博碩士論文 110323068 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳霈祺(Pei-Chi Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 光纖收發器緊湊熱模型
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摘要(中) 光纖收發器為通訊傳輸系統中重要的電子設備,當前朝向高功率和小型化封裝體積的方向發展,對於大型系統的開發來說,使用簡化的數學模型能夠有效減少計算資源和時間。
本研究針對具有五個發熱源且總消耗功率為25 Watts之光纖收發器QSFP (quad small form-factor pluggable),運用DELPHI (DEvelopment of Libraries of PHysical models for an Integrated design environment)方法學的概念,開發出具有邊界條件獨立性之緊湊熱模型,為光纖收發器建構不同的熱阻網絡拓樸,運用田口法設計出適當的邊界條件集合,再使用商業模擬軟體Simcenter FloTHERM為光纖收發器建立計算流體力學模型,輸出所需的熱數據做為優化緊湊熱模型之依據,最後結合MATLAB編寫緊湊熱模型之優化過程,找出緊湊熱模型中最佳的熱阻值配置。
摘要(英) The fiber optical transceiver is an important electronic device in the communication system. Currently, it is evolving towards high power and miniaturized packaging. For the development of large-scale systems, the simplified model can effectively reduce computational resources and time.
In this study, we focused on the quad small form-factor pluggable (QSFP) optical transceiver, which has five heat sources and a total power dissipation of 25 Watts. We applied the concept of DEvelopment of Libraries of PHysical models for an Integrated design environment (DELPHI) methodology to develop a compact thermal model with boundary condition independence. Different thermal resistance network topologies were constructed for the optical transceiver. Using the Taguchi method, appropriate sets of boundary conditions were designed. The commercial software Simcenter FloTHERM was then used to create a computational fluid dynamics model for the optical transceiver, which provided the thermal data for optimizing the compact thermal model. Finally, the optimization process of the compact thermal model was implemented using MATLAB to find the optimal thermal resistances.
Among the different network topologies of the compact thermal models used in this study, each model exhibits good predictive accuracy and boundary condition independence. The average relative error in predicting heat source temperatures is within 2%, and the average relative error in predicting wall heat flux is within 8%. The advanced double shunted network compact thermal model has the best predictive capability, which indicates that improving the network topology can effectively enhance the predictive accuracy of the compact thermal model. When applying the compact thermal model to the computational fluid dynamics software FloTHERM for simulating realistic environments, the average relative error in predicting heat source temperatures is around 6%, and the average relative error in predicting wall heat flux is around 10%. The maximum relative error exceeds 20%. This indicates that there is still room for improvement in the developed compact thermal model in this study.
In the future, if the compact thermal model of the optical transceiver is to be applied in system-level thermal analysis, it is necessary to minimize the predictive errors of the compact thermal model. This will enable more accurate simulation of the thermal behavior of the optical transceiver.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光纖收發器
★ 緊湊熱模型
★ 優化
關鍵字(英) ★ fiber optical transceiver
★ compact thermal model
★ DELPHI methodology
★ optimization
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
符號表 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.2.1光纖收發器 2
1.2.2緊湊熱模型 5
1.3研究目的 8
第二章 研究方法 9
2.1模擬軟體 9
2.2.1 Simcenter FloTHERM 9
2.2.2 MATLAB 10
2.2原始模型 10
2.2.1物理模型 10
2.2.2統御方程式 12
2.2.3模擬條件 12
2.2.4風洞設置 13
2.2.5網格獨立性測試 14
2.2.6原始模型模擬結果 15
2.3詳細熱模型 16
2.3.1詳細熱模型設計 16
2.3.2統御方程式 17
2.3.3模擬條件 17
2.3.4雙冷板測試 19
2.4緊湊熱模型 21
2.4.1選擇節點 21
2.4.2建構熱網絡拓樸 24
2.4.3邊界條件集 30
2.4.4目標函數 36
2.4.5優化方法 36
2.4.6緊湊熱模型的應用 37
第三章 結果與討論 39
3.1緊湊熱模型優化結果 39
3.2緊湊熱模型與詳細熱模型的比較 44
3.2.1分流型網絡緊湊熱模型 44
3.2.2雙分流型網絡緊湊熱模型 51
3.2.3先進分流型網絡緊湊熱模型 57
3.2.4先進雙分流型網絡緊湊熱模型 63
3.2.5四種緊湊熱模型的比較 69
3.3緊湊熱模型與原始模型的比較 71
3.3.1強制對流環境 71
3.3.2帶有散熱器的強制對流環境 77
3.3.3帶有擋板及散熱器的強制對流環境 82
第四章 結論與未來展望 88
4.1結論 88
4.2未來展望 90
參考文獻 91
附錄 95
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指導教授 鍾志昂 審核日期 2023-7-25
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