Selection and Pre-Processing 75
4.2 Identify the Influenced Factor 76
4.2.1 Core Factor 80
4.2.2 Medium Impact Factor 82
4.2.3 Insignificant Factor 84
4.3 Evaluating Method Performance 85
4.4 Total Maintenance Cost Calculation 88
4.5 Discussion 93
5.1 Summary of Findings 99
5.2 Recommendations for Future Research 101
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指導教授 陳介豪 顏上堯 蘇木春(Jieh-Haur Chen Yan-Shang Yao Mu-Chun Su) 審核日期 2023-8-8
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