博碩士論文 110621007 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃伯聖(Bo-Sheng Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 改善國道交通排放量時序分配以提升空品模擬結果
(Optimizing the Temporal Distribution of Highway Traffic Emissions to Improve Air Quality Simulations)
★ 土地利用型態對地表能量收支與海陸風模擬的影響★ 探討邊界層參數化對氣象與空氣污染模擬結果的影響
★ 探討土地利用型態對珠江口沿岸地區氣象模擬的影響:高污染事件日之個案分析★ 探討台灣地區在春季期間經長程傳輸所觀測之一氧化碳濃度與綜觀天氣之關係
★ 探討地表參數對台灣地區氣象模擬的影響★ 探討區域尺度氣候變遷對台灣地區氣象場及汙染物濃度模擬的影響
★ 使用CMAQ-HDDM探討台灣地區臭氧之非線性 反應及估算高臭氧區的來源貢獻量: 2011年個案分析★ 地表水文循環過程與大氣耦合作用對土壤溼度以及氣象模擬的影響
★ 使用VVM探討陸氣交換過程對台灣地區高解析氣象模擬的影響--理想個案模擬★ 使用群集分析分類綜觀尺度天氣型態以探討台灣北部地區午後熱對流系統局部環流結構與系統發展特性
★ 台灣中部山區局部環流結構特性與其對空氣汙染物傳送過程的影響★ 開發適用於大氣邊界層觀測的無人機系統
★ 雲林地區細懸浮微粒的來源解析★ 臺灣中部山區埔里盆地之局部環流與邊界層結構特性
★ 臺灣背風渦旋特性分析及其對空氣污染物傳輸過程影響★ 探討地下水參數化對於臺灣地表水文過程之影響
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摘要(中) 目前空氣品質模式需要將環境部所發布的TEDS排放量清單提供的之道排放量根據其月、日、小時特性進行時序分配,提供污染物排放的情境,目前的方法並未考量到月特性中包含了連續假期遭成的錯估,以及針對連續假期變動明顯的國道交通量並沒有提供對應變化的排放量。
與空氣品質監測站比較過後可得知,更改國道排放量時序分配,連假期間可以改善NOx的高估情形,普遍可減少1~2ppb的高估以及減少1~2的RMSE,O3濃度改善原本低估約1~2ppb左右, 且NMHC、PM2.5的RMSE也有些許減少。
摘要(英) The current air quality model requires temporal distribution of the emissions inventory provided by the Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS), released by the Ministry of Environment, according to their monthly, daily, and hourly characteristics to provide pollution emission scenarios. The current method does not account for the misestimation caused by consecutive holidays in the monthly characteristics and does not provide corresponding emissions changes for significantly variable highway traffic during consecutive holidays.
This study utilizes high-resolution traffic volume data provided by the Traffic Data Collection System (TDCS) for national highways, calculates the traffic volume information corresponding to vehicle types and counties, and prioritizes the removal of the impact of consecutive holiday days before performing the weighting calculations. First, an emission scenario without consecutive holidays is created, and daily emission multipliers for various types of consecutive holiday characteristics are provided, allowing flexible adjustment of holiday emissions.
After correcting the temporal distribution of emissions, NOx emissions during the consecutive Chinese New Year holidays decrease by approximately 0.13 tons per hour on average, while NMHC emissions increase by about 0.03 tons in the areas south of Hsinchu and Miaoli. During February on non-consecutive holidays, NOx emissions increase by approximately 0.04 tons per hour, and NMHC emissions decrease by about 0.03 tons. These changes in the emission scenario align with the actual traffic volume, such as the reduction of NOx emissions due to fewer heavy trucks during holidays and the increase in NMHC due to more private car trips, proving that this temporal distribution method can better interpret the actual highway emissions in the model.
After updating the highway temporal distribution method, the impact on the air quality model includes changes in primary pollutants NOX and NMHC as well as secondary pollutants O3 and PM2.5. The main concentration changes occur in the western part of the region around highways. During consecutive holidays, NOx reductions are most significant, with decreases reaching 12-30 ppb at 8 A.M. under weak synoptic weather conditions. Since the western region along the highways is VOC-limited, O3 concentrations increase, with daytime concentrations rising by about 2-4 ppb and nighttime by about 1-3 ppb. The reduction in NOx also increases the OH radical concentration in the air, reacting with NMHC and resulting in a decrease in NMHC concentration by about 0.8-1.2 ppb. PM2.5 concentrations decrease due to reduced secondary nitrate formation from NOx and direct emissions of elemental carbon, with daytime simulated concentrations decreasing by 0.8-1.2 μg/m³ and nighttime by 0.8-2 μg/m³.
Comparison with air quality monitoring stations indicates that adjusting the highway emission temporal distribution can improve the overestimation of NOx during holidays, generally reducing overestimation by 1-2 ppb and decreasing RMSE by 1-2. The O3 concentration improves from an initial underestimation by about 1-2 ppb, and RMSE for NMHC and PM2.5 also shows some reduction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 交通排放
★ 空氣污染
★ 空氣品質模式
關鍵字(英) ★ TEDS
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 2
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機及目的 4
第二章 資料來源與研究方法 5
2-1 國道車流量資料來源及使用方法 6
2-2 模式介紹與設定 7
2-2-1 氣象模式 7
2-2-2 排放量清單 8
2-2-3 空氣品質模式 8
2-3 氣象及空氣品質觀測資料來源 9
2-4 研究方法 10
2-5 實驗設計 12
第三章 時序分配方法之結果與討論 14
3-1 月權重 14
3-1-1 小客車 14
3-1-2 小貨車 15
3-1-3 大客車 15
3-1-4 大貨車 15
3-2 週變化日權重 16
3-2-1 小客車 16
3-2-2 小貨車 16
3-2-3 大客車 17
3-2-4 大貨車 17
3-3 利用時間權重將車流量的時序分配結果與真實車流量比較 18
3-3-1 小客車 18
3-3-2 小貨車 18
3-3-3 大客車 19
3-3-4 大貨車 19
第四章 排放量及數值模式模擬結果及分析
4-1 氣象模式較驗 20
4-2 排放量情境變化 20
4-2-1 人為排放量占比 21
4-2-2 各物種排放量變化 21
4-3 空品模式模擬結果 22
4-3-1 連續假期空氣品質模擬 22
4-3-2 非連續假期空氣品質模擬 25
第五章 結論及未來展望 29
5-1 結論 28
5-2 未來展望 30
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指導教授 鄭芳怡(Fang-Yi Cheng) 審核日期 2024-7-31
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