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姓名 蔡秉宏(Ping-Hung Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 職場情緒勒索、強迫性組織公民行為和組織挫折之關係—以多工時間觀及內疚傾向作為調節變項
(The Relationship between workplace emotional blackmail, compulsory citizenship behavior, and organizational frustration: the moderating effects of polychronicity and guilt-proneness)
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摘要(中) 近年來,職場情緒勒索已成為職場中常見的管理議題,主管與部屬間的互動關係為部屬是否離職的重要決定因素,主管不良的管理能力所造成的巨額成本,已成為組織無法再持續忽視下去的問題。而情緒勒索可分成「威脅導向」及「懇求導向」兩種類型,故本研究以職場情緒勒索為核心,探討此二種情緒勒索類型與強迫性組織公民行為和組織挫折彼此間之關係,並加入多工時間觀與內疚傾向作為調節變項,了解員工個人對工作方式的信念與人格特質將帶來何種影響。
摘要(英) In recent years, workplace emotional blackmail has become a common management issue, with the interaction between supervisors and subordinates being a critical factor influencing employees′ decisions to leave their jobs. The substantial costs resulting from poor management capabilities of supervisors have become a pressing issue that organizations can no longer ignore. Emotional blackmail can be categorized into "intimidation oriented" and "appealing oriented" types. Therefore, this study focuses on these two types of emotional blackmail and explores their relationships with compulsory citizenship behavior (CCB) and organizational frustration, incorporating polychronicity and guilt-proneness as moderating variables to understand how employees′ beliefs about work methods and personality traits influence these relationships.
This study targeted full-time employees in Taiwanese enterprises who have worked with their supervisors for at least one year, collecting data through an online survey, with a total of 384 valid responses. The results show that (1) both intimidation oriented and appealing oriented emotional blackmail are positively related to CCB. (2) Organizational frustration is positively related to intimidation oriented emotional blackmail, appealing oriented emotional blackmail, and CCB. (3) The positive impact of intimidation oriented emotional blackmail on organizational frustration and CCB is greater than the positive impact of appealing oriented emotional blackmail on organizational frustration and CCB. (4) CCB mediates the relationship between intimidation oriented emotional blackmail and organizational frustration. (5) CCB also mediates the relationship between appealing oriented emotional blackmail and organizational frustration. (6) Polychronicity positively moderates the relationship between CCB and organizational frustration. (7) Guilt-proneness does not moderate the relationship between CCB and organizational frustration. Based on these findings, this study proposes relevant practical implications and recommendations to reduce employees′ frustration within organizations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 職場情緒勒索
★ 強迫性組織公民行為
★ 組織挫折
★ 多工時間觀
★ 內疚傾向
關鍵字(英) ★ workplace emotional blackmail
★ compulsory citizenship behavior
★ organizational frustration
★ polychronicity
★ guilt-proneness
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 5
二、文獻探討 6
2-1 職場情緒勒索 6
2-2 強迫性組織公民行為 10
2-3 組織挫折 13
2-4 多工時間觀 15
2-5 內疚傾向 17
2-6 CCB在職場情緒勒索與組織挫折間之中介效果 19
2-7 多工時間觀在CCB與組織挫折之調節效果 22
2-8 內疚傾向在CCB與組織挫折之調節效果 24
三、研究方法 26
3-1 研究架構 26
3-2 研究假設 27
3-3 研究工具 28
3-4 研究對象與程序 34
3-5 資料分析 36
四、研究結果 37
4-1 描述性統計與相關分析 37
4-2 信度分析 39
4-3 效度分析 40
4-4 假設檢驗 44
4-4-1 CCB在威脅/懇求導向情緒勒索與組織挫折的中介效果 44
4-4-2 多工時間觀的調節效果 47
4-4-3 內疚傾向的調節效果 49
五、結論與建議 51
5-1 研究發現與理論貢獻 51
5-2 實務意涵與建議 57
5-3 研究限制與未來研究方向 60
六、參考文獻 61
附錄:研究問卷 73
參考文獻 中文
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指導教授 王群孝(Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2024-7-10
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