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姓名 呂英撰(Ying-tsuan Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 利用可設計組裝的表演說故事機器人來達到從設計中進行學習
(Using a programmable storytelling robot to learn through designing)
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摘要(中) 國民小學英語課程強調在學生英語溝通能力的基礎、提昇英語學習的動機與興趣。因此,許多英文老師會利用說故事的方式來幫助小朋友語言能力與字彙的發展。然而,往往都是由老師扮演著說故事者的角色,可是應該要由學生來扮演說故事者的角色而老師扮演協助者的角色,如此學生才能獲得更多藉由說故事所帶來的學習好處。但是對於大部分的小朋友而言,反而令他們對於這樣的學習方式感到恐懼與困難。另一方面,市面上充斥著許多機器人的玩具。對於小朋友而言,這樣的玩具是具有相當大的吸引力,但這些機器人僅能提供娛樂的性質,因此帶給小朋友的時效性相當有限。
摘要(英) It emphasized to motivate English learning and interesting on the English subject of elementary school. Therefore, many teachers used storytelling to develop children’s language abilities and vocabularies. However, it is always the teacher who does the talking. So the student can’t obtain much learning benefits from the storytelling. Furthermore, many students feel very uncomfortable during the speaking activities, especially when they have to speak in front of the whole class. On the other hand, there are many robots’ toys on the market. The children interested in these toys, but they didn’t play them a long time.
In this paper we develop a system of programmable storytelling robot. It included three units: writing stories, designing robot’s movement, and teaching robot to tell stories. In addition, let student to design personal storytelling robot by combining sound effects and background music. The students can learn language through designing.
Finally, the four children join our experiment. Their average age is 10~12 years old. We find something from a little of results. By using our system, the students feel playing to learn and to improve learning attitude. Then they will spend time to practice oral skills. Further, the students liked to use the learning tool by the method which let students design robot to perform.
關鍵字(中) ★ 說故事機器人
★ 從設計中進行學習
關鍵字(英) ★ storytelling robot
★ learning through designing
論文目次 中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III
目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII
第1章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-1 研究背景 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-2 研究動機 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1-3 研究目標 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1-4 研究問題與對策 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1-5 論文架構 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
第2章 相關理論與研究 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2-1 相關理論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2-1-1 教學理論-建構主義 ---------------------------------------------- 7
2-1-2 設計中學習(Learning through Designing) ---------------- 8
2-1-3 說故事 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2-1-4 動作表現 --------------------------------------------------------- 11
2-2 相關研究 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2-2-1 互動式光碟故事書(CD-ROM interactive storybooks) --- 12
2-2-2 線上系統 --------------------------------------------------------- 13
2-2-3 說故事系統 --------------------------------------------------------- 14
第3章 說故事機器人的設計規劃 --------------------------------------------------- 17
3-1 說故事機器人的架構設計 --------------------------------------------------- 17
3-2 說故事機器人的套件設計 --------------------------------------------------- 20
3-3 系統流程 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
第4章 系統實作 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
4-1 系統環境建置 --------------------------------------------------------------- 25
4-1-1 說故事機器人環境 --------------------------------------------- 25
4-1-2 說故事機器人實作平台 --------------------------------------- 27
4-2 系統實作介面 --------------------------------------------------------------- 27
4-2-1 故事編輯與動作選擇介面 --------------------------------------- 28
4-2-2 單字說明與故事英翻中介面 --------------------------------- 29
4-2-3 機器人動作編輯介面 --------------------------------------------- 29
4-2-4 故事配音介面 --------------------------------------------------- 30
4-2-5 機器人說故事表演操控介面 --------------------------------- 31
第5章 實驗分析與討論 --------------------------------------------------------------- 32
5-1 實驗背景 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
5-2 實驗目的 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
5-3 實驗流程 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
5-4 實驗結果 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
5-5 實驗限制 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
5-6 討論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
第6章 結論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
附錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
訪談內容 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-dong Chen) 審核日期 2007-7-19
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