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姓名 郭良裔(Liang-Yi Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 哈吉貝颱風(2019)的外眼牆生成機制
★ 雲微物理參數化法應用於颱風模式中之研究★ 1998年臺灣梅雨個案模擬及其應用 -蘭陽平原之擴散研究
★ 地形對颱風路徑的影響之數值探討★ 中尺度MM5數值模式與大氣擴散模式之整合應用研究
★ 侵台颱風之GPS折射率3DVAR資料同化及數值模擬★ 地形及渦旋初始化對類似納莉颱風路徑及環流變化之影響
★ 類似桃芝颱風路徑之模擬★ WRF模式在颱風路徑預報應用與EOF分析誤差因素
★ 利用WRF3DVAR同化GPS折射率資料探討 對於颱風預報的影響★ 衛星資料結合變分分析對數值預報之影響
★ 利用MM5 4DVAR模式同化掩星折射率資料及虛擬渦旋探討颱風數值模擬之影響★ 利用MM5 4DVAR同化虛擬渦旋探討其對WRF模式預報颱風之影響
★ GPS掩星觀測資料同化及對區域天氣預報模擬之影響★ 西北向侵台颱風登陸前中心路徑打轉之模擬研究
★ 衛星資料與虛擬渦旋四維變分同化對颱風數值模擬的影響★ 資料同化對台灣地區颱風和梅雨模擬之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究以哈吉貝颱風(2019)為例,探討眼牆置換中的動力機制。結果顯示,由內眼牆對流發展釋出的上對流層冰相粒子可能對眼牆置換有重要的貢獻。在本個案中,環境北風風切將大量冰相粒子集中至颱風南側,並在東南側的內眼牆與外圍雨帶之間產生明顯非絕熱冷卻。這些冷卻增強了徑向非絕熱加熱梯度,並在內眼牆與外圍雨帶之間引發逆向的二次環流,使得邊界層上從內眼牆非軸對稱的徑向外流與外圍雨帶外側的徑向內流產生強烈的水平輻合,並引發垂直運動。外圍雨帶外側較強的徑向內流同時也提供較大的角動量徑向平流,使邊界層內的切向風得以加強;邊界層上至低對流層的切向風增量則主要由軸對稱垂直平流產生。外眼牆的形成伴隨著梯度力的軸對稱化與超梯度力的發展,而哈吉貝颱風原有北側超梯度力、南側次梯度力,隨著外眼牆的軸對稱化逐漸消弭,並發展出超梯度力環繞在外眼牆內側。
摘要(英) This study takes the example of Typhoon Hagibis (2019) to investigate the dynamical mechanism of ERC. The result shows that the ice crystals in the upper troposphere diffused by strong inner eyewall convection could be a considerable contributor to ERC. In this case the northerly wind shear concentrates the ice crystals to the south of the cyclone and produces diabatic cooling in between of the inner eyewall and outer rainbands at the southeast quadrant evidently. The cooling effect strengthens the radial gradient of diabatic heating, which induces an inverse secondary circulation between the inner eyewall and the outer rainbands, causing intense horizontal convergence that forces vertical motion via asymmetrical radial outflow above the boundary layer and within the moat to converge with the radial inflow at the radial outward side of the outer rainbands. This radial inflow also provides positive radial advection of angular momentum, which intensifies the tangential wind in the boundary layer, wherase tangential wind increment above the boundary layer and in the lower troposphere is induced by axisymmetric vertical advection. The formation of the outer eyewall is accompanied by the axisymmetrization of gradient force and the development of supergradient force. Typhoon Hagibis performs supergradient force to the north and subgradient force to the south of the vortex center initially, but such agradient pattern is progressively reduced by axisymmetrization of the outer eyewall, with supergradient force building up at the inward side of the outer eyewall.
Overall speaking, asymmetry (eddy) transport is the precursor of the secondary eyewall formation, caused by the outer rainbands, which initiates the unbalanced boundary layer dynamics and accelerates the tangential wind in the boundary layer, wherase axisymmetric processes spin up the tangential wind in the boundary layer at the later stage of the development of the outer eyewall via radial advection, and above the boundary layer and in the lower troposphere via vertical advection. Meanwhile, radial gradient of diabatic heating is related to the outer eyewall developing dynamics, favorable for downshear left quadrant where the strongest radial gradient of diabatic heating exists as the dominant for the formation of the outer eyewall in this case.
關鍵字(中) ★ 眼牆置換 關鍵字(英) ★ Sawyer-Eliassen Equation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
一、前言 1
二、研究方法與實驗設計 4
2-1 哈吉貝颱風簡述 4
2-2 WRF模式設定 5
2-3-1 Sawyer-Eliassen (SE) equation推導 5
2-3-2 Sawyer-Eliassen (SE) equation求解 11
2-4 角動量收支 12
三、模擬結果與各參數分析 14
3-1 模擬結果概覽 14
3-2 雙眼牆間沉降區的生成與演變 16
3-3 外眼牆的生成與演變 17
3-3-1 角動量分析 17
3-3-2 梯度風分析 21
3-3-3 SE方程分析 25
3-4 暖雲實驗 29
四、總結與未來展望 31
4-1 總結 31
4-2未來展望 33
參考文獻 34
附圖 38
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指導教授 黃清勇(Ching-Yuang Huang) 審核日期 2024-7-24
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