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(Effects of Surface Layer Physics Schemes on the Simulated Intensity and Structure of Typhoon Rai (2021))
★ 雲微物理參數化法應用於颱風模式中之研究★ 1998年臺灣梅雨個案模擬及其應用 -蘭陽平原之擴散研究
★ 地形對颱風路徑的影響之數值探討★ 中尺度MM5數值模式與大氣擴散模式之整合應用研究
★ 侵台颱風之GPS折射率3DVAR資料同化及數值模擬★ 地形及渦旋初始化對類似納莉颱風路徑及環流變化之影響
★ 類似桃芝颱風路徑之模擬★ WRF模式在颱風路徑預報應用與EOF分析誤差因素
★ 利用WRF3DVAR同化GPS折射率資料探討 對於颱風預報的影響★ 衛星資料結合變分分析對數值預報之影響
★ 利用MM5 4DVAR模式同化掩星折射率資料及虛擬渦旋探討颱風數值模擬之影響★ 利用MM5 4DVAR同化虛擬渦旋探討其對WRF模式預報颱風之影響
★ GPS掩星觀測資料同化及對區域天氣預報模擬之影響★ 西北向侵台颱風登陸前中心路徑打轉之模擬研究
★ 衛星資料與虛擬渦旋四維變分同化對颱風數值模擬的影響★ 資料同化對台灣地區颱風和梅雨模擬之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究使用WRF 4.5.1版探討不同地表層物理方案對熱帶氣旋強度和結構的影響,並以高解析度模擬了颱風Rai(2021)。研究設計了三種不同地表層物理方案的數值實驗,包括修訂的MM5方案(MM5)、擬Eta方案(CTL)和Mellor–Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino方案(MYNN)。通過模擬的表層、行星邊界層和颱風環流特徵來調查地表層物理方案的影響。結果顯示表層物理方案對颱風強度有很大影響,但對颱風路徑的影響較小。CTL的模擬結果和最佳路徑具有最高的相關係數和最小的偏差及方均根誤差,表示CTL的強度最接近JMA。在表層中,CTL的地表風速、摩擦速度、焓交換係數、地表熱通量和水氣通量以及水汽混合比相對較高,其次是MM5和MYNN。研究結果還表明,地表層物理方案對模擬結構如主環流和次環流、位溫、邊界層高度、暖芯結構和角動量有重要的影響,CTL產生的數量值大於MM5和MYNN。透過Sawyer-Eliassen方程式來分析貢獻的各項分量,表明非絕熱加熱在Rai的次環流發展中起到明顯作用。
摘要(英) The influences of surface layer physics schemes on tropical cyclone intensity and structure are investigated using the WRF 4.5.1 model with high resolution to simulate Typhoon Rai (2021). Numerical experiments are designed with three surface layer physics schemes including revised MM5 Scheme (MM5), Eta similarity scheme (CTL), and Mellor–Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino scheme (MYNN). The impact of surface layer physics schemes has been investigated through the simulated characteristics of the surface layer, planetary boundary layer, and typhoon circulation. The results show that surface layer physics schemes strongly affected typhoon intensity but barely affected typhoon track. With the highest correlation coefficient and smallest bias and root mean square error between the simulated CTL and best track compared to MM5 and MYNN, the intensity of CTL is closest to JMA. At the surface layer, relatively higher surface wind speed, friction velocity, enthalpy exchange coefficients, surface fluxes of heat and moisture, and water vapor mixing ratio are found in CTL, followed by MM5 and MYNN. The findings also demonstrate that simulated structures, such as primary and secondary circulation, potential temperature, boundary layer heights, warm-core structure, and angular momentum are substantially impacted by surface layer physics schemes, and CTL produces larger magnitudes than MM5 and MYNN. By using the Sawyer-Eliassen equation to analyze the contributing forcing components, it is shown that diabatic heating plays a major role in the induced secondary circulation associated with Rai.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地表層物理方案
★ WRF model
關鍵字(英) ★ Surface Layer Physics Schemes
★ WRF model
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgment iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Overview of Typhoon Rai (2021) 4
Chapter 3. Experimental Design 5
3.1. Model Configuration 5
3.2. Surface Layer Parameterization 6
3.2.1. MO Scheme 7
3.2.2. MM5 Scheme 8
3.2.3. MYNN Scheme 8
3.3. AAM Budget 9
3.4. Sawyer-Eliassen Equation 10
Chapter 4. Results 12
4.1. Simulated Track and Intensity 12
4.1.1. Typhoon Track 12
4.1.2. Typhoon Intensity 12
4.2. Characteristics of Surface Layer 14
4.2.1. Exchange Coefficient for Heat and Momentum 14
4.2.2. Horizontal Distribution 16
4.3. Characteristics of Planetary Boundary Layer 18
4.3.1. Primary and Secondary Circulation in PBL 18
4.3.2. Planetary Boundary Layer Height 19
4.3.3. Warm Core 20
4.4. Typhoon Circulation 22
4.5. AAM Budget Analysis 23
4.6. Analysis using the Sawyer-Eliassen Equation 25
4.7. Radar Reflectivity and Precipitation 27
4.7.1. Radar Reflectivity 27
4.7.2. Accumulated Precipitation 28
Chapter 5. Conclusions 30
References 32
Tables 42
Figures 43
Appendix 74
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指導教授 黃清勇(Ching-Yuang Huang) 審核日期 2024-7-23
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